Chap. 0144 An Act subjecting the offices of commissioner of soldiers' relief and state and military aid and supervisor of soldiers' and sailors' graves in the city of springfield to the civil service laws. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. The offices of commissioner of soldiers' relief and state and military aid and supervisor of soldiers' and sailors' graves in the city of Springfield shall, upon the effective date of this act, become subject to the civil service laws and rules and regulations, and the terms of office of any incumbents thereof shall be unlimited, except that they may be removed in accordance with sueh laws and rules and regulations; but the persons holding said offices on said effective date may respectively continue therein without taking a civil service examination. Section 2. This act shall be submitted for acceptance to the registered voters of the city of Springfield at the biennial state election in the current year in the form of the following question which shall be placed upon the official ballot to be used in said city at said election: "Shall an act passed by the general court in the year nineteen hundred and thirty-four, entitled 'An Act subjecting the Offices of Commissioner of Soldiers' Relief and State and Military Aid and Supervisor of Soldiers' and Sailors' Graves in the City of Springfield to the Civil Service Laws', be accepted?" If a majority of the voters voting thereon vote in the affirmative in answer to said question, this act shall thereupon take full effect, but not otherwise. Approved April 18, 1984-