Chap. 704. of award of a contract for the construction of a regional school by the regional district school committee. Section 11. The director of accounts in the department of corporations and taxation shall annually cause an audit to be made of the accounts of the regional district school committee, and for this purpose he, and his duly accredited agents, shall have access to all necessary papers, books and records. Upon the completion of each audit, a report thereon shall be made to the chairman of the district committee, and a copy thereof shall be sent to the mayor of each city and to the chairman of the board of selectmen of each town and the chairman of the school committee of each municipality which is a member of the district. The director shall apportion the cost among the several municipalities which are members of the district on the basis provided by section three of this act, and submit the amounts of each apportionment to the state treasurer, who shall issue his warrant requiring the assessors of the municipalities which are members of the district to assess a tax to the amount of the expense, and such amounts shall be collected and paid to the state treasurer as provided by section twenty of chapter fifty-nine of the General Laws. Section 12. The regional school district shall maintain a contributory retirement system for non-teaching employees of the district, subject in all respects to the applicable provisions of chapter thirty-two of the General Laws. Section 13. No municipality in the regional school district shall be liable for any obligation imposed on any other municipality in said district by authority of this act, or of any agreement thereunder, any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding. Section 14. The members of the aforesaid emergency finance board when acting under this act shall receive from the commonwealth compensation to the same extent as provided under chapter three hundred and sixty-six of the acts of nineteen hundred and thirty-three, as amended, including chapter seventy-four of the acts of nineteen hundred and forty-five. Section 15. The provisions of sections sixteen to twenty-eight, inclusive, of chapter forty-four of the General Laws shall, so far as pertinent, apply to the regional vocational school district, but the provisions of said section sixteen relating to the countersigning of bonds and notes and the provisions of section twenty-four of said chapter forty-four relating to the countersigning and approval of notes and the certificates of the clerk relating thereto shallnot apply to said district. Section 16. If any provisions of this act, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstances, shall be held invalid, the remainder of said act and the application of such provisions to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby. Approved July 21, 1962. Chap. 704. An Act authorizing and directing the metropolitan-district commission to construct, enlarge and improve its recreational facilities. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. The metropolitan district commission is hereby authorized and directed to construct recreational facilities within the Acts, 1962. —Chap. 704. metropolitan parks district, and to enlarge and improve existing facilities, in such manner and at such locations as it may determine, and in a manner designed to serve all parts of the metropolitan parks district equally in proportion to the need; provided, that projects constructed as herein authorized shall not be subject to section thirty A of chapter seven of the General Laws; and provided, further, that said commission shall expend, from the proceeds of the bonds authorized to be issued under section four, not less than one hundred thousand dollars for re-sanding and cleaning, and making such repairs as may be necessary, including repairs to the seawall, at Revere beach in the city of Revere, not less than twenty-five thousand dollars for improvements at Savin Hill beach in the city of Boston, and not less than seven hundred thousand dollars for a swimming pool and skating rink at Franklin Field in the city of Boston. Section 2. The metropolitan district commission shall charge reasonable fees wherever feasible to cover costs of operation and maintenance of its facilities and may enter into leases or other agreements relating to the operation of its facilities with public or other bodies or individuals, upon such terms and conditions as it may deem just and expedient. The terms of such leases or agreements may include the right to charge fees as herein authorized, and full and complete information regarding any and all such leases and agreements and the operations resulting therefrom shall be a matter of public record and shall, at all times, be available upon reasonable request. Section 3. The metropolitan district commission, acting so far as may be in consultation with the proper local boards, may, on behalf of the commonwealth, take by eminent domain under chapter seventy-nine of the General Laws, in fee or otherwise, or acquire by purchase, gift or devise, such public or private lands, water rights, rights of way, easements or other interests in land as it may deem necessary or desirable for carrying out the provisions of this act; provided, that nothing in this act shall be construed to limit existing rights of any city or town in relation to water supply purposes, or in any way obstruct such rights. . Section 4. To meet the expenditures necessary in carrying out the construction and improvements authorized in section one of this act, the state treasurer shall, upon request of the governor and council, issue and sell at public or private sale bonds of the commonwealth, registered or with interest coupons attached, as he may deem best, to an amount to be specified by the governor and council from time to time, but not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of three million dollars. All bonds issued by the commonwealth as aforesaid shall be designated on their face, Metropolitan District Commission Recreational Loan, Act of 1962, and shall be on the serial payment plan for such maximum term of years, not exceeding twenty years, as the governor may recommend to the general court pursuant to section 3 of Article LXII of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, the maturities thereof to be so arranged that the amounts payable in the several years of the period of amortization other than the final year shall be as nearly equal as in the opinion of the state treasurer it is practicable to make them. Said bonds shall bear interest semi-annually at such rate as the state treasurer, with the approval of the governor, shall fix. The initial maturities of such bonds shall be payable not later than one year from the date of issue thereof, and the entire issue not later than June thirtieth, 552 Acts, 1962. —