Chap. 0019 AN ACT FOR THE FURTHER REGULATING THE ASSIZE OF BARREL BEEF AND PORK. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, that from and after the passing this Act, every barrel of Beef salted for sale or exportation, shall contain at the least, two hundred pounds weight of beef; and every half barrel, one hundred pounds weight of Beef, consisting of a due proportion of the best as well as the poorest part of each quarter respectively, without having any part culled out; to be packed in good sound full bound Casks : and from and after the first day of August next, every barrel and half barrel of Beef, so packed, shall be in white oak Casks, clear of sap, and full bound. And from and after the passing this Act, every barrel of Pork salted for sale or exportation, shall contain at the least two hundred pounds weight of Pork, and every half barrel one hundred pounds weight of Pork ; consisting of a due proportion of the best as well as the poorest part of each Hog, without having any part culled out; and each barrel containing not more than three half heads, and six legs, to be packed in good sound white oak full bound Casks : And from and after the first day of August next, every barrel of Pork so packed, shall be in white oak Casks, clear of sap and full bound. And the several Packers of salted beef and pork within this Commonwealth, are hereby directed to govern themselves accordingly, under the same penalties as are already in such cases by law provided.-And for the more effectually carrying into execution the provisions of this Act: It is further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that if any person shall, from and after the passing this Act, Offer for sale, or sell any Cask of salted beef or pork, not containing the quantity, and packed in the manner provided in this Act, he shall forfeit for every Cask of salted Beef or Pork he shall so offer for sale, the sum of three pounds, lawful money, to be recovered by action, information or indictment, in any Court proper to try the same, one moiety thereof, to the use of the person prosecuting for the same, and the other moiety, to the use of the poor of the Town, wherein the offence shall have been committed. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, t That an Act, intitled "An Act for altering a certain clause in an Act, intitled An Act regulating the exportation of Flax Seed, Pot Ash, Pearl Ash, Beef, Pork, Barreled Fish and dried Fish," made and passed in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, from and after the passing this Act, be, & hereby is repealed. November 14, 1787.