@Chap. 0076 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE PLANTATION CALLED ROYALSBOROUGH IN THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND INTO A TOWN BY THE NAME OF DURHAM. Be it enacted by the Senate & House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that all the lands of Royalsborough aforesaid, bounded as follows viz. Begining at the Westerly corner of a tract of Land called ProuCs Gore in the line of North Yarmouth, thence North West seven Miles adjoining said North Yarmouth, thence North East to Androscoggin river, thence South easterly by the middle of said river to the head line of Brunswick, thence South westerly adjoining the head line of Brunsioick & said Prout's Gore to the first mentioned bounds with the inhabitants thereon, be & hereby are incorporated into a town by the name of Durham & invested with all the powers, privileges & immunities that towns in this Commonwealth do or may by law enjoy. And be it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that Samuel Merrill Esqr. be & he is impowered & required to issue his warrant to some principal inhabitant of the said town of Durham, directing him to warn the inhabitants thereof to assemble at some convenient time & place in the said town, to choose all such officers as by law are to be chosen annually in the month of March or April. February 17, 1789*