Chap. 0179 An Act relating to the appointment of resident physicians at tewksbury almshouse.. Be it enacted, &c, as follows: Section 1. The governor, with the advice and consent of the council, shall appoint, for the state almshouse, i resident physician competent to take charge of insane inmates, who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the governor, whose salary, subject to the approval of the governor, shall be fixed by the inspectors of said institution ; and said physician shall in addition thereto possess the same rights and privileges, relative to residence at said almshouse, as are now by law possessed by the superintendent thereof. Section 2. The inspectors of the state almshouse shall, within ten days from the passage of this act, and thereafter whenever a vacancy shall occur, within ten days from the occurrence of. such vacancy, nominate to the governor and council some suitable person for resident ph}Tsician at said institution, and in case of failure on the part of said inspectors to make such nomination within the time specified, the governor and council may appoint a resident physician without such previous nomination. Section 3. The resident physician shall immediately upon his appointment, and thereafter whenever a vacancy occurs, nominate to the inspectors suitable persons for the offices of first and second assistant physician, who shall hold their several offices during the pleasure of said inspectors and at such salaries as may be fixed by them. Section 4. The resident physician shall have entire charge of, and be responsible for the medical treatment of the inmates of the hospital at said almshouse, and of the asylum for the insane ; shall appoiut and remove the nurses of the hospital, and the attendants of the asylum, and shall fix their several salaries subject to the approval of the inspectors; he shall regulate and control the dietary of said hospital and asylum, and shall supervise the preparation of the food for these departments ; he shall from time to time make requisitions upon the superintendent for such food, medicines and necessaries (other than the ordinary almshouse supplies) as in his judgment the requirements of a well ordered hospital demand. Approved April 26, 1876.