Chap. 569. AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF FRANKLIN COUNTY. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. To provide for the maintenance of Franklin county, its departments, boards, commissions and institutions, of sundry other services, for certain permanent improvements, for interest and debt requirements, and to meet certain requirements of law, the following sums are hereby appropriated, subject to the provisions of law regulating the disbursement of county funds and the approval thereof, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighty. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Item Subtotal Total 1. For interest on county debt............................... $3,000 00 3. For county commissioners, salaries and expenses........... 40,304 90 1. Personal services $37,979 90 2. Contractual services 1,100 00 3. Supplies and materials 725 00 4. Current charges and obligations 500 00 4. For transportation and expenses of county and acting commissioners.............................. 700 00 6. For county treasurer, salaries and expenses............... 45,105 44 1. Personal services 38,880 44 2. Contractual services 3,555 00 3. Supplies and materials 1,250 00 4. Current charges and obligations 570 00 5. Equipment 850 00 7. For sheriff, salary and expenses........................... 19,909 46 1. Personal services 18,874 46 2. Contractual services 750 00 3. Supplies and materials 125 00 4. Current charges and obligations 160 00 8. For registry of deeds, salaries and expenses................ 122,908 98 1. Personal services 87,514 98 2. Contractual services 24,665 00 3. Supplies and materials 3,900 00 4. Current charges and obligations 1,245 00 5. Equipment 5,584 00 10. For highways, including state highways, bridges and land damages.......................... 13,000 00 2. Contractual services 8,450 00 3. Supplies and materials 50 00 6. All other 4,500 00 15. For medical examiners and commitments of insane........... 14,100 00 16. For jail and house of correction, maintenance and operation..................................... 506,475 63 1. Personal services 374,010 63 2. Contractual services 39,400 00 3. Supplies and materials 76,175 00 4. Current charges and obligations 6,205 00 5. Equipment 4,185 00 6. All other 6,500 00 18. For court houses and registry building, maintenance and operation......................... 94,411 12 1. Personal services 46,211 12 2. Contractual services 28,220 00 Item Subtotal Total 3. Supplies and materials $19,680 00 4. Current charges and obligations 225 00 5. Equipment 75 00 20. For agricultural school or county cooperative extension service.................................. $170,005 92 1. Personal services 145,016 92 2. Contractual services 17,320 00 3. Supplies and materials 3,600 00 4. Current charges and obligations 575 00 5. Equipment 3,494 00 21. For state reservation, maintenance and operation (Whately Recreation Area).......................... 11,877 00 2. Contractual services 6,025 00 3. Supplies and materials 2,500 00 4. Current charges and obligations 1,000 00 5. Equipment 2,352 00 26. For miscellaneous and contingent expenses................. 23,125 00 27. For unpaid bills of previous years......................... 5,000 00 28. For reserve fund.......................................... 25,000 00 29. For advertising recreational, industrial and agricul- tural advantages of the county.................... 30,000 00 31. For radio system for fire protection........................ 3,345 00 31a. For police radio system.................................... 1,495 00 31b. For medical service radio system........................... 890 00 35. For county planning....................................... ' 71,704 90 37. For human services........................................ 181,415 39 39. For group insurance; provided, that no funds appropriated for this item shall be expended for the payment of abortions not necessary to prevent the death of the mother.................. 67,000 00 Total amount of appropriations $1,450,773 74 Less estimated amount available for reduction of county tax 109,550 00 And the county commissioners of Franklin county are hereby authorized to levy as the county tax of said county for the current year, in the manner provided by law, the sum of..................................... $1,341,223 74 The following sums are hereby appropriated for said fiscal year from federal revenue snaring funds, subject to the provisions of law regulating the disbursement of county funds and approval thereof. Item 24. For noncontributory pensions.............................. 23,059 44 25. For contributory retirement systems and supervisory expenses .................................................. 144,636 00 Total $167,695 44 SECTION 2. This act shall take effect on July first, nineteen hundred and seventy-nine. Approved August 27, 1979.