Chap. 0112 An Act to amend the seventieth chapter of the general statutes concerning returns by overseers of the poor. Be it enacted, §*c, as follows: Section 1. The board of directors for public institutions in the city of Boston, and the overseers of the poor of the other several cities and towns in the Commonwealth, shall, on or before the fifteenth day of October in each year, prepare and return to the secretary of the Commonwealth a statement, under oath, of the number and condition of the paupers in such city or town, as they were during the year ending on last day of the month preceding ; which return shall contain true and correct answers to the following inquiries, namely: 1. What number of persons have been relieved or supported by your town, within and out of the almshouse, during the whole or any part of the year ending September thirtieth ? 2. What number have received full support in your almshouse during the whole or any part of the year ? 3. What number, including children, have received full support out of the almshouse, during the whole or any portion of the year ? 4. How many persons have you aided, or assisted with partial support, out of the almshouse ? 5. What was the number of inmates being fully supported in your almshouse September thirtieth. 6. How many persons were being fully supported out of the almshouse ? 7. How many were receiving partial support out of the almshouse ? 8. What has been the average number weekly, during the year, supported in the almshouse ? 9. What number of the inmates of your almshouse were unable to perform any labor ? 10. How many supported or relieved in your town within and out of the almshouse were insane ? 11. How many insane persons have been supported by your town in the state lunatic hospitals ? 12. How many have been supported in hospitals out of the state ? 13. How many supported or relieved in your town within and out of the almshouse were idiots ? 14. How many idiotic persons have been supported by your town in the Massachusetts school for idiotic and feebleminded youth ? 15. "What number of all those supported and relieved were made dependent by intemperance in themselves ? 16. What number by intemperance in those who ought to have been their supporters ? 17. Of the whole number relieved and supported, how many had a legal settlement in your town ? 18. How many were naturalized citizens (of foreign birth ?) 19. How many were aliens, (not naturalized ?) 20. How many were born in England and Ireland ? 21. How many state paupers have you sent to the state almshouses ? 22. Has your town an almshouse ? 23. What number of acres of land is attached to your almshouse ? 24. What is the estimated present value of your almshouse property ? (1.) Value of real estate ? (2.) Value of personal property ? 25. What is the average weekly cost of fully supporting a pauper in the almshouse, not including in the estimate of said cost, interest on the value of almshouse, or the income of the farm ? 26. What has been the average weekly cost of the full support of a pauper out of the almshouse ? 27. What is the total net amount of expense of supporting and relieving the poor in your town, within and out of the almshouse, including interest on the cost of the establishment ? 28. What is the estimated value of the labor performed by the poor in your almshouse ? 29. What number of persons have been provided for under section twenty-five, chapter seventy-one, of the General Statutes ? Section 2. The said directors and overseers shall, at the same time, prepare and return in manner aforesaid, correct statements of all children in such city or town under fourteen years of age who have been fully supported, at the public charge, during the whole or any part of the year, specifying therein the name, age and sex of each. Section 3. The secretary of the Commonwealth shall, in the month of September, annually, furnish the said board of directors and overseers of the poor with blank forms of returns which shall contain, in substance, the foregoing interrogatories and requirements. Section 4. The penalties and proceedings prescribed in the twenty-fourth section of chapter seventy of the General Statutes shall be held to apply in cases of refusal or neglect to comply with the requirements of this act. Section 5. The twenty-third section of said chapter seventy is hereby repealed. Approved April 8,1SG2.