Chap. 0074 An Act authorizing the town of webster to convey to the commonwealth for armory purposes certain park land in said town. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. The board of selectmen of the town of Webster, with the approval of the board of park commissioners of said town, is hereby authorized to transfer and convey to the commonwealth for armory purposes a certain parcel of park land, being a portion of Memorial park, situated in said town, and bounded and described as follows: - Beginning at a stake in the northerly line of Ray street, five hundred and thirty-one and ninety-six one hundredths feet easterly of the easterly line of Lincoln street; thence northerly at right angles to said Ray street and extending north 1° 30' east, a distance of five hundred and forty-one and seventy-three one hundredths feet to a stake; thence easterly with an interior angle of 90° 09', a distance of two hundred feet; thence southerly with an interior angle of 89° 51', a distance of five hundred and forty-two and twenty-five one hundredths feet to a stake in the northerly line of said Ray street; the last three courses being by land of the town of Webster; thence westerly at right angles to the last course, a distance of two hundred feet by the northerly line of Ray street to the point of beginning. Being a portion of the premises conveyed to the town of Webster by S. Slater & Sons, Incorporated, by deed dated April 21, 1923 and recorded with the Worcester District Registry of Deeds, Book 2296, Page 138. Section 2. The armory commission is hereby authorized to accept such land in the name and on behalf of the commonwealth, and thereafter said land shall be used for armory purposes. Section 3. This act shall take full effect upon its acceptance at the next annual town meeting of said town, but not otherwise. Approved February 25, 1952.