Chap. 0318 An Act relative to expenditures for the care, maintenance and repair of tuberculosis hospitals in certain counties. Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would result in unnecessarily extending the period during which expenditures by certain counties for tuberculosis hospital purposes would be made without express authorization therefor by the general court, therefore this act is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: The trustees of the Bristol county tuberculosis hospital and the county commissioners of the other counties hereinafter specified are hereby authorized to expend for the year nineteen hundred and fifty-two the sums set forth in this act for the care, maintenance and repair of the county tuberculosis hospitals within their respective counties, and to assess the same in the manner set forth in section eighty-five of chapter one hundred and eleven of the General Laws, as amended. In case of extraordinary or unforeseen emergencies the director of accounts, at the request of said trustees or county commissioners, may authorize expenditures in excess of any particular item; provided, that another item or items of expenditure shall be reduced by an equivalent amount. Bristol County. Item 1. For administration: (a) Salaries....... $15,750 00 (6) Other expenses...... 2,500 00 2. For maintenance and operation: (a) Salaries and wages..... 182,400 00 (6) Other expenses...... 137,300 00 3. For additions and improvements (in excess of $1,000)....... 7,700 00 5. For contributory retirement system . . . 4,928 17 6. For interest....... 3,650 00 8. For unpaid bills of previous years . . . 400 00 For total expenditures.....$354,628 17 Essex County. Item 1. For administration: (a) Salaries .... (b) Other expenses . 2. For maintenance and operation: (a) Salaries and wages (b) Other expenses . 4. For other health services: (6) Clinics and other extra-mural 5. For contributory retirement system 6. For interest .... 8. For unpaid bills of previous years 9. For sewer assessment . 11. For non-contributory pensions For total expenditures . Middlesex County. Item 1. For administration: (a) Salaries .... (b) Other expenses . 2. For maintenance and operation: (a) Salaries and wages (b) Other expenses . 3. For additions and improvements $1,000) .... 5. For contributory retirement system 6. For interest .... 8. For unpaid bills of previous years $30,500 00 5,800 00 534,360 00 379,175 00 200 00 24,406 37 10,269 47 2,000 00 1,587 58 1,859 00 $990,157 42 $38,000 00 16,700 00 783,450 00 491,992 00 (in excess of 11,765 00 20,912 00 9,500 00 2,000 00 For total expenditures . $1,374,319 00 Norfolk County. Item 1. For administration: (a) Salaries....... $24,250 00 (6) Other expenses...... 4,500 00 2. For maintenance and operation: (a) Salaries and wages..... 440,000 00 (6) Other expenses...... 251,900 00 4. For other health services: (a) Preventorium...... 500 00 (b) Clinics and other extra-mural . . 6,000 00 5. For contributory retirement system . . 13,227 40 6. For interest....... 6,500 00 8. For unpaid bills of previous years . . 197 25 For total expenditures.....$747,074 65 Plymouth County. Item 1. For administration: (a) Salaries....... $30,465 00 (b) Other expenses...... 3.S00 00 2. For maintenance and operation: (a) Salaries and wages ..... 283,450 00 . (6) Other expenses..... 166,840 00 3. For additions and improvements (in excess of $1,000)....... 6,000 00 5. For contributory retirement system . 9,304 00 6. For interest....... 4,000 00 7. For serial loans (construction) .... 20,600 00 11. For non-contributory pensions .... 16,197 00 For total expenditures.....$540,656 00 Worcester County. Item 1. For administration: (a) Salaries....... $45,070 00 (6) Other expenses...... 6,000 00 2. For maintenance and operation: (a) Salaries and wages..... 402,785 00 (6) Other expenses..... 218,990 18 3. For additions and improvements (in excess of $1,000)....... 42,290 00 5. For contributory retirement system . . . 13,251 86 6. For interest........ 8,000 00 8. For unpaid bills of previous years ... 83 99 For total expenditures . $736,471 03 Approved May 16, 1952.