Chap. 305. An Act further regulating the issuance of alcoholic BEVERAGE LICENSES IN THE PROXIMITY OF SCHOOLS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 16C of chapter 138 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out the first paragraph, as most recently amended by chapter 435 of the acts of 1968, and inserting in place thereof the following paragraph: — Premises, except those of an innholder and except such parts of build- 158 Acts, 1969. — Chaps. 306, 307. . ings as are located ten or more floors above street level, located within a radius of five hundred feet of a church or school shall not be licensed for the sale of alcoholic beverages; but this provision shall not apply to the transfer of a license from premises located within said distance to other premises located therein, if it is transferred to a location not less remote from the nearest church or school than its former location, nor shall it apply to the licensing of premises located within a radius of five hundred feet of a church or school if the governing body of such church or school assents in writing to such licensing. The term governing body as used in the preceding sentence shall mean the school committee, in the case of a public school. Approved May 15, 1969.