Chapter 281. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR VOTER EDUCATION AND VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION SESSIONS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Chapter 51 of the General Laws is hereby amended by striking out section 42C, as appearing in the 1986 Official Edition, and inserting in place thereof the following section: - Section 42C. In any city or town which accepts the provisions of this section, voter education and voluntary registration sessions shall be held by the registrars, assistant registrars or election commissioners one day each year between the first day of April and the fifteenth day of May in each public, private and vocational high school in their cities and towns. Said sessions shall take place as part of an educational assembly for all seniors. A registrar or assistant registrar at a session held pursuant to the provisions of this section may receive affidavits of registration from registrants who reside in any other city or town of the commonwealth. The registrars shall forthwith transmit any such completed affidavits of registration to the registrars of the city or town where the registrant claims to reside, and said registrars shall receive such affidavits as provided in sections forty-six to forty-seven B, inclusive. This section shall take effect upon its acceptance by any city or town. Approved November 10, 1988.