Chap. 0028 AN ACT FOR GRANTING A LOTTERY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ALTERING, MAKING AND REPAIRING CERTAIN ROADS IN THE TOWN OF GLOUCESTER IN THE COUNTY OF ESSEX. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that there be and hereby is granted a lottery or lotteries consisting of one or more class or classes, for raising the sum of two thousand Dollars, which shall be applied for the purpose of altering, making and repairing the public roads in the said town of Gloucester leading to Salem and Ipswich. And be it further enacted that Daniel Rogers esqr. William Pierson, Samuel Whittemore, James Hayes and John Rogers, or any three of them be, and they hereby are appointed Managers of the said lottery or lotteries, whose business and duty it shall be to concert and publish a scheme or schemes of such lottery or lotteries, and to advertize in some one of the News papers printed in Boston, a correct list of all prizes which may be drawn in any Class of such lottery or lotteries, within twenty days after the drawing thereof;-and they shall pay to each possessor of a prize ticket the full sum of such prize, within twenty days after such list is published, if demanded by the possessor; & if any such prize shall not be demanded within twelve months next after the publication of such list, it shall be deemed as generously given for the purposes aforesaid, and applied accordingly. And he it further enacted that the said Managers shall, before they enter on the business of their appointment, be sworn before some Magistrate, faithfully and impartially to execute the same ; and shall severally become bound with sufficient surety or sureties to the Treasurer of this Commonwealth, in the penal sum of two thousand Dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of their said trust. And he it further Enacted that the said Managers be, and they hereby are appointed Trustees for the due appropriation of the proceeds of such lottery or lotteries, according to the purpose of this Act - And the said Managers & Trustees shall render to the Treasurer of the Commonwealth a true account of their receipts and disbursements in the execution of their said trust. And he it further Enacted that this Act, so far as it respects the continuance of the said lottery or lotteries, shall be in force for the term of two years and no longer. Approved January 26, 1796.