Chap. 135 An Act to extend to certain private ways and parking areas statutory regulations as to the speed and use of motor vehicles. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 18 of chapter 90 of the General Laws, as most recently amended by section 2 of chapter 564 of the acts of 1948, is hereby further amended by adding at the end the following paragraph: - Any person, corporation, firm or trust owning a private way or parking area, or any person, corporation, firm or trust controlling such private way or parking area, with the written consent of such owner, may apply in writing to the city council, the traffic commission of the city of Boston, or the board of selectmen in any town in which the private way or parking area lies, to make special regulations as to the speed of motor vehicles and as to the use of such vehicles upon the particular private way or parking area, and the city council with the approval of the mayor, the traffic commission of the city of Boston or the board of selectmen, as the case may be, may make such special regulations with respect to said private way or parking area to the same extent and in the same manner as to ways within their control as set forth in the preceding paragraph. Such special regulations shall be effective for a period of time not to exceed one year from the date of their making, but may, upon like application, be extended for additional periods of time not to exceed one year for each extension. Approved March 2, 1955.