Chap. 225. AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF NANTUCKET TO USE A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A COMMERCIAL BOAT PIER. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: The town of Nantucket is hereby authorized to use a certain parcel of land acquired by said town for the purposes of clause (53) of section five of chapter forty of the General Laws, for the construction of a commercial boat pier, for off-loading of commercial items including, but not limited to, stone, gravel, aviation fuel, gasoline, fuel oil, fish and shellfish. Said parcel being that parcel of land contained in the order of taking made by the selectmen of said town dated December seventh, nineteen hundred and sixty-six and recorded in the Nantucket registry of deeds, Book 130, page 79. Approved July 13, 1984.