CHAP. 203. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF NEWBURYPORT TO PAY T. FRANCIS KELLEHER A FEE FOR HIS SERVICES AS ATTORNEY FOR CERTAIN CITY EMPLOYEES. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. For the purpose of discharging a moral obligation, the city of Newburyport is hereby authorized to appropriate and pay a fee in an amount not exceeding five hundred dollars to T. Francis Kelleher for his services as attorney for the defendants in an action brought by Charles K. Morrill against Frank Hamel and Ed"'ard Butler, constables employed by said city, on account of the performance of their official duties as such constables. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its acceptance by the mayor and the city council of said city, subject to the provisions of its charter, but not otherwise. Approved 111arch 25, 1958.