Chap. 588. An Act authorizing the city of Worcester to appropriate MONEY FOR THE PAYMENT OF, AND TO PAY, A CERTAIN UNPAID BILL. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: . Section 1. For the purpose of discharging a moral obligation, the city of Worcester is hereby authorized to appropriate money for the payment of, and after such appropriation the treasurer of said city is hereby authorized to pay International Business Machines Corporation, the amount of twelve thousand two hundred and fifty-six dollars and eighty cents for the rental of a Fourteen Forty Data Processing System used by the Worcester Vocational School Department for the months of November and.December in the year nineteen hundred and sixty-nine and January and February in the year nineteen hundred and seventy, which bill is legally unenforceable against said city by Acts, 1971.—Chaps. 689, 590. 433 reason of its having been incurred in excess of available appropriations. Section 2. No bill shall be approved by the city auditor of said city for payment or paid by the treasurer thereof under authority of this act unless and until a certificate has been signed and filed with said city auditor, stating under the penalties of perjury that the materials for which said bill was submitted were ordered by an official or an employee of said city and that such materials were delivered to said city. Section 3. Any person who knowingly files a certificate required by section two which is false, and who thereby receives payment for materials which were not delivered to said city, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than one year or by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars, or both. Approved July 29,1971.