Chap. 692 An Act relative to veterans' benefits. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. The definition of "Veteran" in section 1 of chapter 115 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after the word "inclusive", in line 7 of clause (d), as appearing in section 4 of chapter 688 of the acts of 1954, the following clause: — ; or (e) meets all the requirements of said clause Forty-third, except that instead of performing wartime service as so defined he is entitled to any of the following campaign badges:—First Nicaraguan, Haitian, Dominican, Yangtze River, Second Yangtze River, Second Nicaraguan, Vera Cruz, Mexican Service; provided, that in any case the service of such person was credited to Massachusetts, or such person has a settlement in the commonwealth. Section 2. Section one A of said chapter one hundred and fifteen of the General Laws, as inserted by section thirty-six of chapter six hundred and twenty-seven of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-four, is hereby repealed. Section 3. Section 41 of chapter 627 of the acts of 1954, as amended by section 1 of chapter 708 of the acts of 1955, is hereby further amended by inserting after the word "privileges", in line 7, the following: — and no person actually receiving veterans' benefits or hospital benefits or treatment on or before June ninth, nineteen hundred and fifty-four shall be deprived of such benefits because of the provisions of this act. Approved August 11, 1956.