Chap. 528 An Act relative to the disposal of certain accounts in banks liquidated by the mutual savings central fund, inc. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section G of chapter 43 of the acts of 1934 is hereby amended by striking out the last sentence, as amended by section 21 of chapter 432 of the acts of 1955, and inserting in place thereof the following two sentences: — All accounts for which no claimant can be found after six years following the discontinuance of the business of any such bank shall, if no other provisions to care for said claim have been made, be turned over to the commissioner of corporations and taxation pursuant to the provisions of chapter two hundred A of the General Laws. Said accounts may be reclaimed in the manner provided in section ten of said chapter but no interest shall be paid thereon for the time held by the commissioner. Approved July 16, 1957.