Chap. 0242. AN ACT PLACING CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE TOWN OF HANOVER UNDER THE CIVIL SERVICE LAW. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The positions of full-time firefighter, full-time firefighter-EMT, full-time fire captain and deputy fire chief in the fire department of the town of Hanover shall be subject to chapter 31 of the General Laws and the tenure of any incumbent thereof shall be unlimited subject to the provisions of said chapter 31. SECTION 2. Entrance and promotional examinations previously taken by the incumbents cited in section 1 shall serve as qualifying examinations for civil service status. SECTION 3. Firefighter personnel hired during the 6 month period preceding the effective date of this act shall be included as civil service employees under chapter 31 of the General Laws, subject to any applicable probationary period. SECTION 4. Notwithstanding section 58 of chapter 31 of the General Laws, the residency requirement for the positions of full-time firelighter, full-time firelighter - EMT and full-time captain - EMT in the fire department of the town of Hanover shall be determined by Article XXIV of the collective bargaining agreement between the town of Hanover and the Professional Firefighter of Hanover and shall remain a subject of collective bargaining. SECTION 5. This act shall take effect upon its passage. The foregoing was laid before the Governor on the Twenty-second day of July, 2004 and after ten days had the force of law as prescribed by the Constitution as it was not returned by him to the branch in which it originated with his objections thereto within that time.