Chap. 0021 AN ACT MAKING PROVISION FOR GIVING PERMITS TO THE DISTILLERS AND THE IMPORTERS OF THOSE ARTICLES WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO AN EXCISE DUTY. Whereas in the Act passed this Session, laying an Excise upon certain Articles therein mentioned, it is provided, that no Distiller or Importer of the Articles therein mentioned, shall presume to sell or anyway dispose of said Articles, to unlicenced Persons, without a Permit first obtained from the Collector of the Duties for the County where such Distiller or Importer dwells; and it is not expedient in this Session of the Court, to proceed to the Choice of said Collectors: Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the Selectmen of the several Towns in this Commonwealth, or the major Part of them, be, and are hereby empowered and directed to give Permits to all such Distillers or Importers, as appl}r for the same, in the same Manner as is by said Act provided to be done by the Collectors, until said Collectors shall be appointed ; they to be allowed Two Shillings for each Permit, to be paid by the Person receiving the same ; and make Return of their Doings to the Collectors of their respective Counties, as soon after the Appointment of said Collectors as may be. And all Persons selling without Permit from the Selectmen, shall be subject to the same Penalties as are provided in the Act aforesaid for selling without a Permit from the Collectors. November 2, 1781.