Chap. 451. 423 Item 16. For jail and house of correction 1. Personal services $561,937 87 2: Contractual services 287,888 00 $849,825 87 SECTION 2. This act shall take effect on July first, nineteen hundred and seventy-four. Approved July 2, 1974. Chap. 451 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE GREATER NEW BEDFORD REGIONAL VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT TO LEASE CERTAIN LAND AND BUILDINGS FROM THE CITY OF NEW BEDFORD FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES, TO REMODEL SAID BUILDINGS, TO CONSTRUCT SCHOOL BUILDINGS ON SAID LAND AND TO BORROW MONEY FOR SUCH REMODELING AND CONSTRUCTION, AND ALSO PROVIDING FOR STATE AID IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. The Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School District, hereinafter called the district, is hereby authorized to lease any land and buildings which are part of that tract of land known now or formerly as Fort Rodman, situated in Clark's Point in the city of New Bedford, which land and buildings are presently owned by the city under a deed from the United States of America, and the city may authorize such lease accordingly. Any such lease shall be for a term of not less than twenty-five years. In connection therewith, the district and said city are authorized to do such acts and enter into such agreements as may be required or requested by the United States of America for the satisfaction or abrogation of any conditions and restrictions contained in said deed. SECTION 2. The district is hereby authorized to remodel, renovate, equip and furnish any building leased pursuant to section one. SECTION 3. The district is hereby authorized to construct, equip and furnish a school building or buildings on any land leased pursuant to section one. SECTION 4. The powers conferred by this act may be exercised notwithstanding the provisions of section two of the regional school district agreement. SECTION 5. The district is authorized to incur debt for the purposes described in sections two and three, and to issue bonds or notes therefor. Each authorized issue shall constitute a separate loan, and such loans shall be paid in not more than twenty years from their 424 Acts, 1974. — Chaps. 452, 453. dates. Except as herein provided, indebtedness incurred under this act shall be subject to the provisions of chapter four hundred and twenty-eight of the acts of nineteen hundred and seventy-one. SECTION 6. The district shall be entitled to receive a state school construction grant for each of the projects carried out under sections two and three, provided that the proposed facilities meet the standards required for an approved school project under the provisions of chapter six hundred and forty-five of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-eight, as amended. The estimated approved cost and the final approved cost of each such project shall be determined by the state board of education, and shall include the actual costs to the district of remodeling, renovating, equipping and furnishing a leased building or buildings, in the case of a project described in section two, or of constructing, equipping and furnishing a new school building or buildings, in the case of a project described in section three, together with the costs of installing any sewerage or other facilities which may be necessary or desirable in connection therewith and the interest on the bonds or notes issued by the district to finance the foregoing. SECTION 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved July 3, 1974.