Chap. 0090 An Act relating to the investments of savings banks. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 1. Jn addition to the investments authorized by section twenty of chapter one hundred and sixteen of the Public Statutes, savings banks and institutions for savings may invest their deposits and the income derived therefrom in the legally authorized bonds of the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, and of the District of Columbia, and in the legally authorized bonds for municipal purposes of any city of the aforesaid states and in the state of Xew York, which has at the date of such investment more than thirty thousand inhabitants, as established by the last national or state census, or city census, certified to by the city clerk or treasurer of said city and taken in the same manner as a national or state census, preceding such investment, and whose net indebtedness does not exceed five per cent, of the valuation of the taxable property therein, to be ascertained by the last preceding valuation of property therein for the assessment of taxes; and in the note or notes of any citizen of this Commonwealth, with a pledge as collateral of any of the aforesaid securities, the amount invested in such note or notes not to exceed in any case eighty per cent, of the market value of the securities pledged. Section 2. Chapter four hundred and twenty-three of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven is hereby repealed. Approved March 6, 18S8.