Chap. 224. An Act further regulating the time within which written acceptance of certain nominations for public office shall be filed. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 3 of chapter 53 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out the first sentence, as amended by section 1 of chapter 584 of the acts of 1965, and inserting in place thereof the following three sentences: — A person whose name is not printed on a state primary ballot as a candidate for an office, but who receives sufficient votes to nominate him therefor, shall, within thirteen days following five o'clock post meridiem on the day said primary was held, file a written acceptance of said nomination in the office of the state secretary. A person whose name is not printed on a city or town primary ballot, but who receives sufficient votes to nominate him, shall, within six days from the aforementioned time and day, file a written acceptance of said nomination in the office of the city or town clerk. The name of any such person who fails to file such a written acceptance shall not be printed on the official ballot to be used at the ensuing election. Approved April 22,1971.