Chap. 337. An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE, ..FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, INSTITUTIONS AND CERTAIN ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMONWEALTH, FOR INTEREST, SINKING FUND AND SERIAL BOND REQUIREMENTS, AND FOR CERTAIN PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. To provide for the maintenance of the several departments, boards, commissions and institutions, of sundry other services, and for certain permanent improvements, and to meet certain requirements of law, the sums set forth in section two, for the several purposes and subject to the conditions specified in said section two, are hereby appropriated from the funds designated in said section, subject to the provisions of law regulating the disbursement of public funds and the approval thereof, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixty-five, in this act referred to as the year nineteen hundred and sixty-five, or for such period as may be specified. Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. 189 Section 2. GENERAL FUND. STATE PURPOSES APPROPRIATIONS. Legislature. Senate. Item 0101-01 For the compensation of senators, prior appropriation continued $331,500 0101-02 For the salary of the clerk of the senate .... 18,000 0101-03 For the salary of the assistant clerk of the senate . . 14,400 0101-04 For clerical assistance to the clerk of the senate, including not more than three permanent positions . . . . . . 27,100 0101-05 For the salary of the chaplain of the senate . . 4,686 0101-06 For personal services of the counsel to the senate and assistants, including not more than four permanent positions . . . . 60,000 0101-07 For clerical and other assistance including expenses of the senate committee on rules, including not more than seven permanent positions, prior appropriation continued ..... 110,000 0101-30 For expenses of senators, including travel, prior appropriation continued ..... . . . 66,000 0101-51 For stationery, supplies and other equipment for the senate, purchased by and with the approval of the clerk .... 800 0101-53 For expenses of the counsel to the senate . ¦ . . 2,500 0101-54 For expenses of the senate clerk's office ... . . 500 0101-55 For expenses of the committee on rules on the part of the senate 360 0101-56 For the expenses of the senate committee on ways and means, including not more than three permanent positions, prior appropriation continued ......... 18,000 0101-60 For traveling and such other expenses of the committees of the senate as may be authorized by order of the senate . . . 2,000 Total.........$655,836 House of Representatives. 0102-01 For the compensation of representatives, prior appropriation continued .........$1,895,400 0102-02 For the salary of the clerk of the house of representatives . 18,000 0102-03 For the salary of the assistant clerk of the house of representatives 14,400 0102-04 For clerical assistance to the clerk of the house of representatives, including not more than four permanent positions . . 43,800 0102-05 For the salary of the chaplain of the house of representatives 4,686 0102-06 For personal services of the counsel to the house of representatives and assistants, including not more than seven permanent positions 114,100 0102-07 For clerical and other assistance to the house committee on rules, including not more than fourteen permanent positions, prior appropriation continued...... . . 118,000 0102-08 For clerical and other assistance to the house committee on ways and means, including not more than nine permanent positions, prior appropriation continued ....... 105,100 0102-09 For clerical and other office expenses for the. members of the house of representatives . . _. . . . . 24,000 0102-30 For expenses of representatives, including travel, prior appropriation continued.........334,000 0102-51 For stationery, supplies and other equipment for the house of representatives, purchased by and with the approval of the clerk 1,000 0102-52 For expenses of the committee on rules on the part of the house of representatives, prior appropriation continued . . 25,000 0102-53 For expenses of the counsel to the house of representatives, prior appropriation continued ....... 2,500 0102-54 For expenses of the clerk's office, house of representatives . 1,000 190 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. For expenses of the house committee on ways and means, prior appropriation continued ....... $25,000 For traveling and such other expenses of the committees of the house of representatives as may be authorized by order of the house of representatives ......... 3,000 Total.........$2,728,986 Sergeant-at-A rms. For the salary of the sergeant-at-arms .... $13,014 For clerical and other assistance employed by the sergeant-at-arms, including not more than seven permanent positions . . 57,166 For the salaries of the doorkeepers of the senate and house of representatives, with the approval of the sergeant-at-arms, including not more than four permanent positions ..... 37,326 For the salaries of assistant doorkeepers of the senate and house of representatives and of general court officers, with the approval of the sergeant-at-arms, including not more than fifty-four permanent positions 510,000 For compensation of the pages of the senate and house of representatives, with the approval of the sergeant-at-arms, including not more than thirty-six permanent positions ..... 246,770 For the salaries of clerks employed in the legislative document room, including not more than three permanent positions . 66,000 For contingent expenses of the senate and house of representatives and necessary expenses in and about the state house, with the approval of the sergeant-at-arms, prior appropriation continued . 30,000 For the payment of witness fees to persons summoned to appear before committees of the general court, and for expenses incidental to summoning them, with the approval of the sergeant-at-arms . 300 Total.........$960,576 Legislative Research Council. For expenses of the legislative research council, prior appropriation continued......... $9,000 For personal services and other expenses of the legislative research bureau.........150,000 Total.........$159,000 Recodification Counsel. 0105-01 For expenses of the recodification counsel, including not more than four permanent positions ....... $40,000 Other Expenses. 0110-02 For printing, binding and paper ordered by the senate and house of representatives, or by concurrent order of the two branches, with the approval of the clerks of the respective branches, prior appropriation continued ......... $360,000 0110-03 For printing the manual of the general court, with the approval of the clerks of the two branches ...... 22,000 0110-04 For expenses in connection with the publication of the bulletin of committee hearings and of the daily list, with the approval of the joint committee on rules, including not more than two permanent positions .......... 72,878 0110-05 For telephone service, prior appropriation continued . . 80,000 0110-06 For biographical sketches of certain state and federal officials 6,000 0110-11 For the compilation, indexing, annotating, printing, and distribution of veterans laws subject to the joint committee on rules as provided by a joint order ........ 3,500 0110-12 For the emergency services of a physician, for medical supplies in the state house and for expenses including the purchase of equipment in Item 0102-56 0102-60 0103-01 0103-02 0103-03 0103-04 0103-05 0103-06 0103-51 0103-52 0104-01 0104-02 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. 191 Item 0110-13 0110-21 0110-30 0110-31 connection therewith, subject to the approval of the joint committee on rules; provided, that section twenty-one of chapter thirty of the General Laws shall not apply to the payments made under this item......... . $7,100 For expenses of completing an index to the Special Acts and Resolves under the supervision of the counsel to the house of representatives .......... 35,000 For printing a descriptive pamphlet of the murals, house of representatives .......... 1,500 For traveling and such other expenses of joint committees of the general court as may be authorized by joint order of the general court 4,500 For the annual membership fee of the commonwealth in the National Conference of State Legislative Leaders . . . 1,000 Total Total, Legislative $593,478 $5,137,876 0301-01 0301-02 0301-03 0301-04 0301-05 0301-06 0301-07 0301-08 0301-10 0301-12 0301-14 0302-01 0302-02 Judiciary. Supreme Judicial Court. For the salaries of the chief justice and of the six associate justices $190,000 For traveling allowances and expenses .... 3,000 For the salary of the clerk and the assistant clerk for the commonwealth ......... 35,438 For clerical assistance to the clerk ..... 6,700 For law clerks and clerical assistance for the justices . . 113,000 For office supplies, services and equipment . . . 10,000 For the salaries of the officers and messengers . . . 7,150 For the commonwealth's part of the salaries of the clerk and assistant clerks for the county of Suffolk, as authorized by section ninety-four of chapter two hundred and twenty-one of the General Laws 6,670 For facilities provided by the Social Law Library . . 3,500 For the service of the executive secretary .... 42,057 For expenses of the Massachusetts defenders committee, as authorized by section thirty-four D of chapter two hundred and twenty-one of the General Laws, including not more than thirteen permanent positions, to be expended with any other public or private funds available for the purpose.........129,500 For the salary of the reporter of decisions . . . 18,000 For the service of the reporter of decisions, including not more than three permanent positions ....... 21,735 Total $586,760 Superior Court. 0305-01 For the salaries of the chief justice and of the forty-one justices $1,009,000 0305-02 For traveling allowances and expenses, prior appropriation continued ......... 60,000 0305-03 For the salary of the assistant clerk of Suffolk County . 1,500 0305-04 For expenses authorized by section twenty-eight of chapter two hundred and twelve of the General Laws ..... 94,000 0305-11 For compensation of justices of district courts while sitting in the superior court, prior appropriation continued .... 35,000 0305-12 For expenses of justices of district courts while sitting in the superior court, prior appropriation continued ..... 15,000 0305-14 For the compensation of probation officers, including not more than forty-eight permanent positions ...... 404,276 0305-15 For personal services and expenses of the office of the supervisor of probation........ 8,722 Total $1,627,498 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. Item.: Judicial Council. 0308-01 For the service of the judicial council $8,000 Administration of District Courts. 0311-01 For compensation and expenses in connection with the administration of district courts as authorized by chapter two hundred and eighteen of the General Laws.......$21,000 0320-01 0320-02 0320-03 0320-04 0320-05 Administration of Probate and Insolvency Courts. For the compensation of judges of probate when acting for other judges of probate ......... $5,000 For expenses of judges of probate when acting for other judges of probate......... 1,000 For reimbursing officials for premiums paid for procuring sureties on their bonds, as provided by law ...... 500 For expenses of the administrative committee of probate courts 1,000 For compensation of the chief judge and for other expenses, as authorized by chapter two hundred and seventeen of the General Laws 23,135 Total $30,635 0321-01 0321-02 0321-03 0321-04 0322-01 0322-02 0322-03 0322-04 0323-01 0323-02 0323-03 0323-04 0324-01 0324-02 0324-04 0325-01. 032,5-02 0325-03 0325-04 0326-01 0326-02 0326-03 0326-04 Probate and Insolvency Courts. For the salaries of judges of probate, registers of probate, assistant registers and clerical assistance to registers of the several counties: Barnstable: Judge of probate Register .... Assistant register Clerical assistance to register, positions Berkshire: Judge of probate Register .... Assistant register Clerical assistance to register, positions Bristol: Two judges of probate Register .... Two assistant registers Clerical assistance to register, manent positions Dukes: Judge of probate Register : Clerical assistance to register, position .... Essex: Two judges of probate Register .... Three assistant registers Clerical assistance to register, manent positions Franklin: Judge of probate Register .... Assistant register Clerical assistance to register, positions including including including not including including $17,000 12,750 9,563 not more than four permanent 20,692 not more than not more than on not more than 17,000 12,750 9,563 five permanent 23,172 than 17,000 12,750 9,563 including not more than two permanent ..... 8,817 38,000 14,250 20,663 fourteen per-65,298 7,500 6,075 ie permanent 3,971 40,000 15,000 31,500 seventeen per-74,934 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. Item Hampden: 0327-01 Two judges of probate......$38,000 0327-02 Register......... 14,260 0327-03 Three assistant registers...... 29,926 0327-04 Clerical assistance to register, including not more than fifteen permanent positions......... 70,273 Hampshire: 0328-01 Judge of probate....... 17,000 0328-02 Register......... 12,760 0328-03 Assistant register....... 9,563 0328-04 Clerical assistance to register, including not more than two permanent positions. ........ 8,949 Middlesex: 0329-01 Three judges of probate...... 63,000 0329-02 Register......... 15,760 0329-03 Five assistant registers...... 51,188 0329-04 Clerical assistance to register, including not more than forty-four permanent positions. ...... 216,109 Nantucket: 0330-01 Judge of probate....... 7,600 0330-02 Register......... 6,075 0330-04 Clerical assistance to register, including not more than one permanent position ......... 3,971 Norfolk: 0331-01 Three judges of probate...... 63,000 0331-02 Register......... 15,760 0331-03 Four assistant registers...... 42,626 0331-04 Clerical assistance to register, including not more than fifteen permanent positions ........ 77,001 0331-05 For expenses of the conciliation division as authorized by chapter six hundred and twenty of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-one ......... 7,500 Plymouth: 0332-01 Judge of probate....... 17,000 0332-02 Register......... 12,760 0332-03 Two assistant registers...... 18,488 0332-04 Clerical assistance to register, including not more than eight permanent positions. ........ 36,395 Suffolk: 0333-01 Three judges of probate...... 63,000 0333-02 Register......... 15,760 0333-03 Five assistant registers...... 51,188 0333-04 Clerical assistance to register, including not more than fifty permanent positions.........240,000 Worcester: 0334-01 Two judges of probate . . . . . . 40,000 0334-02 Register......... 15,000 0334-03 Four assistant registers...... 40,600 0334-04 Clerical assistance to register including not more than sixteen permanent positions ........ 78,746 0334-05 For expenses of the conciliation division as authorized by chapter six hundred and twenty of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-one ....... . 7,600 Total.........$1,894,206 Land Court. 0340-01 For the salaries of the judge, associate judges and the recorder, including not more than four permanent positions . . . $90,060 0340-02 For the service of the land court, including not more than forty-five permanent positions ........ 368,950 Total.........$469,000 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Item Pensions for Certain Retired Justices. 0345-01 For pensions of retired judges or their widows, as authorized by law..........$160,000 0350-01 0351-01 0352-01 0354-01 0355-01 0356-01 0357-01 0358-01 0359-01 0365-01 0370-01 0370-02 0380-01 District Attorneys. For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants for the Suffolk district, including not more than twenty-six permanent positions .......... $254,100 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants for the northern district, including not more than twelve permanent positions 118,500 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants for the eastern district, including not more than seven permanent positions 63,000 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants for the southern district, including not more than seven permanent positions 63,000 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants for the middle district, including not more than seven permanent positions 63,000 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants for the western district, including not more than six permanent positions 49,000 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants for the northwestern district, including not more than three permanent positions 19,900 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants for the Norfolk district, including not more than four permanent positions 39,000 For the salaries of the district attorney and assistants for the Plymouth district, including not more than four permanent positions 38,500 For traveling expenses necessarily incurred by the district attorneys except in the Suffolk district, including expenses incurred in previous years ......... 6,000 Total $714,000 Committee on Probation. For the office of the commissioner of probation, including not more than fifty-nine permanent positions ..... $313,390 For compensation and expenses of the members of the committee on probation, as authorized by section ninety-nine A of chapter two hundred and seventy-six of the General Laws . . . 1,800 Total $315,190 Board of Bar Examiners. For the service of the board, including not more than six permanent positions.........$42,781 Total, Judiciary $5,859,060 Executive. 0401-01 0401-02 0401-03 0401-04 0402-01 0402-02 Governor. For the salary of the governor. ..... $27,500 For the salaries of officers and employees in the governor's office 198,000 For postage, printing, office and other contingent expenses, including travel of the governor ........ 98,000 For maintenance expenses of the governor's automobile . 1,800 Total Lieutenant-Governor. For the salary of the lieutenant-governor . For personal services for the lieutenant-governor's office $325,300 $16,000 42,460 Total $58,460 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Governor's Council. Item 0403-01 For the salaries of the eight councillors .... $32,000 0403-02 For personal services for the council..... 47,858 0403-03 For postage, printing, stationery, traveling and contingent expenses of the governor and council ...... 14,000 0403-05 For travel and expenses of the lieutenant-governor and council from and to their homes ........ 4,000 Total.........$97,858 Extraordinary Expenses. 0405-01 For the cost, not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars, of entertainment of distinguished visitors to the commonwealth, provided that no expenditure shall be allowed for a party exceeding fifty visitors; for the payment of extraordinary expenses not otherwise provided for; and for transfers to appropriation accounts where the amounts otherwise available are insufficient, provided that requests for such transfers shall be referred to the commissioner of administration who, after investigation, shall submit for approval of the governor and council his written recommendation as to the amount of funds required with facts pertinent thereto.........$100,000 Civil Defense Agency. 0406-01 For the service of the civil defense agency, including not more than one hundred and five permanent positions, as authorized by chapter six hundred and thirty-nine of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty, as amended, and chapter five hundred and twenty-two of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-one, to be in addition to any federal funds available for the purposes of this item, prior appropriation continued $350,000 0406-05 For training and training supplies; provided, that expenditures from this item shall be contingent upon the prior approval of the proper federal authorities for reimbursement of fifty per cent of the amounts expended for the purposes of this item, prior appropriation continued 25,000 Total.........$375,000 Total, Executive.......$956,618 Military Division. Adjutant General. 0420-02 For the salary of and the office of the adjutant general, including not more than thirty-six permanent positions .... $251,354 Militia: 0421-01 For allowances to companies and other administrative units, to be expended under the direction of the adjutant general . . . 185,000 0421-02 For officers' uniform allowances, as authorized by section eighty-seven of chapter thirty-three of the General Laws . . . 72,000 0421-05 For compensation for special and miscellaneous duty, transportation of officers to and from military meetings and drills and expenses of camps of instruction, including not more than eight permanent positions 99,170 0421-14 For compensation for accidents and injuries sustained in the performance of military duty and for small claims for damages to private property .......... 8,000 0421-17 For the military reservation, located in Barnstable county, including compensation of the commissioner . . . . . 629 0421-21 For the service of the air national guard, including not more than one permanent position . . . . . . . 14,170 0421-60 For the operation of the war records project, so called, including not more than ten permanent positions . . . . . 48,600 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. For expenses for maintaining headquarters in the state house of the department of Massachusetts, United Spanish War Veterans, with the approval of the department commander and the adjutant general . $1,500 Total.........$680,423 State Quartermaster. For the office of the state quartermaster .... $4,300 For the operation of armories of the first class, including not more than one hundred and two permanent positions . . . 759,320 Militia: For reimbursement for rent and maintenance of armories not of the first class.......... 21,250 For the Camp Curtis Guild rifle range, including not more than seven permanent positions ....... 37,709 For certain storage and maintenance facilities, including not more than twenty-eight permanent positions .... 123,150 For certain national guard aviation facilities, including not more than ten permanent positions ....... 46,698 Total.........$992,427 Armory Commission. For compensation of one member and for expenses of the commission $195 Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter thirty of the General Laws, certain military personnel in the military division may be paid salaries according to military pay grades, so called. Total, Military Division......$1,673,045 Boards and Commissions serving under Governor and Council. Executive Office for Administration and Finance. 0441-01 For the office of the commissioner of administration, including not more than thirty-three permanent positions, to be in addition to any federal funds available for the purpose; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of one hundred and three thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars from the Highway Fund $346,600 0441-03 For telephone service for the commissioner's office and for the payment of certain unallocated telephone service charges in the state house, prior appropriation continued ...... 30,000 0441-04 For the personal expenses of the governor while living in the vicinity of Boston, with the approval of the commissioner of administration 10,000 0441-05 For the establishment, under the supervision of the executive office for administration and finance, of a management team consisting of an employee to be designated by the budget director, an employee to be designated by the comptroller, and an employee to be designated by the director of personnel and standardization, for the purpose of co-ordinating the organization, procedures and accounting practices of the department of public works in respect to its relations with the executive office for administration and finance in budgeting for programs and accounting for expenditures on all highway activities; provided, that such employees during their assignment to this management team shall be compensated from this item; and, further provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund from the Highway Fund a sum equal to the expenditures made from this item ..... 40,166 Total.........$426,766 Fiscal Affairs Division. 0441-10 For the fiscal affairs division, including not more than one hundred and eight permanent positions, to be in addition to any federal funds available for the purpose; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of two hundred and twenty-eight thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars from the Highway Fund $778,300 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. 197 Item 0441-11 For the compensation and expenses of the personnel appeals board, as authorized by section fifty-five of chapter thirty of the General Laws, including not more than three permanent positions. . $5,000 0441-12 For the expenses of an in-service training program for engineering employees; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of fifty thousand dollars from the Highway Fund 60,000 0441-13 For the bureau of hospital costs and finances, including not more than six permanent positions ....... 44,397 Total.........$877,697 Central Services Division. 0441-20 For the central services division, including not more than four permanent positions, to be in addition to any federal funds available for the purpose ..........$40,703 0441-21 For the bureau of building construction, including not more than forty-eight permanent positions, to be in addition to any federal funds available for the purpose ....... 613,843 0441-22 For the bureau of state buildings, and for the maintenance of the state house and the Ford building, including not more than one hundred and seventy-two permanent positions . . . . . 1,164,820 Total.........$1,809,366 Comptroller's Division. 0442-01 For the comptroller's division, including not more than one hundred and twenty-seven permanent positions; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of two hundred and sixty-eight thousand and ninety-nine dollars from the Highway Fund $893,664 Purchasing Agent's Division. 0444-01 For the purchasing agent's division, including not more than seventy-seven » permanent positions; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of one hundred and forty-four thousand four hundred and fifty dollars from the Highway Fund . . $481,600 0444—02 For the purchase of paper used in the execution of the contracts for state printing, other than legislative ..... 116,000 Total.........$596,500 The Group Insurance Commission. 0448-01 For administration of the group insurance-program, including not more than twenty-five permanent positions .... $244,162 0448-02 For the commonwealth's share of the group insurance premium; provided, that the group insurance commission shall charge the division of employment security and other departments, authorities and divisions which have federal or other funds allocated to them for this purpose for that portion of the cost of the program as it determines should be borne by such funds, and shall notify the comptroller of the amounts to be transferred, after similar determination, from the several state or other funds, and amounts received in payment of all such charges or such transfers shall be credited to the General Fund; provided, that notwithstanding the provisions of section twenty-six of chapter twenty-nine of the General Laws, the commission is hereby authorized to negotiate and execute a contract for hospital, surgical, medical benefits not to exceed the present level of benefits, prior appropriation continued .........4,050,000 0448-03 For the group insurance premium for certain retired employees and their dependents, as authorized by chapter six hundred and forty-seven of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-two; provided, that amounts received from cities, towns or districts, in accordance with the provisions of said chapter six hundred and forty-seven, are to be in addition to this item and to be available for expenditure without further appropriation, prior appropriation continued .... 140,000 Total $4,434,162 198 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Rate Setting Board for Convalescent or Nursing Homes and Rest Homes. Item 0449-01 For expenses of the board, as authorized by chapter eight hundred and nine of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-three, including not more than seven permanent positions ..... $55,303 Suggestion Awards Board. 0451-00 For awards to state employees to be granted as provided in section thirty-one A of chapter seven of the General Laws, prior appropriation continued. Total, Executive Office for Administration and Finance $9,093,448 Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. 0457-01 For the expenses of the commissioners .... $2,950 George Fingold Library. 0459-01 For the service of the library, including not more than thirty-one permanent positions ....... $211,275 Art Commission. 0460-01 For expenses of the commission, notwithstanding the limitation of section nineteen of chapter six of the General Laws . . . $500 Ballot Law Commission. 0461-01 For compensation and expenses of the commissioners, including not more than three permanent positions ..... $4,550 Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination. 0462-01 For the service of the commission, including not more than nineteen permanent positions ....... $152,222 0462-02 For a branch office to be located in the city of Springfield . 17,429 Total.........$169,651 State Racing Commission. 0463-01 For the service of the commission, including not more than eleven permanent positions; provided, that fees paid to veterinarians for services in connection with horse racing shall not exceed twenty-five dollars per diem, and in connection with dog racing shall not exceed twenty dollars per diem..... . . $174,413 Records Conservation Board. 0464-01 For expenses of the records conservation board, as authorized by section forty-two of chapter thirty of the General Laws . . $300 Council for the Aging. 0465-01 For expenses of the council, to be in addition to any federal funds available for the purpose ........ $76,787 Mount Greylock Reservation Commission. 0466-01 For the maintenance of the Mount Greylock war memorial $489 Old State House. 0467-01 For the contribution of the commonwealth toward the maintenance of the old provincial state house ...... $1,500 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. Item Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission. 0469-01 For the service of the commission, including not more than sixty-five permanent positions ....... $636,900 Contributory Retirement Appeal Board. 0471-01 For the service of the board .... $100 Obscene Literature Control Commission. 0472-01 For expenses of the commission, as authorized by section one hundred and one of chapter six of the General Laws .... $2,000 Mobile Homes Commission. 0473-01 For expenses of the commission, as authorized by section one hundred and eight of chapter six of the General Laws . . . $5,000 Metropolitan Area Planning Council. 0474-01 For expenses of the council, as authorized by section one hundred and fourteen of chapter six of the General Laws . . . $100,000 Consumers' Council. 0475-01 For expenses of the council, as authorized by section one hundred and fifteen of chapter six of the General Laws, including not more than three permanent positions ....... $25,359 New England Board of Higher Education. 0476-01 For expenses of the board, and for compensation and expenses of the . members, as provided by chapter five hundred and eighty-nine of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-four .... $43,863 0476-02 For payments to medical or dental schools on acceptance of certain Massachusetts students, as authorized by chapter five hundred and eighty-nine of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-four 175,000 Total $218,863 0477-01 Finance Advisory Board. For expenses of the board $100 Medical, Dental and Nursing Scholarship Board. 0479-01 For expenses of the board...... $650 0479-02 For scholarships, as authorized by section one hundred of chapter six of the General Laws, other than to students at the University of Massachusetts .........150,000 Total $150,650 Boxers' Fund Board. 0480-01 For the expenses of the board . $250 Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts. 0481-01 For the maintenance of the Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts, including not more than five hundred and ninety-three permanent positions $3,666,225 Soldiers' Home in Holyoke. 0482-01 For the maintenance of the Soldiers' Home in Holyoke, including not more than two hundred and twenty-one permanent positions $1,438,100 200 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. State Housing Board. Item 0483-01 For the service of the board, including not more than forty-two permanent positions; provided, that the compensation and expenses for legal services payable from this item shall be limited to ten thousand dollars and shall be by the direction and under the control of the attorney general ........ $385,346 0484-01 For the service of the division of urban renewal, including not more than eleven permanent positions ...... 92,450 Total.........$477,796 Commissioner of Veterans' Service. 0485-01 For personal services of the commissioner and deputies, including not more than three permanent positions .... $34,688 0485-02 For the office of the commissioner, and for the administration of the veterans' bonus act, so called, including not more than eighty-seven permanent positions ....... 532,971 0485-03 For the payment of annuities to certain disabled veterans, as authorized by sections six A to six C, inclusive, of chapter one hundred and fifteen of the General Laws.......130,000 Total.........$697,669 Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission. 0490-01 For the compensation and expenses of members of the commission, including not more than five permanent positions . . $8,250 0490-02 For the service of the commission, including not more than nine permanent positions ....... 77,670 Total.........$85,920 Commission on Employment of the Handicapped. 0496-07 For expenses of the commission ..... $2,250 Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission. 0497-01 For the service of the commission, including not more than one permanent position, prior appropriation continued .... $1,089,000 Massachusetts Commission on Atomic Energy. 0498-01 For the service of the commission ..... $8,417 Total, Boards and Commissions serving under Governor and Council........$18,240,452 Secretary of the Commonwealth. 0501-01 For the salary of the secretary......$16,000 0501-02 For the office of the secretary, including not more than eighty-six permanent positions ....... 629,879 0501-03 For the processing of certain statistical data in the division of vital statistics......... 7,380 0501-04 For the expenses of the bureau of corporate organization and registration, including not more than thirteen permanent positions . 102,120 0502-01 For the purchase of certain supplies, equipment and repairs necessary in connection with the reproduction of the manuscript collection designated "Massachusetts Archives", and for the furnishing of photostatic copies of corporation papers, election papers and acts and resolves 8,700 0502-02 For the purchase and distribution of copies of certain journals of the house of representatives of Massachusetts Bay from seventeen hundred and fifteen to seventeen hundred and eighty, inclusive, as authorized by chapter four hundred and thirteen of the acts of nineteen hundred and twenty, as amended . . . . . 2,250 0502-03 For the expenses of the decennial census . . . . 19,000 Total ,...,.... $785,329 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. 201 Printing Laws, etc. For printing and distributing the pamphlet edition and for printing and binding the blue book edition of the acts and resolves of the year nineteen hundred and sixty-five, prior appropriation continued $40,000 For the printing of reports of decisions of the supreme judicial court, prior appropriation continued ...... 20,000 For printing and binding public documents, prior appropriation continued ......... 9,000 Total.........$69,000 Matters Relating to Elections. For preparing, printing and distributing ballots and other miscellaneous expenses for primary and other elections, including not more than five permanent positions, prior appropriation continued . $463,244 For expenses of publications of lists of candidates and forms of questions before state elections ....... 22,000 For services and expenses of the electoral college . . 1,200 For expenses of compiling and publishing information to voters, as required by section fifty-three of chapter fifty-four of the General Laws.........166,000 Total......... $651,444 Commission on Interstate Co-operation. 0506-01 For the service of the commission, including not more than two permanent positions ........ $40,861 Massachusetts Historical Commission. 0507-01 For the service of the commission, including not more than one permanent position ........ $7,848 Total, Department of the Secretary of the Commonwealth $1,554,482 Treasurer and Receiver-General. For the salary of the treasurer and receiver-general . . $16,000 For the office of the treasurer and receiver-general, including not more than seventy permanent positions; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of two hundred and two thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars from the Highway Fund..........641,900 Total.........$657,900 Commissioners on Firemen's Relief. 0602-01 For expenses of administration and for relief disbursed by the commissioners on firemen's relief ...... $15,000 State Board of Retirement. 0604-01 For the administrative office of the board, including not more than thirty-seven permanent positions ...... $210,667 0604-03 For the payment of the commonwealth's share in financing the state employees' retirement system, as provided by chapter thirty-two of the General Laws, prior appropriation continued; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of one million eight hundred thousand dollars from the Highway Fund and the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars from the Inland Fisheries and Game Fund; and, provided further, that the amounts of all reimbursements received on account of retirement allowances paid and all contributions received from the federal government, authorities, agencies of the commonwealth and political subdivisions thereof on account of the retirement of employees are to be in addition to this item and to be available for expenditure without further appropriation . . . 12,000,000 Item 0503-01 0503-02 0503-03 0504-01 0504-04 0504-05 0504-07 0601-01 0601-02 202 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Item 0604—04 For the compensation of veterans who may be retired by the state board of retirement under the provisions of sections fifty-six to fifty-nine, inclusive, of chapter thirty-two of the General Laws, and under the provisions of chapter four hundred and ninety of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-one, and for the cost of medical examinations in connection therewith, and for the commonwealth's proportionate share of retirement allowances payable under chapter four hundred and sixty-five of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-six, as amended, to persons retired in accordance with the provisions of sections fifty-six to sixty, inclusive, of chapter thirty-two of the General Laws, and in accordance with the provisions of chapter four hundred and ninety of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-one; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of eight hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars from the Highway Fund.....$3,750,000 0604-05 For payment of any claims, as authorized by sections eighty-nine and eighty-nine A of chapter thirty-two of the General Laws, for allowances to the families of certain employees killed or fatally injured in the discharge of their duties ....... 13,800 0604-06 For the compensation of certain prison officers and instructors formerly in the service of the commonwealth, now retired . . 22,400 0604-07 For retirement allowances of certain employees formerly in the service of the administrative division of the metropolitan district commission; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund from the Highway Fund twenty-five per cent and from the Metropolitan District Commission Funds seventy-five per cent of the cost of payments made under this item; and, provided further, that the metropolitan district commission's share of this item shall be assessed by methods fixed by law........ 6,300 0604-08 For retirement allowances of certain veterans and police officers formerly in the service of the metropolitan district commission as provided by law; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund from the Highway Fund sixty per cent and from the Metropolitan District Commission Funds thirty-nine per cent of the cost of payments made under this item; and, provided further, that the metropolitan district commission's share of this item shall be assessed as provided in section fifty-five of chapter ninety-two of the General Laws 515,000 0604-09 For retirement allowances of certain veterans formerly in the service of the metropolitan sewerage district as provided by law; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund from the Metropolitan Sewerage District Funds the cost of payments made under this item..........164,000 0604-10 For retirement allowances of certain veterans formerly in the service of the metropolitan water system as provided by law; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund from the Metropolitan Water System Funds the cost of payments made under this item 373,000 0604-11 For annuities for widows of certain former members of the uniformed branch of the state police, as authorized by chapter five hundred and twenty-six of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-three; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of twenty thousand dollars from the Highway Fund . . 25,000 Total.........$17,069,167 Emergency Finance Board. 0605-01 For administrative expenses of the board, including not more than one permanent position; provided, that no payments shall be allowed from sums appropriated in this item in excess of compensation for one meeting per week for board members ..... $22,101 World War and Spanish-American War Service. 0606-01 For making payments to soldiers in recognition of service during World War I and the Spanish War, as provided by law . . $750 Total, Department of the Treasurer and Receiver-General $17,764,918 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Item 0701-01 0701-02 Auditor of the Commonwealth. For the salary of the auditor ...... $16,000 For the office of the auditor, including not more than sixty-eight permanent positions; provided that any expense incurred in the audit of the books of the Woods Hole, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steamship Authority shall be reimbursed by said authority as provided by law; and, provided further, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of one hundred and sixty-five thousand six hundred and eighteen dollars from the Highway Fund . . . 736,810 Total, Department of the Auditor .... $752,810 0801-01 0801-02 0801-03 0802-01 0802-02 Department of the Attorney General. For the salary of the attorney general .... $20,000 For the office of the attorney general, including not more than forty-five permanent positions ....... 562,715 For the cost of providing certain legal assistance for the benefit of veterans, their wives and dependents .... 18,600 For the settlement of certain claims, as provided by law, on account of damages by cars owned by the commonwealth and operated by state employees; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund from the appropriate funds sums equal to the payments made under this item for claims against agencies whose appropriations are derived from other funds ...... 100,000 For the settlement of certain small claims, as authorized by section three A of chapter twelve of the General Laws .... 8,000 Total, Department of the Attorney General $709,315 0901-01 0901-02 0901-11 0901-21 0901-24 Department of Agriculture. For the salary of the commissioner ..... $11,000 Fot the office of the commissioner, including not more than thirty-four permanent positions.......243,381 For expenses of the board of agriculture .... 500 For apiary inspection, including not more than one permanent position, and for the reimbursement of owners of diseased bees as provided in section thirty-four of chapter one hundred and twenty-eight of the General Laws........ 9,329 For matching certain federal funds allocated to the department for a program of quality improvement of the production and marketing of eggs .......... 4,500 Total $268,710 0905-01 0905-03 0905-04 Division of Dairying and Animal Husbandry. For the service of the division, including not more than five permanent positions .......$39,374 For administering the law relative to inspection of barns and dairies by the department of agriculture, including not more than fifteen permanent positions.......107,868 For matching certain federal funds allocated to the department for a program of quality improvement of dairy products . 4,450 Total $151,692 Milk Control Commission. 0906-01 For the service of the commission, including not more than thirty-four permanent positions.......$230,049 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Division of Livestock Disease Control. Item 0907-01 For the office of the director, including the administration of sections one hundred and thirty-nine C to one hundred and thirty-nine G, inclusive, of chapter ninety-four of the General Laws, and including not more than twenty-eight permanent positions .... $269,245 0907-06 For travel, when allowed, of inspectors of animals, incidental expenses of killing and burial of animals, quarantine and emergency services, and for laboratory and veterinary supplies and equipment . 1,300 0907-07 For the reimbursement of owners of tubercular or brucellosis cattle killed, as authorized by sections twelve A and thirty-six G, respectively, of chapter one hundred and twenty-nine of the General Laws and in accordance with certain provisions of law and agreements made under authority of section thirty-three of said chapter one hundred and twenty-nine, prior appropriation continued . . . 10,000 Total.........$280,545 Division of Markets. 0908-01 For the service of the division, including not more than eleven permanent positions..... $116,200 0908-02 For matching federal funds in preparing certain crop survey reports 4,846 Total.........$121,046 Division of Plant Pest Control and Fairs. 0909-01 For the service of the division, including not more than four permanent positions.........$36,480 State Reclamation Board. 0910-01 For the service of the board, including not more than three permanent positions ......... $15,324 0910-21 For the control of the greenhead fly, as authorized by section twenty-four of chapter two hundred and fifty-two of the General Laws 6,500 Total.........$21,824 Total, Department of Agriculture .... $1,110,346 Department of Natural Resources. 1001-01 For the salary of the commissioner.....$13,000 1001-02 For the office of the commissioner, including not more than thirty-five permanent positions; provided, that the position of "assistant to the commissioner (public access)" shall not be subject to the provisions of chapter thirty-one of the General Laws .... 230,850 1001-04 For the expenses of the natural resources board . . 700 Total.........$244,550 Division of Forests and Parks. 1002-01 For the office of the director, including not more than thirteen permanent positions.........$98,300 1002-12 For the service of the state fire warden, including not more than nineteen permanent positions, and for expenses of the Northeastern Forest Fire Protection Commission, and for compensation of commissioners, as authorized by chapter four hundred and fifty-seven of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-nine ..... 454,065 1002-14 For the expenses of forest fire patrol, including not more than ten permanent positions, as authorized by section twenty-eight A of chapter forty-eight of the General Laws ..... 69,860 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. Item 1002-21 For the development of forests, including not more than thirty-five permanent positions ........ $251,650 1002-26 For certain farm forestry projects in co-operation with the United States Forest Service and the county of Berkshire, including not more than one permanent position; provided, that no expenditure shall be made under this item until the county of Berkshire shall have deposited the sum of two thousand one hundred and ten dollars in the state treasury for this project ........ 8,438 1002-27 For certain farm forestry projects in co-operation with the United States Forest Service and the county of Essex, including not more than one permanent position; provided, that no expenditure shall be made under this item until the county of Essex shall have deposited the sum of one thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars in the state treasury for this project........ 7,877 1002-28 For certain farm forestry projects in co-operation with the United States Forest Service and the county of Hampshire, including not more than one permanent position; provided, that no expenditure shall be made under this item until the county of Hampshire shall have deposited the sum of one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two dollars in the state treasury for this project ....... 7,926 1002-31 For the suppression of insect pests and shade tree diseases, including gypsy and brown tail moths and Japanese beetles under any general or special law, and including not more than thirty-three permanent positions.........206,860 1002-38 For the cost of an accelerated program of forest management on state forest lands as authorized by chapter four hundred and eighty-six of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty .... 58,000 1002-41 For a federal-state co-operative forest management program 22,055 Total $1,185,011 Division of Law Enforcement. 1003-00 For the service of the division, including not more than seventy permanent positions; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of one hundred and forty-one thousand dollars from the Inland Fisheries and Game Fund, the sum of one hundred and thirty thousand dollars from the Marine Fisheries Fund and the sum of thirty thousand dollars from the State Recreation Areas Fund..........$539,700 Division of Conservation Services. 1005-01 For the services of the division, including not more than five permanent positions.........$64,537 Division of Water Resources. 1010-01 For the service of the division, including not more than eight permanent positions, to be in addition to any federal or other funds available .......... $139,181 1010-02 For expenses of the Thames River Valley Flood Control Commission, as authorized by chapter six hundred and sixteen of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-seven . . . . . 2,300 1010-03 For expenses of the Connecticut River Valley Flood Control Commission and for reimbursement for loss of taxes, as authorized by chapter six hundred and ninety-two of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-one .......... 29,800 1010-04 For expenses of the Merrimack River Valley Flood Control Commission, as authorized by chapter six hundred and eight of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-six....... 77,300 1010-31 For the operation and maintenance of a certain flood control project in the town of New Marlborough ..... 800 1010-35 For operation and maintenance of flood control reservoirs on the SuAsCo watershed ......... 4,160 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. Item 1010-36 For property surveys for establishment of flood plain limits in the Assabet and Chicopee river valleys . . . . . . $10,000 Total.........$263,541 Total, Department of Natural Resources . . . $2,297,339 Department of Banking and Insurance. Division of Banks. 1101—01 For the salary of the commissioner ..... $15,000 1101-02 For the office of the commissioner, including not more than two hundred and one permanent positions ..... 1,542,361 1102-01 For the office of the supervisor of loan agencies, including not more than forty-one permanent positions ..... 325,300 Total.........$1,882,661 Division of Insurance. 1103-01 For the salary of the commissioner ..... $15,000 1103-02 For the service of the division, including expenses of the board of appeal, and certain other costs of supervising motor vehicle liability insurance, and including not more than two hundred and eighty-one permanent positions; provided, that the positions of "area legal counsel" and "assistant area legal counsel" shall not be subject to the provisions of chapter thirty-one of the General Laws; and, provided further, that contracts or orders for the purchase of statement blanks for the making of annual reports to the commissioner of insurance shall not be subject to the restrictions prescribed by section one of chapter five of the General Laws; and, provided further, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of three hundred and seventy-seven thousand five hundred and seventy dollars from the Highway Fund 1,892,850 Total......... $1,907,850 Division of Savings Bank Life Insurance. 1105-01 For the service of the division, including not more than twenty-eight permanent positions ....... $173,430 Total, Department of Banking and Insurance . . $3,963,941 Department of Corporations and Taxation. 1201-01 For the salary of the commissioner and associate commissioners $52,000 1201-02 For personal services of the department, except as otherwise provided, including not more than eight hundred and nineteen permanent positions; provided, that the.comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of two hundred and thirty-three thousand dollars from the Highway Fund, the sum of three hundred and fifty-seven thousand dollars from the receipts of the corporation tax and three million ninety-four thousand dollars from the receipts of the income tax 4,760,000 1201-03 For expenses of the department except as otherwise provided; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of sixty-tbree thousand and forty dollars from the Highway Fund and one hundred and eighty thousand dollars from the receipts of the corporation tax..........315,200 1201-52 For certain tax audits of foreign corporations, prior appropriation continued ......... 50,000 1202-02 For expenses of the income tax division; provided, that a sum equivalent to the payments under this item shall be transferred to the General Fund from the receipts of the income tax • . . . . 1,135,700 Total $6,312,900 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. 207 Division of Accounts- For the service of the division, including not more than one hundred and thirty-one permanent positions, partly chargeable to item 1203-11.........$918,100 For expenses of auditing and installing systems of municipal accounts, the cost of which is to be assessed upon the municipalities for which the work is done ........ 84,200 For the expenses of certain books, forms and other material which may be sold to cities and towns requiring the same for maintaining their system of accounts ........ 78,000 For the service of the county personnel board, including not more than six permanent positions ....... 23,993 Total.........$1,104,293 Appellate Tax Board. 1204-01 For the service of the board, including not more than twenty-nine permanent positions; provided, that the board is hereby authorized to prepare official transcripts of hearings at no net expense to the commonwealth and, in addition to the sums appropriated in this item, expend from the receipts therefor, without appropriation, income derived from the sale of such transcripts ...... $263,450 Total, Department of Corporations and Taxation . $7,680,643 Department of Education. 1301-01 For the salary of the commissioner ..... $27,500 1301-02 For the office of the commissioner, including not more than eighty permanent positions ........ 584,000 1301-04 For matching, with the approval of the commissioner of administration, certain federal funds authorized to be accepted and disbursed by chapter six hundred and sixty-four of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-eight and allocated to the commonwealth under the provisions of Public Law 85-864; provided, that the department may use for matching such federal funds other state appropriated funds or any public or private funds that may be available, in addition to the amount made available by this item, prior appropriation continued . 150,000 1301-05 For the expenses of the advisory commission on academically talented pupils, as authorized by section six C of chapter fifteen of the General Laws......... 3,700 1301-06 For printing school registers and other school blanks for cities and towns......... 6,330 1301-07 For expenses of holding teachers'institutes . . . 1,200 1301-10 For the service of the state building on Newbury Street, Boston, including not more than five permanent positions. . . . 49,543 1301-13 For the commonwealth's share of the expenses of the national council of state school officers ....... 1,500 1301-15 For expenses of the advisory board of higher education policy, including not more than two permanent positions . . . 22,795 1301-20 For the board of education, including not more than two permanent positions.......... 12,713 1301-23 For printing guides for school curricula .... 7,000 1301-25 For expenses of the board of collegiate authority . . 400 1301-29 For a program of sight saving classes .... 2,000 1301-32 For assistance to children of certain war veterans, prior appropriation continued, as authorized by section seven B of chapter sixty-nine of the General Laws and corresponding provisions of earlier laws 500,000 1301-33 For certain educational services to certain war veterans . 29,560 Item 1203-01 1203-11 1203-12 1203-21 Total $1,398,231 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Item 1305-01 1305-05 School Lunch and Commodity Distribution Program. For the administration of the program, including not more than thirty-two permanent positions; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of fifty thousand dollars from the school lunch distribution and salvage fund .... $213,183 For partial assistance in the furnishing of lunches to school children, as authorized by chapter five hundred and thirty-eight of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-one, and, if necessary, for supplementing federal funds allocated for the special milk program; provided, that notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, payments so authorized to be paid from state funds shall not exceed fifty per cent of the total reimbursement authorized by the national school lunch act; and, provided further, that a sum equivalent to the payments under this item shall be transferred to the General Fund from the receipts of the income tax, prior appropriation continued . . . 350,000 Total $563,183 1307-01 1307-02 Division of Vocational Education. For the training of teachers for vocational schools, to comply with the requirement of federal authorities under the provisions of the Smith-Hughes Act, so called, including not more than thirty-two permanent positions; provided, that such courses may be furnished free of charge to veterans, as authorized in sections seven and seven A of chapter sixty-nine of the General Laws ..... $148,926 For personal services of the surplus property agency, including not more than two permanent positions; provided, that a sum equivalent to the expenditures made under this item shall be transferred to the General Fund from the receipts of the surplus property agency, established by section fifty-five of chapter seventy-four of the General Laws 14,116 Total $163,042 Education of Deaf and Blind Pupils. 1311-01 For education of deaf and blind pupils of the commonwealth, as provided by section twenty-six of chapter sixty-nine of the General Laws, prior appropriation continued ...... $3,100,000 Education of Emotionally Disturbed Children. 1312-01 For education of emotionally disturbed children of the commonwealth, as provided by section forty-six I of chapter seventy-one of the General Laws, prior appropriation continued .... $1,550,000 Division of University Extension. 1313-01 For the university extension courses, including not more than fifty-seven permanent positions; provided, that the division may, in addition to the sums appropriated for the purpose in this item, expend from receipts, without appropriation, income derived from such courses as may be conducted at no net expense to the commonwealth to an amount not exceeding four hundred thousand dollars with the approval of the state board of education, to be in addition to any federal funds available for the purpose ........ $285,000 Division of Immigration and Americanization. 1315-01 For the service of the division, including not more than seventeen permanent positions ....... $115,582 Division of Public Libraries. 1316—01 For the service of the division, including not more than twenty-five permanent positions ....... $158,090 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Division of the Blind. Item 1317-01 For general administration and for instruction of the adult blind in their homes, including not more than seventy-three permanent positions....... . $410,133 1317-08 For aiding the adult blind, subject to the conditions provided by law, including the cost of certain medical assistance and supplies, prior appropriation continued ...... 2,225,500 1317-10 For expenses of administering and operating the service of piano tuning under section twenty-five of chapter sixty-nine of the General Laws......... 33,000 1317-11 For the operation of local shops, including not more than thirteen permanent positions ....... 283,650 1317-15 For the operation of the salesroom and other expenses in connection with the sales of materials made by blind persons, including not more than four permanent positions ...... 47,528 1317-16 For the operation of the Cambridge industries for the blind, including not more than twelve permanent positions . . . . 511,967 1317-18 For certain payments to blind persons, as authorized by chapter six hundred and sixty-nine of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-seven......... 46,024 1317-28 For the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of the blind in co-operation with the federal government, prior appropriation continued 161,000 Total.........$3,718,802 Teachers' Retirement Board. For the service of the board, including not more than thirty-four permanent positions ....... $190,738 For the payment of retirement assessments of teachers formerly in military or naval service, as authorized by section nine of chapter seven hundred and eight of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-one, as amended ......... 600 Total.........$191,238 Massachusetts Maritime Academy. 1327-10 For administration and for maintenance of the academy and ship, including not more than fifty-one permanent positions, with the approval of the commissioner of education ..... $550,098 Division of State Colleges. For the administration, maintenance of and for certain improvements at state colleges and the boarding halls attached thereto with the approval of the board of trustees: For administration, as authorized by section one of chapter seventy-three of the General Laws, including not more than fourteen permanent positions.........$116,225 For the program of continuing studies in the methods used in the art of teaching and related subjects and for the summer school in Hyannis or elsewhere, to be conducted by the division of state colleges, for graduates of state colleges or for such students or graduates of other colleges as may be approved by the board of trustees of state colleges; provided, that such courses may be furnished free of charge to veterans, as authorized in sections seven and seven A of chapter sixty-nine of the General Laws; and, provided further, that the division may, in addition to the sums appropriated for the purpose in this item, expend, from the receipts without appropriation, income derived from such courses as may be conducted at no net expense to the commonwealth to an amount not exceeding one million dollars with the approval of said trustees 6,500 For aid to certain pupils in state colleges, under the direction of the board of trustees......... 4,000 1319-01 1319-02 1329-01 1329-02 1329-03 210 Acts, 1964. —Chap. 337. Item 1330-01 State college at Bridgewater, mcluding not more than one hundred and seventy-three permanent positions .... $1,482,885 1330-21 State college at Bridgewater, boarding hall, including not more than thirty-eight permanent positions ..... 304,050 1331-01 State college at Fitchburg, including not more than one hundred and thirty-seven permanent positions; provided, that said college may expend a sum not to exceed sixty thousand dollars for the purpose of maintaining at said college a community college program as authorized by chapter four hundred and seventy-seven of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-nine......1,256,230 1331-10 For scholarships, as authorized by section seven C of chapter sixty-nine of the General Laws ....... 10,000 1331-21 State college at Fitchburg, boarding hall, including not more than nineteen permanent positions ....... 164,504 1332-01 State college at Framingham, including not more than one hundred and twenty permanent positions ..... 869,100 1332-21 State college at Framingham, boarding hall, including not more than thirty-seven permanent positions ..... 280,000 1333-01 State college at Lowell, including not more than ninety-three permanent positions ......... 666,518 1333-21 State college at Lowell, boarding hall, including not more than four permanent positions ....... 17,190 1334-01 State college at North Adams, including not more than sixty permanent positions.........438,750 1334-21 State college at North Adams, boarding hall, including not more than eight permanent positions ...... 54,440 1335-01 State college at Salem, including not more than one hundred and sixty-six permanent positions ....... 1,293,930 1336-01 State college at Westfield, including not more than ninety permanent positions.........691,290 1336-21 State college at Westfield, boarding hall, including not more than nine permanent positions ....... 41,230 1337-01 State college at Worcester, including not more than one hundred and twenty-seven permanent positions .... 951,500 1338-01 State college at Boston, including not more than one hundred and ninety-seven permanent positions ...... 1,626,890 1339-01 Massachusetts College of Art, including not more than forty-nine permanent positions ....... 453,675 Total.........$10,728,907 For the maintenance of and for certain improvements at the following institutes with the approval of the board of trustees: Bradford Durfee College of Technology, including not more than sixty-seven permanent positions, and including the sum of ten thousand dollars which is to be assessed upon the city of Fall River as a part of the charges to be paid by said city to the commonwealth in the calendar year nineteen hundred and sixty-four; provided, that said college is hereby authorized to conduct a summer school at no net expense to the commonwealth, and for said purpose, the college may receive and expend income derived therefrom ..... $613,510 For scholarships, as authorized by section forty-six C of chapter seventy-four of the General Laws . . . ... . 3,750 New Bedford Institute of Technology, including not more than sixty-nine permanent positions, and including the sum of ten thousand dollars which is to be assessed upon the city of New Bedford as a part of the charges to be paid by said city to the commonwealth in the calendar year nineteen hundred and sixty-four; provided, that said institute is hereby authorized to conduct a summer school at no net expense to the commonwealth, and for said purpose the institute may receive and expend income derived therefrom ..... 652,290 For scholarships, as authorized by section forty-six C of chapter seventy-four of the General Laws ...... 3,750 Total $1,273,300 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. 211 Lowell Technological Institute of Massachusetts. Item 1345-01 For the maintenance of the institute, with the approval of the trustees, including not more than two hundred and twenty-six permanent positions, and including the sum of ten thousand dollars to be assessed upon the city of Lowell as a part of the charges to be paid by said city to the commonwealth in the calendar year nineteen hundred and sixty-four; provided, that said institute is hereby authorized to conduct a summer school at no expense to the commonwealth, and for said purpose the institute may receive and expend income derived therefrom ..........$2,277,500 1345-22 For a certain program designed to encourage students in the field of science ......... 5,000 1345-42 For scholarships, as authorized by section seventeen of chapter seventy-five A of the General Laws ...... 15,000 Total.........$2,297,500 Southeastern Massachusetts Technological Institute. 1347-01 For expenses of administration of the program, as authorized by chapter five hundred and forty-three of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty, including not more than four permanent positions . . $42,764 University of Massachusetts. 1350-01 For the maintenance of the university, with the approval of the trustees, including not more than sixteen hundred and two permanent positions; provided, that the trustees may, in addition to the sums appropriated, receive and expend as university trust funds under section eleven of chapter seventy-five of the General Laws, at no net expense to the commonwealth, without appropriation, funds received from the operation of the boarding halls and from university health services; and, provided further, that there shall be transferred from the receipts of said boarding halls the sum of one hundred and fifty-two thousand dollars to the General Fund to meet the estimated cost of heat, light, power, rental of facilities at present available for the purpose and the estimated cost of certain employee fringe benefits to be furnished by the commonwealth; and, provided further, that the commonwealth shall furnish heat, light, power and necessary repairs in the infirmary building and pay the commonwealth's share of the cost of employee fringe benefits of the university health services trust fund; and, provided further, that the university health services trust fund shall furnish, without charge, health services required by law to be furnished at the university by the commonwealth........$16,887,000 1350-21 For expenses in connection with research projects for which the commonwealth shall be fully reimbursed; provided, that on and after the effective date of this act the trustees may receive and expend, at no net expense to the commonwealth, funds for such research projects without further appropriation, prior appropriation continued. 1350-35 For the entertainment of distinguished visitors to the campus of the university, with the approval of the board of trustees . . 2,000 1350-36 For the payment of the rental fee for the president's house, with the approval of the board of trustees ..... 1,200 1350-70 For a senior internship program; provided, that any public or private funds received for this purpose shall reduce, by a like amount, the expenditures authorized from this item .... 35,000 1350-96 For scholarships, as authorized by sections thirty-one and thirty-three of chapter seventy-five of the General Laws and for a work scholarship program with the approval of the board of trustees; provided, that any part of the sum appropriated by this item may be used for matching federal grants made under the National Defense Education Act of nineteen hundred and fifty-eight; and, provided further, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund from the Agricultural Purposes Fund the cost of payments made under this item notwithstanding the limitation of said section thirty-three of chapter seventy-five 396,400 Total.........$17,321,600 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Massachusetts Board of Regional Community Colleges. Item 1360-01 For administration of the program, as authorized by section twenty-seven of chapter fifteen of the General Laws, including not more than four permanent positions ....... $71,925 1361-00 Massachusetts Bay community college, including not more than fifty-three permanent positions . . . . . . 453,310 1362-00 Northern Essex community college, including not more than thirty-four permanent positions ....... 267,031 1363-00 Cape Cod community college, including not more than twenty-nine permanent positions ........ 244,925 1364-00 Berkshire community college, including not more than thirty-three permanent positions . . . ... . . . 257,840 1365-00 Quinsigamond community college, including not more than thirty-six permanent positions . . . . . . . 265,910 1366-00 Greenfield community college, including not more than twenty-one permanent positions ....... 195,975 1367-00 Holyoke community college, including not more than forty-one permanent positions ........ 258,400 1368-00 Mount Wachusett community college, including not more than eighteen permanent positions ....... 103,683 1369-00 Regional community college, south shore, including not more than two permanent positions ....... 20,000 Total ........$2,128,999 Division of Youth Service. 1380-01 For the youth service board and for the administration of the division of youth service, including not more than ninety permanent positions .........$1,065,478 For the maintenance of and for certain improvements at the institutions within the division: 1381-01 Industrial school for boys, including not more than one hundred and thirty-four permanent positions ..... $880,500 1382-01 Industrial school for girls, including not more than ninety-five permanent positions ......... 585,750 1383-01 Lyman school for boys, including not more than one hundred and forty-nine permanent positions ...... 1,110,860 1384-01 For the operation of reception and detention facilities for boys in the city of Boston, including not more than sixty-two permanent positions .......... 455,466 1385-01 For the operation of the institute of juvenile guidance, including not more than fifty-four permanent positions .... 401,050 1386-01 For the operation of reception and detention facilities for girls in the city, of Boston, including not more than thirty-two permanent positions . . . . . . . . . 214,465 1387-01 For the operation of a detention center in Hampden county, including not more than eighteen permanent positions . . . 124,564 1388-01 For the operation of a residential treatment unit for small boys in Oakdale, including not more than twenty-five permanent positions . 210,610 1389-01 For the operation of a detention center in Worcester county, including not more than nineteen permanent positions . . . 128,500 1390-01 For the maintenance of Stephen L. French Youth Forestry Camp 82,360 Total . . Total, Division of Youth Service $4,194,104 $5,269,582 1393-01 School Building Assistance Commission. For the school building assistance commission . $95,607 Acts, 1964. —Chap. 337. 213 Board of Educational Assistance. For the expenses of the board, as authorized by section twenty-six of chapter fifteen of the General Laws .... $14,196 For scholarships, as authorized by section twenty-six of chapter fifteen of the General Laws, other than to students at the University of Massachusetts; provided, that notwithstanding the provisions of said section twenty-six, the board may grant scholarships equal to fifty per cent of the amount appropriated in this item to students enrolled in state colleges operated by the commonwealth, prior appropriation continued .........400,000 For scholarships as authorized by section seven D of chapter sixty-nine of the General Laws ....... 15,000 Total.........$429,196 Total, Department of Education .... $51,370,711 Department of Civil Service and Registration. Division of Civil Service. 1402-01 For the salary of the director and for the compensation of members of the commission ........ $57,000 1402-02 For the service of the division, including not more than two hundred and forty-seven permanent positions; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of two hundred and forty thousand and ninety dollars from the Highway Fund . . . 1,600,600 1402-21 For expenses of hearings, as authorized by section forty-three of chapter thirty-one of the General Laws . ... . . . . 7,500 Total.........$1,665,100 Division of Registration. 1403-01 For the salary of the director...... $8,000 1403-02 For the service of the division, including not more than fifty-nine permanent positions ....... 462,070 Total........ . $460,070 For the service of the following agencies in the division: 1404-01 Board of registration in medicine, including not more than seven permanent positions.........$12,575 1405-01 Board of dental examiners, including not more than five permanent positions . . . . . . . . 7,500 1406-01 Board of registration in chiropody, including not more than five permanent positions, notwithstanding the limitations of section twelve C of chapter thirteen of the General Laws ..... 3,400 1407-01 Board of registration in pharmacy, including not more than nine permanent positions ......... 40,693 1408-01 Board of registration of nurses, including not more than twelve permanent positions ......... 8,000 1409-01 Board of registration in embalming and funeral directing, including not more than five permanent positions .... 13,125 1410-01 Board of registration in optometry, including not more than five permanent positions . . . . . . . . 3,750 1411-01 Board of registration in veterinary medicine, including not more than five permanent positions ...... 3,630 1412-01 Board of registration of professional engineers and land surveyors 27,300 1413-01 Board of registration of architects, including not more than five permanent positions ......... 5,100 1415-01 Board of public accountancy, including not more than nine permanent positions ......... 42,350 Item 1394-01 1394-02 1394-03 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Item 1416-01 State examiners of electricians, including not more than two permanent positions ......... $10,000 1417-01 State examiners of plumbers, including not more than three permanent positions ......... 9,450 1418-01 Board of registration of real estate brokers and salesmen, including not more than twenty-seven permanent positions; provided, that persons employed under this item shall not be subject to the civil service laws and rules.........219,914 1419-01 Board of registration of electrologists, including not more than three permanent positions ....... 2,125 1420-01 Board of registration of barbers, including not more than ten permanent positions......... 60,277 1421-01 Board of registration of hairdressers, including not more than seventeen permanent positions ....... 109,452 1422-01 Board of registration of dispensing opticians, including not more than five permanent positions ...... 1,375 1424-01 Board of registration of sanitarians, including not more than four permanent positions ....... 1,500 1425-01 Board of registration of radio and television technicians, including not more than seven permanent positions .... 7,700 Total.........$689,216 Total, Department of Civil Service and Registration . $2,714,386 Department of Commerce. 1551-01 For the service of the department, including not more than fifty-six permanent positions ....... $655,329 1551-02 For the promotion of vacation travel within the commonwealth; provided, that no salaries or expenses of employees shall be chargeable to this item.........100,000 1551-03 For the promotion of industry within the commonwealth; provided, that no salaries or expenses of employees shall be chargeable to this item..........100,000 1551-10 For the commonwealth's share of the expenses of the New England governors' research committee, prior appropriation continued. 1551-21 For expenses of the New York office of the department of commerce, including not more than one permanent position; provided, that section twenty-five of chapter thirty of the General Laws shall not apply to payments made under this item ..... 36,086 1551-22 For expenses of representing the department of commerce in Washington, D. C.........36,000 Total, Department of Commerce .... $927,415 Department of Labor and Industries. 1601-01 For general administration and for the division of. employment of older workers, including not more than thirteen permanent positions $121,067 1603-01 For the division of industrial safety, including not more than seventy permanent positions ....... 558,500 1605-01 For the division of occupational hygiene, including not more than fourteen permanent positions ....... 113,450 1607-01 For the division of statistics, including not more than thirty-four permanent positions ....... 194,196 1609-01 For administration of the division on necessaries of life, including not more than five permanent positions .... 33,622 1609-05 For administration, by said division, of sections two hundred and ninety-five A to two hundred and ninety-five O, inclusive, of chapter ninety-four of the General Laws, relating to the advertising and sale of motor fuel at retail, including not more than twelve permanent positions 88,276 1611-01 For the board of conciliation and arbitration, including not more than fifteen permanent positions ...... 150,975 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. 215 Item 1613-01 For the commission on minimum wage and for expenses of wage boards, including not more than thirty-four permanent positions . $201,080 1615-01 For the division of standards, including not more than twenty-one permanent positions ....... 157,491 Total.........$1,618,666 Division of Apprentice Training. 1620-01 For the service of the division, including not more than thirty-six permanent positions; provided, that all of the positions of this division, with the exception of the head clerk, shall not be subject to chapter thirty-one of the General Laws ..... $215,485 Labor Relations Commission. 1630-01 For the service of the commission, including not more than twenty permanent positions ....... $163,515 Health, Welfare and Retirement Trust Funds Board. 1640-01 For the service of the board, as authorized by sections ten E and ten F of chapter twenty-three of the General Laws, including not more than twenty-eight permanent positions .... $213,750 Division of Industrial Accidents. 1651-01 For personal services of members of the board, including not more than twelve permanent positions ..... $181,000 1651-02 For the service of the board and for clerical and other assistance for the industrial accident rehabilitation board, including not more than one hundred and seventy-four permanent positions . . 1,050,558 1651-05 For expenses of impartial examinations, prior appropriation continued . ...... 25,000 1651-06 For the compensation of certain public employees for injuries sustained in the course of their employment, as provided by section sixty-nine of chapter one hundred and fifty-two of the General Laws, prior appropriation continued; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of four hundred and twenty thousand dollars from the Highway Fund......1,200,000 Total.........$2,456,558 Division of Self-Insurance. 1651-21 For the service of the division, including not more than six permanent positions.........$39,266 Industrial Accident Rehabilitation Board. 1652-01 For the service of the board, including not more than six permanent positions ......... $15,883 Total, Department of Labor and Industries . . $4,723,113 Department of Mental Health. For the salary of the commissioner.....$23,000 For administration, including community nurseries for retarded children, the boarding out of children, as provided in chapter one hundred and twenty-three of the General Laws, with the consent of the parents or guardians, the North Reading rehabilitation center, the division of mental hygiene, psychiatric services to the courts and other state departments, therapy and outpatient treatment of sexual offenders including those incarcerated in institutions within the commonwealth, and for the transportation and medical examination of patients and 1701-01 1701-02 216 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. Item certain feeble-minded persons, including not more than five hundred and thirty-eight permanent positions; provided, that any part of the sum appropriated in this item may be used for matching any federal grants available for this purpose . . . . . $5,823,650 Total.........$5,846,650 For the maintenance of and for certain improvements at the following institutions under the control of the department of mental health: 1710-00 Massachusetts mental health center, including not more than two hundred and ninety-two permanent positions .... $1,790,300 1711-00 Boston state hospital, including not more than one thousand one hundred and twenty-two permanent positions .... 6,569,800 1712-00 Danvers state hospital, including not more than eight hundred and forty-six permanent positions ...... 4,892,200 1713-00 Foxborough state hospital, including not more than five hundred and sixty-one permanent positions ..... 3,283,150 1714-00 Gardner state hospital, including not more than five hundred and eleven permanent positions ....... 3,100,135 1715-00 Grafton state hospital, including not more than five hundred and seventy-six permanent positions ...... 3,369,977 1716-00 Medfield state hospital, including not more than six hundred and seventy-nine permanent positions ...... 3,796,850 1717-00 Metropolitan state hospital, including not more than seven hundred and forty-four permanent positions ..... 4,382,255 1718-00 Northampton state hospital, including not more than seven hundred and fifty-one permanent positions ..... 4,558,100 1719-00 Taunton state hospital, including not more than seven hundred and eleven permanent positions ........ 4,710,200 1720-00 Westborough state hospital, including not more than seven hundred and seventy-nine permanent positions .... 4,369,900 1721-00 Worcester state hospital, including not more than one thousand and fifty permanent positions ....... 5,717,865 1722-00 Monson state hospital, including not more than seven hundred and fifty-six permanent positions ...... 3,759,900 1723-00 Belchertown state school, including not more than five hundred and eighty-nine permanent positions ..... 3,134,500 1724-00 Walter E. Fernald state school, including not more than nine hundred and sixty-six permanent positions .... 5,675,450. 1725-00 Wrentham state school, including not more than six hundred and forty-nine permanent positions ...... 4,212,825 1726-00 Paul A. Dever state school, including not more than six hundred and twenty-six permanent positions ..... 3,840,000 1727-00 Cushing hospital, including not more than six hundred and seventy-eight permanent positions ....... 3,316,400 Total .......$74,479,807 Total, Department of Mental Health. . . . $80,326,457 Department of Correction. 1801-01 For the salary of the commissioner . . . . . $18,000 1801-02 For administration, including not more than seventy permanent positions; provided, that the persons employed under the division of classification of prisoners shall not be subject to the civil service laws and rules; and, provided further, that notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, the director of civil service shall certify to the commissioner of correction, on receipt of permanent requisitions, names of correction officers to fill permanent vacancies, and the salary of these employees during the period of official training shall be paid from this item 587,775 Total $605,775 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. For the maintenance of and for certain improvements at the following institutions under the control of the department of correction: Item 1810-01 Correctional institution at Bridgewater, including not more than five hundred and sixty-two permanent positions . . . $4,566,600 1812-01 Correctional institution at Walpole, including not more three hundred permanent positions ....... 2,361,870 1812-02 Correctional institution at Walpole, industries, including not more than thirty permanent positions; provided, that the commissioner of correction shall determine the cost of the manufacture of motor vehicle registration plates and certify to the comptroller the amounts to be transferred therefor from the Highway Fund to the General Fund 788,084 1814-01 Correctional institution at Concord, including not more than two hundred and forty-nine permanent positions .... 1,923,060 1814-02 Correctional institution at Concord, industries, including not more than fifteen permanent positions ...... 320,960 1816-01 Correctional institution at Framingham, including not more than one hundred and thirty-four permanent positions . . . 1,060,550 1816-02 Correctional institution at Framingham, industries, including not more than nine permanent positions ..... 234,243 1818-01 Correctional institution at Norfolk, including not more than two hundred and fifty-five permanent positions. .... 2,221,750 1818-02 Correctional institution at Norfolk, industries, including not more than twenty-nine permanent positions ..... 526,800 1820-01 For the operation of correctional institution camps, including not more than thirty-six permanent positions .... 414,690 Total.........$14,418,487 Parole Board. 1830-01 For the service of the board, including not more than seventy-three permanent positions ....... $614,260 Total, Department of Correction .... $15,638,622 Department of Public Welfare. 1901-01 For the salary of the commissioner ..... $18,000 1901-03 For the office of the commissioner and expenses of the department, including the administration of a program for medical assistance for the aged as authorized by chapter one hundred and eighteen A of the General Laws, and including not more than five hundred and ninety-nine permanent positions ...... 3,704,300 1901-04 For payments on account of permanent and total disability assistance made in accordance with section three of chapter one hundred and eighteen D of the General Laws ..... 38,500 1901-06 For payments on account of old age assistance grants made in accordance with section thirty-two of chapter one hundred and eighteen A of the General Laws ........ 82,500 1906-04 For the care and maintenance of children under the jurisdiction of the division of child guardianship, prior appropriation continued 5,845,000 Total, Department of Public Welfare. . . . $9,688,300 Department of Public Health. Bureau of Administration. 2001-01 For the salary of the commissioner ..... $23,000 2001-02 For the service of the bureau of administration, including not more than thirty-eight permanent positions ..... 290,425 2001-03 For a poliomyelitis vaccine program, for the purchase of poliomyelitis vaccine and for the development of programs for the administration of poliomyelitis vaccine, to be expended either with or without grants or contributions from public or private agencies; provided, that such 218 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Item grants or contributions may be expended without appropriation; and, provided further, that the commissioner shall present a report to the general court on or before the first Wednesday in January, nineteen hundred and sixty-five, prior appropriation continued . $222,000 2001-04 For the expenses of certain research in connection with a health program for children and youth, to be in addition to any federal funds available for the purpose ........ 6,104 Total.........$541,529 Bureau of Environmental Sanitation. 2002-01 For the service of the bureau, including not more than eighty-one permanent positions ....... $635,400 2002-04 For the service of the air pollution control district, as authorized by section one hundred and forty-two B of chapter one hundred and eleven of the General Laws, including not more than nine permanent positions; provided, that the commissioner of public health shall certify the amounts to be assessed by the state treasurer upon the several cities and towns in the district in accordance with the provisions of said section one hundred and forty-two B 69,675 Total.........$695,075 Bureau of Preventive Disease Control. 2003-01 For the service of the bureau and for the operation of certain clinics in the outpatient department of certain general hospitals, including not more than eighty permanent positions .... $1,564,398 2003-21 For a study of equine encephalitis ..... 24,400 Total.........$1,588,798 Bureau of Health Services. 2004-01 For the service of the bureau, including not more than sixty-one permanent positions ....... $929,360 Bureau of Hospital Facilities. 2005-01 For the service of the bureau, including not more than twelve permanent positions ......... $111,411 Bureau of Tuberculosis and Institutions. 2006-01 For the service of the bureau, including such payments for hospital care of tubercular patients as may be contracted for by the commissioner of public health, and for the commonwealth's share of the operation of certain tuberculosis clinics, including not more than thirty-nine permanent positions ....... $5,515,500 Institute of Laboratories. 2007-01 For the service of the institute, including not more than one hundred and fifty permanent positions ...... $988,260 Bureau of Consumer Products Protection. 2008-01 For the service of the bureau, including not more than sixty-nine permanent positions ....... $529,400 2008-02 For the service of the pesticide board, as authorized by section nine A of chapter seventeen of the General Laws .... 18,177 Total.........$547,577 For the maintenance of and for certain improvements at the following institutions under the control of the department of public health: 2021-00 For the maintenance of the Tewksbury hospital, including not more than seven hundred and eighty-six permanent positions . . $4,899,000 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. 219 Item 2022-00 Lakeville hospital, including not more than two hundred and eighty-four permanent positions ....... $1,591,350 2024-00 Rutland hospital, including not more than two hundred and fifty-two permanent positions ....... 1,000,000 2025-00 Western Massachusetts hospital, including not more than two hundred and ninety-one permanent positions ..... 1,818,250 2026-00 Lemuel Shattuck hospital, including not more than eight hundred and thirty permanent positions ...... 5,187,800 2026-50 For a research program of chronic hepatitis and related diseases, to be in addition to any federal or other funds available . . 49,700 2027-00 Massachusetts hospital school, including not more than two hundred and twenty-five permanent positions ..... 1,338,400 2031-00 Pondville hospital, including not more than two hundred and seventy-six permanent positions ....... 1,907,300 2031-50 For the expenses of a cancer research project . . . 26,495 Total.........$17,818,295 New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission. 2040-01 For expenses of the New England interstate water pollution control commission, as authorized by chapter four hundred and twenty-one of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-seven, and for compensation and expenses of the commissioners, as provided by section four of said chapter......... $9,800 Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Board. 2090-01 For expenses of the board, as authorized by section twelve of chapter seventeen of the General Laws, including not more than four permanent positions.........$188,247 Total, Department of Public Health .... $28,933,842 Department of Public Safety. 2101-01 For the salary of the commissioner ..... $16,000 2101-02 For certain administrative expenses of the department, including not more than one hundred and three permanent positions . . 696,417 2103-01 For the fire prevention service, including not more than twenty-five permanent positions ....... 261,450 2104-01 For the service of the division of inspection, except as otherwise provided, including not more than sixty-six permanent positions; provided, that the position of "examiner of elevator operators" shall not be subject to ; the provisions of chapter thirty-one of the General Laws. 602,000 2104-31 For the board of boiler rules, including not more than four permanent positions ......... 1,800 Total.........$1,677,667 State Boxing Commission. 2105-11 For the service of the commission, including not more than six permanent positions.........$33,090 Board of Standards. 2106-01 For the service of the board, including not more than seven permanent positions......... $6,250 Board of Elevator Regulations. 2107-01 For the service of the board, including not more than seven permanent positions......... $6,200 Board of Fire Prevention Regulations. 2108-01 For the service of the board, including not more than eight permanent positions ......... $6,500 220 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. Division of Subversive Activities. Item 2109-01 For the service of the division, including not more than five permanent positions.........$37,473 Board of Schoolhouse Structural Standards. 2110-01 For the service of the board, as authorized by chapter six hundred and seventy-five of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-five, as amended......... $800 Board of Examiners of Elevator Constructors, Maintenance Men and Repairmen. 2111-01 For the service of the board, including not more than one permanent position, as authorized by section seventy-one A of chapter one hundred and forty-three of the General Laws .... $1,200 Board of Elevator Appeals. 2112-01 For expenses of the board, including not more than six permanent positions, as authorized by section eleven A of chapter twenty-two of the General Laws......... $2,175 Total, Department of Public Safety ... $1,671,355 Department of Public Works. The salaries of all officers and employees of the department engaged in projects or activities authorized by bond issue or otherwise shall be charged for the nineteen hundred and sixty-five fiscal year in full to appropriations authorized under this heading in this act: Division of Waterways. For administration, including not more than sixty-five Dermanent positions ......... $519,360 For the maintenance and repair of certain property in the town of Plymouth, including not more than two permanent positions . 10,638 For the operation and maintenance of the New Bedford state pier, including not more than one permanent position . . . 24,380 Total . ........$554,368 Outdoor Advertising Division. 2230-01 For the service of the division, including not more than eleven permanent positions ......... $62,115 Mass Transportation Commission. 2260-02 For expenses of the commission, as authorized by chapter four hundred and sixteen of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-nine, including not more than three permanent positions, to be in addition to any federal funds made available for the purpose, prior appropriation continued .........$74,500 Government Center Commission. 2280-01 For expenses of the commission, as authorized by chapter six hundred and thirty-five of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty . $103,667 2202-03 2202-06 2202-07 Total, Department of Public Works . $794,650 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. 221 Department of Public Utilities. Item 2301-01 For personal services of the commissioners, including not more than seven permanent positions . . . . . . $84,000 2301-02 For administration, including not more than seventy-two permanent positions ......... 654,496 2301-09 For hearings and special investigations; provided, that no salaries or expenses of permanent employees shall be chargeable to this item, prior appropriation continued ...... 18,000 Total.........$656,496 Commercial Motor Vehicle Division. 2304-01 For the service of the division, including not more than thirty-two permanent positions ........ $244,579 Securities Division. 2308-01 For the service of the division, including not more than nine permanent positions.........$61,752 Gas Fitting Regulations Board. 2370-02 For administration of the program of regulating the installation of gas fittings in buildings, as authorized by section twelve J of chapter twenty-five of the General Laws ...... $25,050 Total, Department of Public Utilities . . . $987,877 Annuities and Payments. 2405-01 For the payment of certain annuities and pensions of soldiers and others under the provisions of certain acts and resolves . . $12,600 Total, Annuities and Payments .... $12,600 Miscellaneous. 2420-02 For the payment, with the approval of the comptroller, of expenses of prior fiscal years for which no funds are available in the current fiscal year; provided, that such payments are otherwise authorized by law..........$25,000 2420-06 For the payment to claimants, as authorized by section one hundred and forty-nine D of chapter one hundred and seventy-five of the General Laws and for reimbursement of other persons for funds previously deposited in the treasury of the commonwealth and escheated to the commonwealth ........ 5,000 2420-08 For the payment of claims for unpaid checks, with the approval of the state treasurer and certification by him to the comptroller of the amount due, where payment has otherwise been prevented as a result of the application of section thirty-two of chapter twenty-nine of the General Laws......... 1,500 2445-01 For a reserve to meet the cost of salary adjustments resulting from the allocation of professional employees to the salary schedule established in section forty-six B of chapter thirty of the General Laws, as authorized by section four of chapter seven hundred and seventy-five of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-three, as amended; provided, that the governor, upon the recommendation of the commissioner of administration, is hereby authorized to transfer from the sum appropriated in this item to other items of appropriation in the General Fund, which are available in whole or in part for personal services, such amounts as are necessary together with any amounts available in said items to meet the cost of said salary adjustments . . . 2,836,000 Total, Miscellaneous $2,867,500 222 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. local aid appropriations. The following appropriations are for reimbursements and grants to local governments and for certain other purposes, and are to be in addition to any unexpended balance of appropriations heretofore made for the purpose: Judiciary. Superior Court. For reimbursing certain counties for compensation of certain special justices for services in holding sessions of district courts in place of the justice while sitting in the superior court . . . $20,000 Suffolk County Court House. 2603-02 For reimbursing the city of Boston for thirty per cent of the cost of maintenance of the Suffolk county court house, as provided by and subject to the conditions of section six of chapter four hundred and seventy-four of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty-five; provided, that this appropriation shall not be construed as fixing the specific amount for which the commonwealth shall be liable on account of said maintenance .........$276,000 Total, Judiciary.......$296,000 Boards and Commissions serving under Governor and Council. Service of the State Housing Board. For the reimbursement of housing authorities, as authorized by chapter six hundred and sixty-eight of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-three .........$1,400,000 For reimbursement to certain cities and towns, as provided by chapter two hundred of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-eight, as amended........4,250,000 For reimbursement to cities and towns, as authorized by the provisions of section twenty-six FFF of chapter one hundred and twenty-one of the General Laws.......500,000 For reimbursement of cities and towns for the commonwealth's share of the cost of urban, commercial and industrial renewal projects, as authorized by the provisions of section twenty-six HHH of chapter one hundred and twenty-one of the General Laws . . 23,000 Total.........$6,173,000 Service of the Commissioner of Veterans' Services. 2604-06 For reimbursing cities and towns for money paid for veterans' benefits, as provided in section six of chapter one hundred and fifteen of the General Laws.........$7,400,000 2604-08 For reimbursing cities and towns for financial aid granted to certain needy dependents of persons in the service of the armed forces, as authorized by section four of chapter seven hundred and fifty-nine of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-two . . . 5,000 Total.........$7,405,000 Total, Boards and Commissions serving under Governor and Council........$13,578,000 Item 2603-01 2604-02 2604-03 2604-04 2604-05 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. 223 Department of Agriculture. Division of Livestock Disease Control. Item 2609-01 For the reimbursement of certain towns for compensation paid to inspectors of animals ......... $5,500 Total, Department of Agriculture. .... $5,500 Department of Natural Resources. Division of Forests and Parks. 2610-02 For reimbursement to certain towns for extinguishing forest fires, prior appropriation continued. 2610-03 For the reimbursement to cities and towns of a proportion of their expenses for the suppression of insect pests, as provided by law, prior appropriation continued. Department of Corporations and Taxation. Reimbursement for Loss of Taxes. 2612-01 For reimbursing cities and towns for loss of taxes on land used for state institutions and certain other state activities, as certified by the commissioner of corporations and taxation for the calendar year nineteen hundred and sixty-four, and for reimbursement of certam towns as authorized by section seventeen B of chapter fifty-eight of the General Laws.........$1,010,000 2612-02 For the reimbursement of cities and towns for abatements granted, as provided by section eight A of chapter fifty-eight and section five of chapter fifty-nine of the General Laws .... 288,000 2612-03 For reimbursing the city of Boston for loss of taxes on land for the government center, as authorized by section eight of chapter six hundred and thirty-five of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty . 133,750 Total.........$1,431,750 Total, Department of Corporations and Taxation . $1,431,750 Department of Education. 2613-01 For reimbursement to cities and towns of a portion of the cost of a program for extended school services for certain children of certain employed mothers, as authorized by sections twenty-six A to twenty-six F, inclusive, of chapter seventy-one of the General Laws . $5,000 2613-03 For assisting small towns in providing themselves with school superintendents, as provided by law ..... 220,000 2613-04 For the reimbursement of certain towns and regional school districts for the transportation of pupils as provided by law; provided, that a sum equivalent to the payments under this item shall be transferred to the General Fund from the receipts of the income tax . . 9,300,000 2613-05 For the reimbursement of certain cities and towns for a part of the expenses of maintaining agricultural and industrial vocational schools, as provided by law........6,250,000 2613-06 For reimbursement of certain cities and towns for adult English-speaking classes ......... 116,000 2613-07 For the reimbursement of certain towns for the transportation of pupils, as authorized by section eight A of chapter seventy-four of the General Laws; provided, that a sum equivalent to the payments under this item shall be transferred to the General Fund from the receipts of the income tax..........200,000 224 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Item 2613-18 For expenses of regional public hbraries with the approval of the board of library commissioners, prior appropriation continued. 2613-19 For the reimbursement of certain cities and towns maintaining extended courses of instruction, as authorized by section seventy-eight of chapter seventy-one of the General Laws ..... $60,000 2613-20 For state aid to public libraries, as authorized by section nineteen A of chapter seventy-eight of the General Laws . . . 1,260,000 Total.........$17,400,000 School Building Assistance Commission. 2613-08 For reimbursement of certain cities and towns for part of the cost of construction of school projects, as authorized by chapter six hundred and forty-five of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-eight, as amended; provided, that a sum equivalent to the payments under this item shall be transferred to the General Fund from the receipts of the income tax..........$19,500,000 School Lunch and Commodity Distribution Program. 2613-09 For the reimbursement of cities and towns for partial assistance in the furnishing of lunches to school children, as authorized by chapter five hundred and thirty-eight of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-one, and, if necessary, for supplementing federal funds allocated for the special milk program; provided, that notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary, reimbursements so authorized to be paid from state funds shall not exceed fifty per cent of the total reimbursement authorized by the national school lunch act; and, provided further, that a sum equivalent to the payments under this item shall be transferred to the General Fund from the receipts of the income tax $2,660,000 Education of Deaf and Blind Pupils. 2613-10 For the reimbursement of certain cities and towns for day classes of the deaf and of the blind, as provided by sections twenty-eight and thirty-three of chapter sixty-nine of the General Laws . . $170,000 Teachers' Retirement Board. 2613-11 For reimbursement of certain cities and towns for pensions to retired teachers......... $3,440,000 2613-17 For the payment of the commonwealth's share in financing the teachers' retirement system, as provided by chapter thirty-two of the General Laws.........20,000,000 Total.........$23,440,000 Division of Youth Service. 2613-12 For reimbursement of cities and towns for tuition, including transportation to and from school, of children attending public schools . $9,000 2613-13 For the commonwealth's share of a delinquency prevention program in the city of Boston, as authorized by section sixty-nine B of chapter six of the General Laws........ 63,020 2613-14 For the commonwealth's share of a delinquency prevention program in the city of Cambridge, as authorized by section sixty-nine B of chapter six of the General Laws ...... 3,500 2613-15 For the reimbursement of cities and towns for part of the cost of employing school adjustment counsellors, as authorized by section forty-six G of chapter seventy-one of the General Laws . . . 343,621 Total........ $419,141 Total, Department of Education $63,579,141 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. Department of Public Welfare. Item 2619-01 For the payment of suitable aid to certain dependent children $16,400,000 2619-02 For the burial by cities and towns of indigent persons who have no legal settlement, prior appropriation continued. 2619-03 For expenses in connection with smallpox and other diseases dangerous to the public health.......415,000 2619-04 For the support of sick indigent persons who have no legal settlement .........350,000 2619-05 For temporary aid given by cities and towns to indigent persons with no legal settlement, and to shipwrecked seamen, and for the transportation of indigent persons under the charge of the department . 960,000 2619-06 For the reimbursement of cities and towns for total and permanent disability assistance, as provided by chapter one hundred and eighteen D of the General Laws.......9,000,000 2619-07 For tuition in the public schools, including transportation to and from school, of children boarded by the department, for the twelve months ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixty-four . 770,000 2619-08 For reimbursement to cities and towns for old age assistance, as provided bylaw.........15,600,000 2619-10 For the reimbursement of cities and towns for medical assistance for the aged, as provided by chapter one hundred and eighteen A of the General Laws.........18,000,000 2619-11 For reimbursement to cities and towns for general relief, as provided by section nineteen A of chapter one hundred and seventeen of the General Laws.........940,000 Total, Department of Public Welfare . . . $62,435,000 Department of Public Health. 2620-02 For the reimbursement of cities and towns for the care of certain infants, as authorized by section sixty-seven C of chapter one hundred and eleven of the General Laws ...... $158,750 Total, Department of Public Health .... $158,760 DEBT SERVICE APPROPRIATIONS. Interest and Redemption of Debt. 2810-00 For the payment of interest on the direct debt of the commonwealth, to be in addition to the amount appropriated in item 2981-00, prior appropriation continued ...... $8,628,000 2820-00 For certain serial bonds maturing, to be in addition to the amount appropriated in item 2982-00, prior appropriation continued; provided, that to reimburse the General Fund the cost of debt service on account of highway expenditures made in accordance with the provisions of chapter six hundred and eighty-nine of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-four, as amended, the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of two hundred and forty-six thousand two hundred dollars from the Highway Fund......29,550,000 Total, Interest and Redemption of Debt . . . $38,178,000 TOTAL, GENERAL FUND.....$448,019,714 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. HIGHWAY FUND. STATE PURPOSES APPROPRIATIONS. Department of Public Works. Highway Activities. The salaries of all officers and employees of the department engaged in projects or activities relating to highways shall be charged for the nineteen hundred and sixty-five fiscal year in full to appropriations providing for personal services authorized under the heading of "Highway Activities" in this act. Administrative and Engineering Expenses. Item 2910-01 For the salaries of the commissioner and the associate commissioners, including not more than five permanent positions; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the Highway Fund the sum of eighteen thousand dollars from the General Fund . $92,000 2910-02 For the operation and maintenance of the public works building, including not more than eighty-three permanent positions; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the Highway Fund the sum of sixty-nine thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars from the General Fund, the sum of four thousand and ninety-five dollars from the Recreational Boating Fund, and the sum of two thousand one hundred dollars from the State Recreation Areas Fund.....565,200 2910-03 For telephone service in the public works building; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the Highway Fund the sum of four thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars from the General Fund, the sum of one thousand five hundred and sixty dollars from the State Recreation Areas Fund, and the sum of two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars from the Recreational Boating Fund ..... 100,000 2910-04 For the purchase of all administrative and engineering equipment; provided, that expenditures under this item shall be based upon a schedule approved by the joint committee on ways and means, a copy of which shall be deposited with the budget director, and shall be expended according to the priority order of such schedule, unless exceptions are approved by the commissioner of administration on written application of the commissioner of public works, appropriation expires June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixty-six ..... 264,400 2910-10 For certain administrative and engineering expenses of the commission, the office of the public works commissioner, and the divisions of ad-r ministrative services, highway engineering, highway maintenance, high- way construction and the district and other highway activity offices 1,522,800 2910-20 For the compensation of former employees of the department of public works, now retired, as authorized by chapter four hundred and three of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-eight, as amended by chapter four hundred and fojty-one of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-three ......... 12,943 2910-90 . For the payment of damages caused by defects in state highways for which the commonwealth is liable under the provisions of section eighteen of chapter eighty-one of the General Laws, with the approval of the attorney general ...... 3,000 Total.........$2,560,343 Maintenance and Operation of Stale Highways and Bridges. Appropriations under this heading may be expended for traffic safety and control on certain city or town ways: For the expenses of snow and ice control, including the removal of sand and other incidental expenses in connection therewith, and including the cost of sand and chemicals ...... $4,798,500 For expenses in connection with traffic line painting, including the cost of materials......., 489,500 d Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. • Item 2920-03 2920-04 2920-10 For the purchase of materials and supplies for the maintenance and operation of state highways and bridges, excluding those specifically provided for in items 2920-01 and 2920-02 . . . $2,125,000 For the purchase of all equipment to be used directly for the maintenance and operation of state highways and bridges; provided, that expenditures under this item shall be based upon a schedule approved by the joint committee on ways and means, a copy of which shall be deposited with the budget director, and shall be expended according to the priority order of such schedule, unless exceptions are approved by the commissioner of administration on written application of the commissioner of public works, appropriation expires June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixty-six........1,330,000 For the maintenance and operation of state highways and bridges 2,234,500 Total $10,977,500 Personal Services. 2930-01 For all personal services of employees for all projects and activities relating to highways, except for services provided for in items 2910-01 and 2910-02 of this act, including not more than four thousand three hundred and eighty-two permanent positions . . $31,880,000 Construction, Reconstruction and Betterments of State Highways and Bridges. 2900-40 I The unexpended balance remaining in item 2900-40 of section three of [ chapter six hundred and forty-eight of the acts of nineteen hundred and 2940-20 J sixty-three is hereby transferred and made available for the purposes of the following item: 2940-20 For the purchase and construction of shelters for departmental equipment and material including land necessary therefor, the cost of which under this appropriation shall not exceed twenty-five thousand dollars for each project; provided, that this item shall not be subject to section thirty A of chapter seven of the General Laws. Total, Department of Public Works $45,417,843 Registry of Motor Vehicles. 2970-01 For the service of the registry, including not more than one thousand and seventy permanent positions; provided, that the position of administrative assistant to the registrar of motor vehicles and legislative assistant, R.M.V., shall not be subject to the civil service laws and rules..........$7,280,500 2970-02 For the installation and operation of a mechanization program for the recording of applications for the registration of motor vehicles and operators' licenses and the processing of the motor vehicle excise tax, including not more than twenty-eight permanent positions 642,600 2971-01 For expenses of the governor's highway safety committee, as authorized by section three of chapter ninety A of the General Laws . 10,790 Total, Registry of Motor Vehicles .... $7,933,790 Department of Public Safety. Division of State Police. 2972-01 For the service of the division, including not more than seven hundred permanent positions ....... $6,060,340 2972-08 For the compensation of state police officers formerly in the service of the commonwealth, now retired ...... 21,210 The comptroller is hereby authorized to transfer to the Highway Fund the sum of nine hundred and thirteen thousand two hundred and ninety-three dollars from the General Fund on account of the expenditures under the division of state police. Total, Department of Public Safety . $6,081,550 228 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. Metropolitan District Commission. The following items are to be paid with the approval of the Metropolitan District Commission: For general administration, including not more than sixty-six permanent positions; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the Highway Fund seventy-five per cent of the cost of payments made under this item from the Metropolitan District Commission Funds, to be assessed by methods fixed by law......$472,686 For the maintenance of boulevards and parkways, including the installation of traffic lights and including Bunker Hill and the property adjacent, and for the maintenance of parks reservations and the Charles River basin, and for the payment of damages caused by defects in boulevards and parkways under the control of the commission with the approval of the attorney general, including payments to the state retirement system under the provisions of the General Laws, and including not more than one thousand one hundred and twenty-nine permanent positions; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the Highway Fund proportions of payments made under this item, as provided by section fifty-five of chapter ninety-two of the General Laws 11,307,000 For the purchase of certain highway maintenance equipment 75,000 Total, Metropolitan District Commission . . . $11,864,685 Miscellaneous. 2998-06 For a reserve to meet the cost of salary adjustments resulting from the allocation of professional employees to the salary schedule established in section forty-six B of chapter thirty of the General Laws, as authorized by section four of chapter seven hundred and seventy-five of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-three, as amended; provided, that the governor, upon the recommendation of the commissioner of administration, is hereby authorized to transfer from the sum appropriated in this item to other items of appropriation in the Highway Fund, which are available in whole or in part for personal services, such amounts as are necessary together with any amounts available in said item to meet the cost of said salary adjustments ... . . $890,000 Total, Miscellaneous......$890,000 LOCAL AID APPROPRIATIONS. Department of Public Works. Highway Activities. For projects for the construction and maintenance of town and county ways, as provided in subdivision (2) (a) of section thirty-four of chapter ninety of the General Laws; provided, that amounts made available by this item in any fiscal year shall be available for expenditure in the succeeding fiscal year; and, provided further, 1hat not less than three hundred thousand dollars of the sum herein appropriated shall be available for maintenance projects on said town and county ways; and, provided further, that notwithstanding any provision of the General Laws to the contrary, the department of public works is hereby authorized during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixty-five to enter into agreements with officials of cities and towns for projects to be constructed in the nineteen hundred and sixty-six fiscal year not exceeding in the aggregate seven million dollars, prior appropriation continued $6,500,000 For aiding cities and towns in the repair and improvement of public ways, as provided by section twenty-six of chapter eighty-one of the General Item 2973-01 2973-06 2973-74 2950-17 2950-18 Acts, 1964. —. Chap. 337. 229 Item Laws; except, that the state's contribution shall be at an annual rate not to exceed two hundred and seventy-five dollars per mile for the calendar year nineteen hundred and sixty-five, the provisions of chapter six hundred and eighty-nine of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-five and chapter seven hundred and six of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-nine notwithstanding; and, provided, that the amount appropriated for the purpose in any fiscal year shall be available for expenditure in the succeeding fiscal year, prior appropriation continued .........$2,650,000 Total, Department of Public Works .... $8,150,000 DEBT SERVICE APPROPRIATIONS. Interest and Redemption of Debt. For the payment of interest on the direct debt of the commonwealth, to be in addition to the amount appropriated in item 2810-00, prior appropriation continued ....... $11,952,000 For certain serial bonds maturing, to be in addition to the amount appropriated in item 2820-00, prior appropriation continued 34,542,000 Total, Interest and Redemption of Debt . . . $46,494,000 TOTAL, HIGHWAY FUND .....$126,821,868 INLAND FISHERIES AND GAME FUND. STATE PURPOSES APPROPRIATIONS. Department of Natural Resources. Division of Fisheries and Game. {It is hereby provided that federal funds received as reimbursements under the following items are to be credited as income to the Inland Fisheries and Game Fund.) For the service of the division, including not more than sixteen permanent positions and including expenses of the board, as authorized by chapter twenty-one of the General Laws ..... $180,878 For expenses of fish hatcheries and for the improvement and management of lakes, ponds and rivers, including not more than forty-nine permanent positions ......... 481,430 For the contribution of the department of natural resources towards a wild life co-operative research project, in accordance with a contract with the federal government, to be expended by the University of Massachusetts ........ 8,100 For fish restoration projects, as authorized by chapter two hundred and seven of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-one, including not more than four permanent positions, prior appropriation continued 39,879 For expenses of game farms and for wild life research and management, including not more than fifty permanent positions . . 433,738 For expenses of establishing and conducting wild life restoration projects, as authorized by chapter three hundred and ninety-two of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty-eight, including not more than twenty permanent positions, prior appropriation continued . 181,000 For the contribution of the department of natural resources towards a fisheries co-operative research project, in accordance with a contract with the federal government, to be expended by the University of Massachusetts ......... 10,000 2981-00 2982-00 3304-01 3304-42 3304-44 3304-47 3304-51 3304-53 3304-55 Total $1,335,025 230 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. Division of Law Enforcement. ».' Item 3308-05 For the payment of damages caused by wild deer and wild moose, including not more than one permanent position, prior appropriation continued......... $9,228 3308-07 For the supervision of public fishing and hunting grounds . 10,290 Total.........$19,518 Total, Department of Natural Resources . . . $1,354,543 TOTAL, INLAND FISHERIES AND GAME FUND $1,354,543 RECREATIONAL BOATING FUND. STATE PURPOSES APPROPRIATION. Registry of Motor Vehicles. Division of Motorboats. 3401-01 For the service of the division, including not more than thirty-nine permanent positions ....... $296,780 Total, Registry of Motor Vehicles .... $296,780 TOTAL, RECREATIONAL BOATING FUND $296,780 PUBLIC ACCESS FUND. STATE PURPOSES APPROPRIATION. Department of Natural Resources. Public Access Board. 3501-01 For the construction of public access and related facilities in and to the waters of the commonwealth as denned in section seventeen of chapter twenty-one of the General Laws and to such other public waters as the public access board may determine; provided, that notwithstanding the provisions of the last sentence of said section seventeen of chapter twenty-one, the public access board may be the contracting agent for expenditures authorized by this item, prior appropriation continued.......... $100,000 3501-21 For the construction of public access and related facilities in and to the waters of the commonwealth as defined in section seventeen of chapter twenty-one of the General Laws and to such other public waters as the public access board may determine; provided, that expenditures under this item shall be in accordance with the provisions of Public Law 87-658; and provided, further, that any federal funds received on account of expenditures made under this item shall be credited to the Public Access Fund; and provided further, that, notwithstanding the provisions of the last sentence of said section seventeen of chapter twenty-one, the public access board may be the contracting agent for expenditures authorized by this item, prior appropriation continued. Total, Department of Natural Resources . . $100,000 TOTAL, PUBLIC ACCESS FUND . $100,000 Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. MARINE FISHERIES FUND. STATE PURPOSES APPROPRIATIONS. Department of Natural Resources. Item Division of Marine Fisheries. 3601-01 For the service of the office of the director, including not more than nineteen permanent positions, and for the administration of the activities provided for under item 3601-05.....$149,911 3601-02 For the operation of a shellfish treatment plant, as authorized by chapter five hundred and six of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-one 43,751 3601-03 For expenses of the marine fisheries advisory commission, as authorized by section five A of chapter twenty-one of the General Laws 2,000 3601-06 For a program of estuarine research ..... 121,248 3601-07 For a special investigation of the coastal lobster fishery program, including not more than one permanent position . 7,964 Total.........$324,874 Total, Department of Natural Resources . . . $324,874 LOCAL AID APPROPRIATION. Department of Natural Resources. Division of Marine Fisheries. 3601-05 For the reimbursement to certain coastal cities and towns of a part of the cost of projects for the suppression of enemies of shellfish and for propagation, as authorized by section twenty of chapter one hundred and thirty of the General Laws; provided, that the expenditure by said cities and towns of funds herein provided shall not be subject to appropriation as required by section fifty-three of chapter forty-four of the General Laws....... . $20,000 Total, Department of Natural Resources . . . $20,000 TOTAL, MARINE FISHERIES FUND $344,874 AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES FUND. STATE PURPOSES APPROPRIATION. Department of Agriculture. Division of Plant Pest Control and Fairs. 3809-21 For state prizes and agricultural exhibits, including allotment of funds for the 4-H activities; provided, that the comptroller shall transfer to the General Fund the sum of one hundred and fifteen thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight dollars from the Agricultural Purposes Fund, prior appropriation continued ..... $197,875 Total, Department of Agriculture .... $197,875 TOTAL, AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES FUND . $197,875 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. MOSQUITO CONTROL FUND. STATE PURPOSES APPROPRIATIONS. Department of Agriculture. State Reclamation Board. Item 3901-00 For the expenses of mosquito control projects, as authorized by chapter three hundred and seventy-nine of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty, as amended by section one of chapter two hundred and fifty of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty-five, to be assessed in the calendar year nineteen hundred and sixty-four . . $163,672 3915-00 For the expenses of mosquito control projects, as authorized by chapter four hundred and fifty-six of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-five, as most recently amended by chapter three hundred and three of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-nine, to be assessed in the calendar year nineteen hundred and sixty-four .... 107,441 3917-00 For the expenses of mosquito control projects, as authorized by chapter three hundred and forty-one of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-six, to be assessed in the calendar year nineteen hundred and sixty-four ......... 117,760 3918-00 For the expenses of mosquito control projects, as authorized by chapter four hundred and thirty-two of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, to be assessed in the calendar year nineteen hundred and sixty-four .......... 93,372 3920-00 For the expenses of mosquito control projects, as authorized by chapter five hundred and fourteen of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, to be assessed in the calendar year nineteen hundred and sixty-four ..........104,368 Total.........$686,613 Total, Department of Agriculture .... $686,613 TOTAL, MOSQUITO CONTROL FUND $686,613 STATE RECREATION AREAS FUND. STATE PURPOSES APPROPRIATIONS. Department of Natural Resources. Division of Forests and Parks. 4010-01 For the service of the bureau of recreation, including not more than ninety-nine permanent positions ...... $997,800 4010-21 For the improvement of roads in forests, parks and reservations 50,000 Total.........$1,047,800 Total, Department of Natural Resources . . . $1,047,800 Department of Public Works. The salaries of all officers and employees of the department engaged in projects or activities authorized by bond issue or otherwise shall be charged for the nineteen hundred and sixty-five fiscal year in full to appropriations authorized under this heading in this act: Division of Waterways. 4050-01 For the administration of public beaches, including not more than five permanent positions ...,.,, $41,265 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. For the maintenance of Salisbury beach reservation, including not more than three permanent positions ..... $134,554 For the maintenance of Horseneck beach, including not more than one permanent position ....... 132,979 For the maintenance of Scusset beach .... 40,750 For the maintenance of Fort Phoenix beach . . 25,100 Total.........$374,648 Total, Department of Public Works .... $374,648 LOCAL AID APPROPRIATION. Department of Education. 4030-01 For certain payments for the use of facilities of the museum of science, as authorized by chapter six hundred and eleven of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-three ...... $75,000 Total, Department of Education .... $75,000 DEBT SERVICE APPROPRIATIONS. Interest and Redemption of Debt. For the payment of interest on certain bonded debt of the commonwealth, to be in addition to any amounts otherwise available for the purpose, prior appropriation continued ..... $57,726 For certain serial bonds maturing, to be in addition to any amounts otherwise available for the purpose, prior appropriation continued 429,201 Total, Interest and Redemption of Debt . . . $486,927 TOTAL, STATE RECREATION AREAS FUND . $1,984,375 METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COMMISSION FUNDS. STATE PURPOSES APPROPRIATIONS. The following appropriations are to be assessed upon the several districts in accordance with the methods fixed by law, unless otherwise provided, and to be expended under the direction of the Metropolitan District Commission: Metropolitan Parks, General. For certain payments for the use of facilities of the museum of science.........$75,000 For certain payments for the maintenance and use of the Trailside museum 45,000 For the cost of suppressing the gypsy moth . . . 5,000 For the expenses of holding band concerts . . . 35,000 Total, Metropolitan Parks, General .... $160,000 Metropolitan Sewerage District. 8701-00 For the maintenance and operation of a system of sewage disposal for the metropolitan sewerage district, including payments to the state retirement system under the provisions of the General Laws, and including not more than three hundred and twenty-one permanent positions ..........$2,748,900 Item 4050-02 4050-05 4050-06 4050-07 4081-00 4082-00 8601-27 8601-29 8602-27 8602-37 J Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. Item 8701-28 For the purchase and installation of comminutors, Nut Island, prior appropriation continued ...... $42,000 8701-38 For the replacement of certain effluent water, gas and sludge lines, Nut Island sewerage treatment plant ..... 11,000 8701-39 For certain repairs to pumping equipment, Ward street station 25,000 Total, Metropolitan Sewerage District . . . $2,826,900 Metropolitan Water System. 8902-00 For the maintenance and operation of the metropolitan water system, including payments to the state retirement system under the provisions of the General Laws, and including not more than six hundred and eleven permanent positions ...... $4,542,550 8902-34 For the construction of additions and improvements to certain supply and distribution mains, prior appropriation continued . 150,000 8902-81 For certain repairs and improvements to the steam turbine, Chestnut Hill pumping station ....... 10,000' 8902-82 For the purchase of a forest fire truck, Barre . . . 10,000 8902-94 For certain repairs to structures, Sudbury aqueduct, Wellesley 30,000 8902-95 For the purchase of certain equipment, distribution section. 15,000 Total, Metropolitan Water System .... $4,757,550 Miscellaneous. 8950-01 For a reserve to meet the cost of salary adjustments resulting from the allocation of professional employees to the salary schedule established in section forty-six B of chapter thirty of the General Laws, as authorized by section four of chapter seven hundred and seventy-five of the acts of nineteen hundred and sixty-three, as amended; provided, that the governor, upon the recommendation of the commissioner of administration, is hereby authorized to transfer from the sum appropriated in this item to other items of appropriation under the direction of the Metropolitan District Commission, which are available in whole or in part for personal services, such amounts as are necessary together with any amounts available in said item to meet the cost of said salary adjustments; and, provided further, that payments made from amounts so transferred shall be assessed in accordance with methods fixed by law..........$45,000 Total, Miscellaneous......$45,000 TOTAL, METROPOLITAN DISTRICT COMMISSION FUNDS......$7,789,450 Section 3. Wherever, in section two of this act, it is provided that transfers shall be made from a fund, account or receipts, of a specific sum, a percentage of payments, or a sum equivalent to payments, such transfers of a specific sum shall be made upon the effective date of this act, and all others shall be made quarterly unless otherwise provided; except, that at the close of a fiscal year, the amount equivalent to payments in a continuing account shall be construed to mean the amount of such appropriation. Section 4. No moneys appropriated under this act shall be expended for reimbursement for the expenses of meals for persons while traveling within or without the commonwealth at the expense thereof, unless such reimbursement is in accordance with rules and rates established in accordance with section twenty-eight of chapter seven of the General Laws. ... Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. 235 Section 5. The allowance to state employees for expenses incurred by them in the operation of motor vehicles owned by them and used in the performance of their official duties shall not exceed eight cents a mile. All use of state-owned motor vehicles shall be subject to regulations to be promulgated and enforced by the commissioner of administration; provided, however, that no state-owned motor vehicle shall be used for providing transportation for state officers or employees between their domiciles and places of employment nor shall any expense be incurred for the garaging of such vehicles except when specifically authorized by said commissioner. Section 6. Amounts included for permanent positions in sums appropriated in section two for personal services are based upon schedules of permanent positions and salary rates as approved by the joint committee on ways and means, and, except as otherwise shown by the files of said committee, a copy of which shall be deposited with the bureau of personnel, no part of sums so appropriated in section two shall be available for payment of salaries of any additional permanent position, or for payments on account of reallocations of permanent positions, or for payments on account of any change of salary range or compensation of any permanent position, notwithstanding any special or general act to the contrary; provided, that no vacancy occurring in any classified permanent position included in said schedules of permanent positions may be filled in any manner except upon approval as required by rules and regulations established under the provisions of paragraph six of section forty-five of chapter thirty of the General Laws; and, provided further, that no part of sums appropriated in section two shall be available for the payment of overtime service to any employee of the commonwealth without the prior written approval of such overtime by the commissioner of administration, upon recommendation of the director of personnel and standardization, except where such overtime service is essential to replace the service of an employee necessary for the care of patients or inmates in institutions operated by the commonwealth. Section 6A. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (5A) of section forty-six of chapter thirty of the General Laws, the director of personnel and standardization shall not approve the recruitment of any person at a rate above the minimum of the grade if such proposed employee has been in the service of the commonwealth within a twelvemonth period prior to the date of the proposed recruitment. Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (d) of paragraph (5) of section forty-five of chapter thirty of the General Laws, no part of the sums appropriated for the service of any agency or subdivision of a department in section two of this act shall be available for the payment of any temporary or excess quota position if there is a similar position vacant within the quota of permanent positions as established by the appropriation account for the service of such agency or subdivision of a department and, except such temporary positions as may be authorized in connection with the passage of this act, and except as hereinafter provided, no additional temporary positions shall be authorized; provided, however, the provisions of this section shall not apply to positions essential for the care of patients or inmates in institutions or to positions essential for the educational program in all institutions of higher education operated by the commonwealth, nor to the filling of a position under the provisions of section twenty-four B of said chapter thirty nor to a 236 Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. position required to correct an inequity determined as provided in sections fifty-three and fifty-six of said chapter thirty. The commissioner of administration may, however, upon certification that an emergency exists requiring additional temporary assistance to perform work essential to the public interest, authorize the temporary employment of such additional personnel as may be necessary within the limits of funds available for the purpose; provided, however, that such emergency authorization shall not be extended to the succeeding fiscal year. The commissioner shall forthwith notify the house and senate committees on ways and means of the employment of any such additional temporary personnel. Section 7. In addition to the payment of regular salaries, sums appropriated for personal services in the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixty-five shall be available for the payment of such other forms of compensation as may be due under existing statutes, or under the provisions of rules and regulations made in accordance with said statutes. Section 8. All federal subventions and grants available to the commonwealth under any act of congress and not otherwise authorized to be received shall be paid into the treasury of the commonwealth; provided, however, that applications for such subventions and grants, and for transfers within such subventions and grants, shall be subject to the approval of the commissioner of administration. All federal subventions and grants received by the commonwealth, or by a corporation or other organization established as an affiliate of any agency or institution operated by the commonwealth or by an individual employed by the commonwealth, authorized to expend such funds in conjunction with services rendered by the commonwealth, may be expended without specific appropriation under the terms and conditions provided in rules and regulations established by the commissioner of administration and if such expenditures are otherwise in accordance with law. All such federal subventions and grants shall be reported in full by the head of the agency directly rendering the services mentioned above to the budget director and to the comptroller, and shall include such itemization as they may require in accordance with federal regulations. All such expenditures of federal subventions and grants shall be subject to the audit of the state auditor. Section 9. Notwithstanding the provisions of section fifty-one of chapter thirty of the General Laws, or any other provision of law, the state purchasing agent is hereby authorized during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixty-five to incur liabilities and incidental expenses for the purchase of supplies, as provided by said section fifty-one, including material to be disposed of as surplus, so called, by the federal government through agencies of the federal government in an amount not exceeding three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in addition to any amount heretofore provided for the purpose, and the comptroller may certify for payment such incidental expenses and liabilities so incurred to an amount not exceeding three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in addition to any amount heretofore provided for the purpose. Section 10. No agency of the commonwealth receiving an appropriation under section two of this act shall make any expenditure for any document printed, mimeographed or prepared in any other way, whether for outside or interdepartmental circulation, unless publication of such Acts, 1964.— Chap. 337. 237 document shall have been approved by the state purchasing agent, and the state purchasing agent is hereby authorized and directed to require such agencies to summarize and consolidate such documents when feasible, and each document authorized to be printed which is four pages or more in length shall state on its face the estimated cost per copy, including the cost of paper, printing and binding. Notwithstanding any special or general law, complete original manuscripts of annual reports of state agencies, whenever printed in full or in summarized or consolidated form or in case such report is not printed, shall be filed with the secretary of the commonwealth. Except as otherwise provided by law, agencies selling documents shall do so at not less than the stated estimated cost; provided, however, that such agencies may dispose of excess copies of documents no longer current as provided by rules and regulations of the commissioner of administration. Section 11. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of section forty-six of chapter thirty of the General Laws, a salary differential is hereby authorized to be paid, in accordance with rules and regulations to be established by the director of personnel and standardization, with the approval of the commissioner of administration, to employees in the nursing services who are employed on evening or night tours of duty, and the establishment of such rules and regulations shall not be subject to chapter thirty A of the General Laws. Section 12. The surplus property agency in the department of education is hereby authorized to expend during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixty-five for the purposes of the surplus property agency fund, in addition to amounts available in said fund, an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars; provided, however, that no expenditure or commitment shall be incurred from the amount of the aforesaid fifty thousand dollar authorization in excess of amounts approved therefrom by the commissioner of administration, at the written request of the surplus property agency; and, provided further, that any amounts expended or commitments incurred under this authorization shall be paid or provided for from receipts of said surplus property agency fund prior to the close of the fiscal year. Section 13. Notwithstanding the provisions of section ten A of chapter eight of the General Laws, no lease negotiated as provided therein, payable from state funds, shall take effect until an appropriation has been made specifically for and adequate to meet the costs for the fiscal year for which said lease may be executed. Renewal of rentals may be continued at existing rates pending appropriation if the general court has not provided otherwise. Section 14. In order that the borrowing of funds in anticipation of receipts may be kept at a minimum, every department, board, commission or agency shall, before scheduling for payment or otherwise providing for the disbursement of public funds from any sum available for expenditure or distribution for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixty-five, submit for approval by a board consisting of the commissioner of administration, or his designated representative, the commissioner of corporations and taxation, or his designated representative, and the state treasurer, or his designated representative, the proposed date of payment or distribution of such funds if the combined total thereof, as prepared by any such single agency, exceeds one million dollars on any Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. one day, notwithstanding any special or general law regulating the disbursement of public funds by the commonwealth. Said board may require any agency to notify it of the anticipated receipt of revenue from any source, including federal subventions and grants. Section 15. The budget director, notwithstanding the provisions of section twenty-nine of chapter twenty-nine of the General Laws, is hereby directed to limit the transfer of funds between subsidiary accounts, established as provided in section twenty-seven of said chapter twenty-nine, to those transfers required to meet unforeseen emergencies where funds otherwise are not available to protect the public interest. The budget director shall file forthwith, on the approval of any such transfer, a copy of the authorization with the house and senate committees on ways and means. Section 16. No agency of the commonwealth receiving an appropriation under section two of this act, whether or not the expenditure is made from funds authorized by this act, shall make any expenditure for consultant services, so called, or services coded in accordance with the expenditure code manual under the subsidiary title "03 Services — Non-employees" unless the rate of compensation for such services shall have been approved by the commissioner of administration upon the recommendation of the director of personnel and standardization. The said director shall, immediately upon the approval of any such rate or rates, file copies of the schedule or schedules of approved rates with the comptroller and with the house and senate committees on ways and means. Every such agency before engaging such consultant services under said subsidiary title "03," as so coded, as "Professional", except for "Religious Services", shall certify to the budget director that funds are available for the purpose and shall then file a statement of intent with the budget director, the comptroller and the house and senate committees on ways and means. Such statement shall include the rate of compensation, the period of time for which the services are to be engaged or scope of work to be done, and such other pertinent information as may be necessary to establish the maximum limit of the commonwealth's obligation. Section 17. Passenger motor vehicles to be purchased from sums appropriated in section two of this act shall be authorized by the purchasing agent in accordance with schedules filed by the budget director with the house and senate committees on ways and means prior to the passage of this act; provided, that the commissioner of administration may authorize the replacement of other motor vehicles with similar models from available funds when he determines that the replacement is necessary because the cost of necessary repairs would not be economical; and, provided further, that said commissioner is hereby authorized to transfer a motor vehicle from one agency or department to another, when, in his opinion, such transfer is for the best interest of the commonwealth. Section 18. For the purpose of allocating charges for engineering services rendered during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixty-five as a part of the direct cost of the projects for which they were incurred, the comptroller is hereby directed to transfer to Water System Bond Issue Account 9204-08 and 9204-09 from the items listed below such amounts as may be certified to him by the commissioner of the metropolitan district commission as chargeable to said items for personal Acts, 1964. — Chap. 337. services rendered by the personnel of the construction division upon the projects provided for in said items. 8329-00 9107-26 8330-00 9107-31 8331-00 9107-33 9020-01 9107-34 9022-01 9107-35 9105-01 9107-36 9107-21 9107-39 9107-23 9125-01 9107-25 Section 19. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, during the entire fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixty-five, for the payment of classified personal services, the fiscal year shall be from July first, nineteen hundred and sixty-four through June twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and sixty-five. Classified personal services, for June twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth and thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixty-five, shall be charged to the next fiscal year. Section 20. The provisions of section ten, section fifteen, and section sixteen of this act shall not apply to expenditures from appropriations made under this act for the University of Massachusetts, the division of state colleges and institutions under the control of the board of trustees of state colleges, the New Bedford Institute of Technology, the Lowell Technological Institute of Massachusetts, and the Bradford Durfee College of Technology; nor shall the provisions of section nine B or section twenty-nine of chapter twenty-nine of the General Laws, or any provision of section six or section eight of this act apply to said expenditures which are inconsistent with any provision of the General Laws specifically regulating the expenditure of public funds at each of said institutions. Section 21. The effective date of the appropriation accounts, subsidiary accounts and authorizations in section two of this act shall be July first, nineteen hundred and sixty-four. However, beginning June first, nineteen hundred and sixty-four, obligations may be incurred against these appropriation accounts or subsidiary accounts, if any, thereunder, for items to be delivered or for services to be rendered on and after July first, nineteen hundred and sixty-four; provided, they are in accordance with law and the amounts thereof do not exceed the amount of the appropriation account or subsidiary account. Where the allotment of an appropriation account or subsidiary account is a condition precedent to expenditure, the obligations shall not exceed the amount allotted for said appropriation account or subsidiary account. The 'certified copies of the schedules as provided for in section twenty-seven of chapter twenty-nine of the General Laws shall be filed with the comptroller and the budget director to permit the effective operation of this section on June first, nineteen hundred and sixty-four. Where the allotment of an appropriation account or subsidiary account is required by law, allotments shall be made to permit the effective operation of this section on June first, nineteen hundred and sixty-four. Section 22. The budget director is hereby directed to send a copy of sections three to twenty-one, inclusive, of this act to each departmental. Acts, 1964. —