CHAP. 365. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF WORCESTER TO APPROPRIATE AND TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN TEACHERS OF THE WORCESTER BOYS' TRADE HIGH SCHOOL FOR CERTAIN AMOUNTS OF SALARY LOST BY THEM BECAUSE OF ACCOUNTING ERRORS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: The city of "\Vorcester is hereby authorized to appropriate the amount required and to reimburse the following teachers of the Worcester Boys' Trade High School for the amount of salary lost by them as a result of accounting errors in their respective salary schedules from September twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and fifty-two through December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and fifty-five: Warren H. Anderson, John L. Banionis, Chester D. Blackman, Anthony F. Cogoli, Leonard E. Hazlett, John J. Limoges, Albert E. Olson, John M. Pa­quette, John T. Talbot, and Raymond J. 'Velcom. Approved June 4,1958.