Chap. 0463 An Act to provide for the survey and improvement of harbors, and for repairing damages occasioned by storms along the ftat line or river banks of the commonwealth. T>e it enacted, etc.. an follows: Section 1. The board of harbor and land commissioners i? hereby authorized to expend at its discretion during the year eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars, for the survey and improvement of harbors and for repairing damages'occasioned by storms or other destructive agencies along the coast line or river banks of this Commonwealth. Section 2. Said board may take, by purchase or otherwise, in the name and behalf of the Commonwealth, any land or materials necessary for making such improvements or repairs. The manner of such taking and of determining the damages caused thereby or by any doings of said board under the provisions of this act shall be the same as is provided for by sections seven and eight of chapter four hundred and seven of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, relating to the taking of land by the metropolitan park commission, and said board shall for the purposes of this act have all the powers conferred upon the metropolitan park commission by said sections. The damages vrhen finally determined shall be paid from the treasury of the Commonwealth to the person or persons entitled thereto. Section 3. Xo contract made under the authority of this act shall be valid until approved in writing by the governor and council. Section 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved June 2. 1S99.