Chap. 43. AN ACT DIRECTING THE COUNTY TREASURER OF PLYMOUTH COUNTY TO PAY CERTAIN UNPAID BILLS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The county treasurer of Plymouth county is hereby authorized, with the approval of the county commissioners, to pay, from any available funds, the sum of fifteen dollars to Stephen C. Milt, M.D., and fifteen dollars to George Blumental, M.D., for services rendered to the Plymouth county jail and house of correction in the year nineteen hundred and seventy-seven; the sums of two hundred and fifty dollars to Robert F. Moore, three hundred dollars to Michael L. Glenn, two hundred and fifty dollars to Charles Saltzman, and one thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars to the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary for providing certain health care services to certain prisoners at the Plymouth county jail and house of correction and the Massachusetts Correctional Institution, Bridge-water in the year nineteen hundred and seventy-six; the sums of thirty-two dollars and fifty cents to James S. Bagnell, two hundred and eighty dollars to Thomas Byrnes, one hundred and fifty-five dollars to Sheldon Cohen, thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents to Clyde K. Hanyen, fifteen dollars to Joseph F. Killion, forty dollars to Samuel R. Koplan, fifty dollars to Morris M. Lelyveld, six hundred and fifteen dollars to Edward J. Lydon, one hundred and ten dollars to Peter MacDonald, two hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents to Timothy A. Mantalos, two hundred and thirty-nine dollars and forty cents to Chester R. McLaughlin, thirty-five dollars to Stephen R. Merlin, one hundred and thirty-nine dollars and fifty cents to Ian S. Oppenheim, one hundred and thirty-five dollars to John D. Riordan, ninety-seven dollars and fifty cents to Alvin J. Sims, and one hundred and five dollars to Allan H. Tufankjian for services as attorneys in providing legal defenses for indigent persons in the courts in Plymouth county in the years nineteen hundred and seventy-five and nineteen hundred and seventy-six; the sum of thirty-five dollars and ninety-four cents to Lynn Fortini, an employee in the office of the clerk of the third district court of Plymouth, as compensation for services due her resulting from an error in the calculating of her salary in the year nineteen hundred and seventy-five; and the sum of one thousand one hundred and two dollars and forty-two cents to Suffolk county as reimbursement for travelling expenses and for services of certain judges in said county for sitting in certain district courts in Plymouth county. SECTION 2. No bill shall be approved by the county commissioners of said county for payment or paid by the county treasurer thereof under authority of this act unless and until a certificate has been signed and filed with said county treasurer, stating under penalties of perjury that the services for which said bill was submitted were ordered by an official or an employee of said county and that such services were performed and actually received by said county. SECTION 3. Any person who knowingly files a certificate required by section two, which is false, and who thereby receives payment for services which were not rendered to said county shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars, or both. Approved April 7, 1978