Chap. 430. An Act authorizing the county treasurer for the county of plymouth to pay a sum of money to h. f. johnson & sons. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or spe¬cial law to the contrary, or the failure to comply with the provisions of sections forty-four A to forty-four L, inclusive, of ehapter one hun¬dred and forty-nine of the General Laws, the treasurer of the eounty of Plymouth is hereby authorized to pay, from funds available, the sum of two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars to II. F. Johnson & Sons of Brockton for labor and materials furnished in making eer-tain repairs on the superior court court house in the city of Brockton under a contract dated December sixteenth, nineteen hundred and fifty-eight and entered into between the county commissioners of said county and said H. F. Johnson & Sons. Section 2. This aet shall take effect upon its passage. Approved July 23, 1959.