Chap. 486. An Act directing the building inspector of the TOWN OF BRAINTREE TO ISSUE A PERMIT TO THE BRAINTREE HOUSING AUTHORITY TO CONSTRUCT A MULTIPLE HOUSING PROJECT FOR THE ELDERLY. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapters forty A and one hundred and forty-five of the General Laws, the building inspector of the town of Braintree shall issue a permit to the Braintree Housing Authority, if said authority acquires title to the parcel of land hereinafter described, to construct a multiple housing project for the elderly of not more than seventy-five units, no building of which project shall exceed two stories, on land off Hayward street in said town as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of land in B.raintree, Mass.", dated December 8, 1947, Frank L. Heaney, Civil Engr., 49 Sherbrooke Avenue, Braintree, Mass., and more particularly described as Plots 28, 31, 32 and 33 of Assessor's Plan 3051, and containing 7.30 acres, more or less. The erection of buildings on, and the use of, said parcel of land shall conform Acts, 1968. —