Chap. 0533 An Act relative to the protectiox=n of game birds, water fowl, hares and rabbits. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Sectiox 1. Jt shall be unlawful to take or kill a game bird or water fowl by means of a trap, net or snare, or to pursue, shoot at or kill any wild fowl, or any of the so-called shore, marsh and beach birds, with a swivel or pivot gun, or by the use of a torch, jack or artificial light, or by the aid or use of any boat or floating device propelled by steam, naphtha, gasolene, electricity, compressed air, or any similar motive power, or by any mechanical means other than sails, oars or paddles. But the provisions of this chapter shall not apply to persons shooting at, or killing said birds from such boats or floating devices if the same are at anchor. Section 2. It shall he unlawful to take or kill a hare or rabbit by a trap, snare or net, or for the purpose of killing a hare or rabbit to construct or set a trap, snare or net, or to use a ferret. And the possession of a ferret in a place where hares or rabbits might be taken or killed shall be prima facie evidence that the person having it in possession has used it for taking and killing such animals contrary to law. Ferrets which are used in violation of the provisions of this act shall be confiscated. Section 3. The provisions of the preceding section shall not apply to the trapping, other than by snare, of hares and rabbits upon his land by an owner of land, or by a member of his family if authorized by him, between the fifteenth day of October and the first day of December. Section 4. Whoever violates any provision of this act shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars for each offence. Section 5. Section twelve of chapter ninety-two of the Revised Laws, as amended by chapter two hundred and seventy-eight of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and six, and section eleven of said chapter ninety-two, as amended by chapter two hundred and forty-one of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and six, and by chapter three hundred and twenty-eight of the acts of the year nineteen hundred and nine are hereby repealed. Approved May 18, 1910.