Chapter 169. AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTION OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF TAUNTON. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: SECTION 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, in the year nineteen hundred and ninety-five there shall be elected seven members to the planning board of the city of Taunton. The three candidates receiving the largest number of votes for planning board shall be elected for a term of three years; the two candidates receiving the next largest number of votes for a term of two years; and the two candidates receiving the next largest number of votes for a term of one year. At the annual election in nineteen hundred and ninety-six and every year thereafter, there shall be elected two members of said planning board for a term of three years, except that every third year thereafter three members shall be so elected. A vacancy on said planning board occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term shall be filled by appointment of the municipal council and the remainder of the members of said planning board until the next annual election, at which time such office shall be filled by election for the remainder of the unexpired term. SECTION 2. Upon the qualification of the members of the planning board elected under the provisions of section one, the terms of present members of said board shall expire. SECTION 3. This act shall be submitted to the voters of the city of Taunton at the city election to be held in the year nineteen hundred and ninety-three in the form of the following question, which shall be placed on the official ballot to be used for the election of city officers at said election: "Shall an act passed by the general court in the year nineteen hundred and ninety-three, entitled 'An Act providing for the election of the planning board in the city of Taunton', be accepted?". Chap. 169 If a majority of the votes cast in answer to said question is in the affirmative then this act shall take full effect, but not otherwise. SECTION 4. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved October 4, 1993.