Chap. 0066 An Act in addition to an act making appropriations for the maintenance of the government during the current year. Be it enacted, Sfc, as follows : Section 1. The sums hereinafter mentioned are appropriated, to be paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth, from the ordinary revenue, for the purposes specified, to meet expenses for the year ending on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, to wit:- supreme judicial court. For the salary of the clerk of the supreme judicial court for the Commonwealth, three thousand dollars. For the salary of the assistant-clerk of said court, fifteen hundred dollars. For the salary of the reporter of the decisions of the supreme judicial court, three hundred dollars. For expenses of said court, a sum not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars. superior court. For the salary of the chief justice of the superior court, three thousand seven hundred dollars. For the salaries of nine associate justices of said court, thirty-one thousand five hundred dollars. courts of probate and insolvency. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Suffolk, three thousand dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Middlesex, two thousand dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Worcester, two thousand dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Essex, eighteen hundred dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Norfolk, fourteen hundred dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Bristol, twelve hundred dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Plymouth, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Berkshire, nine hundred dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Hampden, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Hampshire, seven hundred dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Franklin, seven hundred dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Barnstable, seven hundred dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Nantucket, four hundred dollars. For the salary of the judge of probate and insolvency for the county of Dukes county, four hundred dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Suffolk, three thousand dollars. For the salary of the assistant-register for the county of Suffolk, fifteen hundred dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Middlesex, eighteen hundred dollars. For the salary of the assistant-register for the county of Middlesex, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Worcester, seventeen hundred dollars. For the salary of the assistant-register for the county of Worcester, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Essex, seventeen hundred dollars. For the salary of the assistant-register for the county of Essex, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Norfolk, twelve hundred dollars. For the salary of the assistant-register for the county of Norfolk, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Bristol, thirteen hundred dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Plymouth, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Hampden, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Berkshire, nine hundred dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Hampshire, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Franklin, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Barnstable, seven hundred dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for the county of Nantucket, five hundred dollars. For the salary of the register of probate and insolvency for Dukes county, five hundred dollars. For certain expenses of the courts of insolvency, authorized by the General Statutes, or similar accounts for the courts of probate and insolvency, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars. district-attorneys. For the salary of the attorney for the county of Suffolk, three thousand dollars. For the salary of the assistant-attorney for the county of Suffolk, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the eastern district, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the northern district, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the southern district, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the middle district, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the south-eastern district, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the western district, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the attorney for the north-western district, eight hundred dollars. police courts. For the salaries of three justices of the police court in Boston, seven thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Adams, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Cambridge, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Charles-town, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Chelsea, one thousand three hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Chicopee, nine hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Fall River, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Gloucester, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Haverhill, nine hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Lawrence, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Lee, five hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Lowell, two thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Lynn, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Milford, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in New Bedford, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Newburyport, nine hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Pittsfield, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Roxbury, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Salem, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Springfield, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Williams-town, three hundred dollars. For the salary of the justice of the police court in Worcester, one thousand five hundred dollars. For the salaries of the clerks of police courts, exclusive of clerks elected under chapter one hundred and sixteen, section four, of the General Statutes, to wit: For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Boston, two thousand dollars. For the salaries of four assistant-clerks of said court, five thousand two hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Cambridge, five hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Charles-town, five hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Fall River, six hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Lawrence, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Lowell, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Lynn, three hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in New Bedford, eight hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Newbury-port, five hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Roxbury, five hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Salem, nine hundred dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the police court in Worcester, nine hundred dollars. municipal court. For the salary of the justice of the municipal court in ,Taunton, one thousand dollars. For the salary of the clerk of the municipal court in Taunton, six hundred dollars. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved March 6, 1865.