Chap. 0035 an act for incorporating the easterly precinct in the town of mendon, in the county of worcester, into a sep[e][a]rate town by the name of milford. Preamble. 4 Mass., 390. Boundary line. Inhabitants of Milford to pay a proportionable part of the poor of Mendon, The town of Milford to pay their proportionable part of taxes. Proprietors to hold their common rights. Whereas it appears that the inhabitants of the easterly precinct in the town of Mendon, in the county of Worcester, labour under many difficulties in their present situation, for remedying of which they earnestly request they may be incorporated into a sep[e] [a] rate town, - Be it therefore enacted by the Council and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, [SecT. 1.] That the easterly part of the town of Mendon, in the county of Worcester, bounded as follows; vizCt]., beginning at a heap of stones on Bellingham line, on the north side of the country road; then, run[n]ing west, and bounded south on said road, until it comes to a road called the Eight-rod Eoad, now reduced to a four-rod road ; then, north, and bounded westerly on said road, as it is now stated by the town of Mendon, until it comes to Upton line; thence, on Upton line, to Hopkinton line ; thence, on Hopkinton line, to Hollis-ton line ; thence, on Ilolliston line, to Bellingham line ; thence, on Bellingham line, to the bounds lirst mentioned, - be and hereby is incorporated into a town by the name of Milford ; and that the inhabitants thereof be, and they are hereby, invested with all the powers, privil[i][e]ges and immunities which the inhabitants of the towns in this state do or may by law enjoy. And provided, nevertheless, - And be it further enacted. [Sect. 2.] That the inhabitants of the said town of Milford shall be held to take and maintain their proportionable part of the poor of said town of Mendon that are now maintained as such, or that shall be hereafter returned from any other town as belonging to said Mendon before the said town of Milford was incorporated. And be it further enacted, [Sect. 3.] ' That the inhabitants of said town of Milford shall be held to pay their proportionable part of all town, county, and state, taxes that are already raised or granted to be assessed on the inhabitants of said town of Mendon, or that shall be granted to be assessed on said town of Mendon, during the present sitting of the great and general court, and be held to repair and build one-half of the bridges, and mend"and repair one-half the roads on which they are bounded, lying in the said town of Mendon, forever. And be it further enacted, [Sect. 4.] That all the proprietors belonging to the propriety of the town of Mendon, that shall be incorporated'into the town of Milford, shall hold all their common rights, in the common and undivided lands in the propriety of the former township of said Mendon, as though they had not been set off into a sep[e][a]rate town, and their proportionable part of the ministry-, and school-money belonging to said town of Mendon, that have accrued to them by the sale of the schools and ministry-lands. And be it further enacted, [Sect. 5.] That Joseph Dorr, Esq[r:i., be, and he is hereby, directed and [i][e]mpowered to issue his warrant, directed to some principal inhabitant of said town of Mil ford, requiring him to warn the inhabitants of said town of Milford, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble and meet at some suitable time, and place in said town, to choose all such officers as towns,by law,are required and [i][Empowered to choose in the month of 'March, annually, and to transact all other matters and business necessary to be done in said town. [Passed April 11, 1780.