Chap. 687. An Act providing tenure of office until age sixty-five FOR WILFRED H. LAVALLEE, JR. AND LOUIS A. TECENO, INCUMBENTS OF THE POSITION OF PROVISIONAL PATROLMEN, IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE TOWN OF MIDDLEBOROUGH. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. The tenure of office of Wilfred H. Lavallee, Jr. and Louis A. Teceno, incumbents of the position of provisional patrolmen, in the police department of the town of Middleborough, shall continue until they reach the age of sixty-five, unless incapacitated by physical or mental disability from performing the duties thereof, but each incumbent may be removed therefrom for cause after hearing in the manner provided by section forty-three of chapter thirty-one of the General Laws; provided, however, that there are no persons on the eligible list willing to accept appointment as provisional patrolmen in the Middle-borough police department on the effective date of this act. Section 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved August 18, 1970.