Chap. 349. AN ACT FURTHER DEFINING APPEALS PROCEDURES WITH REGARD TO SCENIC AND RECREATIONAL RIVERS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 17B of chapter 21 of the General Laws is hereby amended by adding the following two paragraphs:- The superior court, upon a complaint in the nature of a civil action shall have the jurisdiction to determine whether an order promulgated under this section constitutes a taking without compensation. Such determination shall be independent of any determination by the court of the reasonableness of the exercise of the police power under this section. Said superior court is hereby authorized to hear a complaint of any person having a recorded interest in land or a class action under Rule 23 of the Massachusetts Rules of Civil Procedure and may award damages under the provisions of chapter seventy-nine by reason of the adoption of the order, whether or not such order is determined to be unreasonable. If the court determines that such order is unreasonable, and if the commissioner shall petition under the provisions of chapter seventy-nine for a taking by eminent domain, the court shall have the power to award damages to the person having the recorded interest in land affected by such order or make such general award of damages relative to a class of land owners who qualify under said Rule 23. (The foregoing was laid before the Governor on the second day of July, 1982 and after ten days it had "the force of law", as prescribed by the Constitution, as it was not returned by him with his objections thereto within that time)