Chap. 0384 An Act to authorize railroad corporations to guarantee the bonds of connecting railroads. Be it enacted, $fc, as folloios : Section 1. A railroad corporation whose road is wholly constructed and in operation, may guarantee the bonds of . another railroad corporation whose road is chartered to connect with its own, upon such terms and to such an extent as may be authorized by a majority of the votes at a meeting of its stockholders called for the purpose: provided, the bonds so guaranteed do not exceed the amount of the capital stock of such other corporation actually paid in cash by its stockholders, and are in all other respects issued in conformity with the provisions of the general laws relating thereto. Section 2. The fourth section of chapter three hundred and twenty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and seventy is hereby repealed. Section 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 26, 1871.