Chap. 23. An Act authorizing the county commissioners of the COUNTY OF DUKES COUNTY TO CONVEY TO THE TOWN OF GAY HEAD CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. The county commissioners of the county of Dukes County may convey, without consideration, to the town of Gay Head two certain parcels of land owned by said county located in said town for the purposes of constructing rest rooms, leaching fields, a pump house and a museum with parking area, one of said parcels being described in Land Court Case Number 7509C, Certificate of Title Number 334, dated October 20, 1927, and the remaining parcel being described in a deed dated August 14, 1937 recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the county of Dukes County in Book 194, Page 493. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved February 11, 1970.