Chap. 0019 AN ACT IN ADDITION TO AN ACT MADE AND PASSED IN THE ELEVENTH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF KING WILLIAM THE THIRD, INTITLED "AN ACT FOR SUPPRESSING AND PUNISHING OF ROGUES, VAGABONDS AND COMMON BEGGARS AND OTHER LEWD, IDLE AND DISORDERLY PERSONS; AND FOR SETTING THE POOR TO WORK." Whereas the execution of an act, made and passed in the eleventh 3rear of the reign of King William the Third, intitled "An Act for the suppressing and punishing of rogues, vagabonds, common beggars and other lewd, idle and disorderly persons ; and also for setting the poor to work," is oftentimes rendered very difficult, by reason of the distance of the place where such persons are found and taken up, from the house of correction to which they are directed by said act to be sent iu order for punishment; by means whereof such persons often escape without any punishment, and thereby many such disorderly persons are encouraged to come from distant parts into this province, whereby his majesty's good and industrious subjects here are frequently burthened and imposed on by such vagrant, idle and disorderly persons ; for the more effectual preventing whereof for the future,- Be it enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor, Council and House of Representatives, That henceforward it shall be in the power of the court of general sessions of the peace, in any county within this province, and of one or more justices of the peace out of court, at his discretion, cither to send and commit to the house of correction all such persons as said court or justice might send or commit thereto by the provision of said act, or otherwise punish them by setting in the stocks, not exceeding three hours, or by whipping not exceeding ten stripes; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. [Passed April 26, 1770.