Chap. 0151 An Act to incorporate the Plymouth county railroad company. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. Henry Norwell, Ebenezer T. Fogg, John F. Simmons, Charles H. Killam, Jedediah Dwelley, Alpheus Thomas, Seth Sprague, Charles S. dishing, their associates and successors, are hereby made a corporation by the name of the Plymouth County Railroad Company; with all the powers and privileges and subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in the general railroad laws which are now or may hereafter be in force relating to railroad corporations, except as hereinafter provided. Section 2. Said corporation is hereby authorized to locate, construct, maintain and operate a railroad, with one or more tracks, commencing at some suitable point on the Old Colony railroad at or near the village of East Weymouth, in the town of Weymouth, and running thence through said Weymouth by the most feasible route to a point in Hingham ; thenee through said Hingham in a general southerty direction by the most feasible route to a point near Queen Anne's Corner, in the town of Xorwell; thence through said Norwell, Hanover and Marshfield to a terminus near Brant Rock, in the town of Marshfield. Again beginning at a point on the Hanover branch railroad in the town of Hanover aforesaid, and near Curtis' crossing, so-called, and running thence by the most feasible route through said Hanover, Pembroke, aud to a point on said first described route in said town of Marshfield ; and to transport and cany persons and property, by steam, mechanical or any other power that said corporation ma}r choose to apply. Section 3. The capital stock of said corporation shall be two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, with the privi- lege of increasing the same at the pleasure of the corporation, and by a vote of the directors thereof, to any amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. Section 4. The persons named in the first section of this act, or a majority of them, are herein7 authorized to call the first meeting of the stockholders of the corporation whenever the sum of fifty thousand dollars has been subscribed to the capital stock, to choose directors and to perfect the organization of said corporation ; and whenever said corporation shall have been so organized, and at least ten per cent, of the capital stock subscribed has been paid in, it may proceed to begin the construction of the railroad hereinbefore specified. Section 5. Any town within whose limits the road of said corporation shall be located may subscribe for shares in the capital stock of said corporation, or may purchase its bonds, without the restrictions contained in the statutes of this Commonwealth : provided, that said subscription shall be void unless at least twenty per cent, of the capital stock of the corporation is actually paid in cash, and at least ten per cent, of the capital stock is actually expended by it in the construction or equipment of its road. Section 6. Said corporation may make an}7 lawful contract with any other railroad company in relation to its business or property, and may take a lease of the property and franchise, or lease its property or franchise to, or make joint stock or consolidate with, any such railroad compan}-; and any company may make with said company the contracts aforesaid. Section 7. Said corporation may borrow money for any lawful purpose, and may, by vote at a meeting duly called for the purpose, issue coupon or registered bonds for the payment of money borrowed, and may mortgage or pledge as security for the payment of said bonds a part or all of its railroad equipment or franchise, and a part or all of its property, real or personal. Such bonds ma}7 be issued to an amount not to exceed at any time the sum of twenty thousand dollars per mile actually constructed and ready for operation. And in all other respects other than as herein specified such bonds shall conform and be subject to, and said company shall issue the same in conformity with, all laws authorizing and regulating the issue of bonds by railroad companies. Section 8. The Plymouth County Kail road Company shall locate its road within three years, and the same shall be constructed within live years from the date of the passage of this act. Section d. The tracks of said railroad company shall in no case cross any public highway at grade, but shall in all cases cross said public highway above or below the grade thereof. Section 10. The said company shall not sell or assign its charter or the rights and privileges herein granted except as hereinbefore set forth. Section 11. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved April G, 1S92.