Chap. 0495 An Act authorizing the commissioner of public safetv to convey a certain parcel of land in the town of middleborough. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: The commissioner of public safety, on behalf of the commonwealth, is hereby authorized and directed to convey by a sufficient deed, in such form and containing such provisions binding on the grantee as to said commissioner shall seem best and approved as to its form by the attorney general, to Walter E. Rowley a parcel of land in the town of Middleborough in the county of Plymouth, bounded and described as follows: - Beginning at a point in the southerly line of the Massachusetts state highway known as West Grove street, said point being the most easterly corner of land of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, department of public safety and in line of land of Walter E. Rowley; thence, south 54 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds west 272.48 feet in line of land of said Rowley to a stone bound; thence, south 54 degrees 31 minutes 15 seconds west 356.52 feet in line of land of said Rowley to a stake to a corner; thence, north 34 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds west 120.48 feet in line of land of said Rowley to a stake for a corner; thence, north 87 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds west 698.69 feet in line of land of said Rowley to a stake for a corner; thence, north 36 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds west 51.12 feet in line of land of said Rowley to a corner; thence, in line of remaining land of the commonwealth of Massachusetts south 87 degrees 39 minutes 50 seconds east 700.87 feet to a corner; thence, still in line of remaining land of the commonwealth of Massachusetts north 44 degrees 17 minutes 50 seconds east 477.63 feet to a Massachusetts state highway bound in the southerly side line of West Grove street opposite Station 185 plus 00, in the 1930 layout of the aforementioned West Grove street; thence, in a southerly line of West Grove street south 66 degrees 37 minutes 45 seconds east 300.03 feet to the point of beginning, containing 3.39 acres more or less. In return therefor the commonwealth shall receive from said Walter E. Rowley and he shall convey to the commonwealth a parcel of land in said town, bounded and described as follows: - Beginning at a stake at the southeasterly corner of the lot to be described and in line of land of the commonwealth of Massachusetts and known as the "Sullivan Lot"; thence in line of land conveyed by Walter E. Rowley to the commonwealth of Massachusetts south 77 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds west 125.0 feet to a stake; thence in line of land of Angelo Zervas north 21 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds east 139.92 feet to a stake; thence in line of land of the commonwealth of Massachusetts and known as the "Sullivan Lot" south 34 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds east 125.0 feet to the stake first mentioned and point of beginning. Containing 7,670 square feet more or less. Approved June 4, 1948.