@Chap. 0250 An Act making appropriations to meet certain expenditures authorized the present year, and for other purposes. Be it enacted, cVc, as follows: Section 1. The sums hereinafter mentioned are appropriated, and shall be allowed and paid out of the treasury of this Commonwealth, from the ordinary revenue, except in cases otherwise ordered, for the purposes specified in certain acts and-resolves of the present year, herein cited, and for other purposes, to wit: In the resolve, chapter two, in favor of the guardian of the Punkapog tribe of Indians, for the benefit of Charlotte E. Meyers, the sum of fifty-two dollars. In the resolve, chapter three, in favor of the district of Marshpee, a sum not exceeding seventy-five dollars and thirty-one cents. In the resolve, chapter five, authorizing the committee on finance to employ a clerk, a sum not exceeding seventy-five, dollars; bills to be approved by the chairman of the committee on finance. In the resolve, chapter six, in favor of Charles Ballard, the sum of one hundred and forty-five dollars and fifty-six cents. In the resolve, chapter seven, authorizing certain expenditures by the committee on agricultural college, a sum not exceeding three hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter nine, in favor of the Massachusetts charitable eye and ear infirmary, fifteen hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter ten, in favor of the Marshpee schools, the sum of seventy-five dollars, to be paid from the income of the school fund. In the resolve, chapter twelve, to provide additional accommodations for the state library, a sum not exceeding four hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter fourteen, in favor of the town of North Brookfield, a sum not exceeding four hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter sixteen, in favor of Jemima Easton, the sum of fifty dollars. In the resolve, chapter twenty-two, in favor of Augustine J. Drake, the sum of nine hundred and sixteen dollars and sixty-four cents. In the resolve, chapter twenty-three, in favor of the state normal school, at Westfield, the sum of five hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter twenty-five, for the suppression of counterfeiting bank bills and coin, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter twenty-eight, authorizing the purchase and distribution of Bennett and Heard's Massachusetts Digest, a sum not exceeding twenty-eight hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter thirty-four, in favor of the Chap- < pcquiddic and Christiantown Indians, the sum of one t hundred and four dollars. In the resolve, chapter thirty-five, in favor of Nelly Joseph, i the sum of fifty dollars, (or as much of the same as may be necessary.) In the resolve, chapter thirty-six, in relation to the state s prison, the sum of two thousand eight hundred sixty-six dollars and ninety-four cents. In the resolve, chapter thirty-eight, in favor of the state j almshouse at Bridgewater, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter thirty-nine, in favor of John Heck- ¦ tor, a sum not exceeding fifty dollars. In the resolve, chapter forty-four, in favor of Rhoda M. Taylor, the sum of fifty dollars. In the resolve, chapter forty-seven, in favor of Increase N. Emerton, the sum of fifty dollars. In the resolve, chapter forty-eight, in favor of Henry E. ; McCollum, the sum of two hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter forty-nine, in favor of "William H. Luce and Daniel A. Cleaveland, the sum of seventy-five dollars. In the resolve, chapter fifty-three, to provide for repairs on the powder-house on Captain's Island, in Cambridge, a sum not exceeding three hundred and fifty dollars, in addition to the appropriation of last year, in resolve chapter forty-six. In the resolve, chapter fifty-seven, in favor of the Wash-ingtonian Home, the sum of four thousand dollars. In the resolve, chapter sixty, in favor of the Troy, Dudley and Marshpee Indians, the sum of seventeen hundred and fifty dollars. In the resolve, chapter sixty-one, in favor of the town of Grafton, the sum of four hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter sixty-two, in favor of Caroline E. Hastings, the sum of fifty dollars. In the resolve, chapter sixty-four, to provide for preparing and publishing catalogues of the museum of comparative zoology, the sum of ten thousand dollars. In the resolve, chapter sixty-five, in aid of the Perkins' institution and Massachusetts asylum for the blind, the sum of three thousand dollars, in addition to the sum heretofore appropriated. In the resolve, chapter seventy-one, in favor of Amherst college, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter eighty-four, for the payment of certain expenses incurred under the provisions of an act concerning cattle commissioners, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. In the resolve, chapter eighty-three, in relation to expenses of the committee on public charitable institutions, the sum of one hundred and sixty-five dollars and five cents. In the resolve, chapter eighty-six, in favor of the state reform school at Westborough, the sum of twelve hundred and seventy-three dollars and eight cents, being balance of appropriation for the past year. In the resolve, chapter eighty-seven, to provide additional compensation to the chaplains, door-keepers, messengers and pages of the legislature, a sum not exceeding eight hundred dollars. For completing and printing census abstract, under resolve of the year eighteen hundred and sixty, chapter thirteen, and for binding and indexing the original returns, a sum not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars. For assessors' books, in addition, the sum of six hundred and fifty dollars. For printing and incidental expenses of the board of insurance commissioners, a sum not exceeding six hundred dollars. For arranging and preserving the rolls of Massachusetts soldiers, a sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars. For plates, paper, printing, &c., in preparation of the scrip for the bounty fund, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. For stationery for the house of representatives, purchased by the clerk of the house, two hundred dollars, in addition to a former appropriation. For the reimbursement of money to cities and towns, agreeably to the provisions of chapter sixty-six and chapter one hundred sixty-six of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and chapter seventy-nine, of the acts of the year eighteen hundred sixty-three, a sum not exceeding one million nine hundred thousand dollars ; the same to be payable on the first day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. For printing and binding for the senate and house of representatives, in addition to former appropriations, the sum of eight thousand dollars. For printing public documents, for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two, the sum of five thousand dollars. For the arrest of fugitives from justice, in addition to former appropriation, the sum of five hundred dollars. For expenses incurred by authority of the cattle commissioners, during the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two, the sum of five hundred dollars, in addition to the sum heretofore appropriated. For the salary of the adjutant-general, in addition to former appropriations, the sum of two hundred dollars. For expenses of the Charles River and "Warren bridges, for the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, to wit: for repairs, the sum of five hundred twenty-one dollars and ninety cents ; and for gas, oil and fluid, the sum of one hundred fifty-five dollars and thirty-one cents ; the same to be paid out of the income of the Charles River and Warren bridges fund. For clerical assistance employed by the board of insurance commissioners, agreeably to the provisions of chapter one hundred and seventy-eight of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty, in the valuation of life insurance policies, a sum not exceeding one thousand nine hundred and ninety-two dollars and eighty-four cents. For the contingent expenses of the sergeant-at-arms, a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, in addition. For the contingent expenses of the insurance commissioners, a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars. In the resolve, chapter fifteen, for the relief of certain agricultural societies, the sum of thirty-six hundred dollars. The trustees of the state reform school at Westborongh are hereby allowed to use any part of the unexpended balance of the appropriation for reconstruction, at the special session of the year eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, not exceeding one thousand dollars, for the purpose of building a hospital. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved April 29, 1S63.