Chap. 180. AN ACT REORGANIZING THE HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION IN THE TOWN OF BEDFORD. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Section 4 of chapter 118 of the acts of 1964 is hereby amended by striking out the first four sentences and inserting in place thereof the following seven sentences:- A Historic District Commission in the town of Bedford is hereby established and shall consist of five members and two alternate members appointed by the board of selectmen, including one member from two nominees submitted by the Bedford Historical Society, one member a resident of the historic district to be administered by the Commission, and one member an attorney at law. The appointments to membership in the Commission shall be so arranged that the term of at least one member will expire each year, and their successors shall be appointed in the same manner as the original appointment for terms of five years for members. Alternate members shall serve for a term of three years. Nominations for appointment of members and alternate members shall be submitted to the board of selectmen by letter which shall contain a statement of the qualifications of the nominees. In case of the absence, inability to act or unwillingness to act because of self interest on the part of a member of the commission, his place shall be taken by an alternate member designated by the chairman. Each member and alternate member shall continue in office after the expiration of his term until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. All members shall serve without compensation . SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved May 18, 1979.