Chap. 633. The Commonwealth op Massachusetts Executive Department, State House Boston, August 6, 1971 The Honorable John F. X. Davoeen, Secretary of the CommonweaUh, Slate House, Boston, Massachusetts. Dear Mr. Secretary: — I, Donald R. Dwight, pursuant to the provisions of Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution, the Referendum II, Emergency Measures, hereby declare in my opinion the. immediate preservation of the public convenience requires that the law being Chapter 632 of the Acts of 1971, entitled "An Act authorizing THE CITY OF MEDFORD TO CONTINUE TO EMPLOY ANNA PERRIELLO AS AN INSTITUTIONAL MEDICAL WORKER AT THE SHEPHERD BROOKS MANOR IN SAID CITY NOTWITHSTANDING THAT SHE IS BEYOND THE MAXIMUM RETIREMENT age." and the enactment of which received my approval on August 6, 1971, should take effect forthwith. I further declare that in my opinion said law is an emergency law and the facts constituting the emergency are as follows: In order to immediately provide for the continued employment of the individual by the city of Medford. Sincerely, Donald R. Dwight,. Lieutenant Governor, Acting Governor of the Commonwealth. Office of the Secbetaby, Boston, August 6, 1971. I, John F. X. Davoren, Secretary of the Commonwealth, hereby certify that the accompanying statement was filed in this office by His Honor the Lieutenant Governor, Acting Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at four o'clock and forty minutes, p.m., on the above date, and in accordance with Article Forty-eight of the Amendments to the Constitution said chapter takes effect forthwith, being chapter six hundred and thirty-two of the acts of nineteen hundred and seventy-one. John F. X. Davoren, Secretary of the CommonweaUh. Chap. 633. An Act authorizing the department of public works to acquire land for public parks, recreation areas, wildlife preserves and historic sites to replace land required for.use in federal highway programs. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Chapter 81 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after section 7L the following section:— -,¦•-.¦ Section 7M. Whenever a federal-aid highway program or project requires the use of any land which is part of a public park, recreation area or wildlife and waterfowl refuge of national, state or local significance as determined by the federal, state or local officials having jurisdiction thereof, or any land which is part of an historic site of national, state or local significance, as so determined by such officials, and there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of such land, the de- Acts, 1971. —Chap. 633. 467 partment, in order to minimize harm to such park, recreational area, wildlife and waterfowl refuge or historic site, may acquire by eminent domain under chapter seventy-nine, purchase or otherwise on behalf of the commonwealth or on behalf of any department, public body, agency or instrumentality of the commonwealth or on behalf of any political subdivision thereof, land to replace that which was required for use in the highway program. The department shall convey such replacement land or transfer the custody, care and control of such replacement land to the owner of the public park, recreational area, wildlife and waterfowl refuge or historic site required for highway use, including private owners or' any department, public body, agency of the commonwealth or to any political subdivision thereof and -such conveyance or transfer may be partially or entirely in lieu of damages for the land acquired from such owners; provided, however, that in the case of private owners such conveyance may be made only with the consent of such owner. Approved August 9, 1971. , The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Department, State House Boston August 9, 1971 . The Honorable John F. X. Davoren, Secretary of the Commonwealth, State House, Boston, Massachusetts. Dear Mr. Secretary: — I, Francis W. Sargent, pursuant to the provisions of Article XLVIII of the Amendments to the Constitution, the Referendum II, Emergency Measures, hereby declare in my opinion the immediate preservation of the public convenience requires that the law being Chapter 633 of the Acts of 1971, entitled "An Act authorizing THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS TO ACQUIRE LAND FOR PUBLIC PARKS, RECREATION AREAS, WILDLIFE PRESERVES AND HISTORIC SITES TO REPLACE LAND REQUIRED FOR USE IN FEDERAL HIGHWAY PROGRAMS." and the enactment of which received my approval on August 9, 1971, should take effect forthwith. I further declare that in my opinion said law is an emergency law and the facts constituting the emergency are as follows: In order that the present plans of the Department of Public Works for the acquisition of replacement lands as authorized in this act may be immediately implemented. Sincerely, Francis W. Sargent, Governor of the Commonwealth. Office of the Secretary, Boston, August 9, 1971. 0 I, John F. X. Davoren, Secretary of the Commonwealth, hereby certify that the accompanying statement was filed in this office by His Excellency the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at two o'clock and thirty minutes, p.m., on the above date, and in accordance with Article Forty-eight of the Amendments to the Constitution said chapter takes effect forthwith, being chapter six hundred and thirty-three of the acts of nineteen hundred and seventy-one. John F. X. Davoren, Secretary of the Commonwealth.