Chap. 0172 An Act relative to the granting of vacations for members of the regular or permanent police and fire forces in certain cities and towns. Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is in part to make available to certain police officers and firemen the benefits thereof during the vacation period in the current year, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Chapter 41 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out section 111A, as amended by chapter 107 of the acts of 1934, and inserting in place thereof the following:- Section 111 A. In any city or town which accepts this section, all members of its regular or permanent police or fire force shall be granted a vacation of not less than two weeks during each year of their employment, without loss of pay. Section one hundred and eleven shall not apply to the members of the regular or permanent police or fire force in any such city or town. Approved April 12, 1949.