Chap. 0035 AN ACT FOR ERECTING THE NORTHERLY PART OF THE TOWN OF SHUTESBURY, AND THAT PART OF A TRACT OF LAND CALLED ERVINGSHIRE, WHICH LIES ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MILLER'S RIVER, INTO A SEPARATE TOWN BY THE NAME OF WENDELL. Whereas the Inhabitants of the Northerly Part of the Town of Shutesbury, and that Part of a Tract of Land called Ervingshire, which lies on the South Side of Miller's River, in the County of Hampshire, have represented to this Court the Difficulties they labour under in their present Situation; and apprehending themselves of sufficient Number and Ability, request that they may be incorporated into a separate Town; Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That the Northerly Part of the Town of Shutesbury, and that Part of a Tract of Land called Ervingshire, which lies on the South Side of Mil-ler's River, bounded as follows, viz. Beginning at the South Side of Miller's River, at the North-West Corner of John Erring, Esquire's Land, and from thence extending South Fourteen Degrees West Two Thousand and One Hundred Rods, or until it comes in a direct Line with the South End of the Lots Number Two, Three, Seven, Nine, Twenty-six and Twenty-seven; from thence running East on the South Line of said Lots One Thousand Three Hundred and Eleven Rods to New Salem Town Line ; thence running Northerly by New Salem Line to Miller's River Two Thousand and Eighty-four Rods; from thence by said River until it comes to the first-mentioned Bounds, be and hereby is incorporated into a separate Town, by the Name of Wendell, and in-vested with all the Powers, Privileges and Immunities that Towns in this State do or may enjoy. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That the Inhabitants of the said Town of Wendell shall pay their Proportion of all State, County and Town Charges, already granted to be raised in the Town of Shutesbury; and also their Proportion of the Pay of the Representative for the present Year. And be it also enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That Moses Gunn, Esq ; be, and he hereby is authorised and required to issue his Warrant to one of the principal Inhabitants of said Town of Wendell, authorising and requiring him to notify and warn the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the said Town, of the Age of Twenty-one Years, and free, to meet together at such Time and Place as shall be expressed in said Warrant, to choose such Officers as Towns are authorised by Law to choose, and transact other such lawful Matters as shall be expressed in said Warrant. And the Inhabitants of said Town, of the above Age and Description, shall be allowed to vote in said Meeting and all succeeding Town-Meetings, until a Valuation shall be taken by the Assessors thereof. May 8, 1781.