Chap. 115. AN ACT FURTHER REGULATING THE REGIS- TRATION OF MOTORBOATS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section 2 of chapter 90B of the General Laws, as most recently amended by chapter 528 of the acts of 1972, is hereby further amended by striking out clauses 4 and 5 and inserting in place thereof the following two clauses:- (4) A motorboat numbered in accordance with a numbering system established by the secretary; provided, that the certificate of number or similar document awarding a number to such motorboat is in full force and effect; and provided, further, that such motorboat shall not have been within the commonwealth for a period of time in excess of sixty consecutive days. (5) A motorboat numbered in accordance with the numbering system of another state, which system has been approved by the secretary; provided, that the certificate of number or similar document awarding a number to such motorboat is in full force and effect; and provided, further, that such motorboat shall not have been within the commonwealth for a period of time in excess of sixty consecutive days. Approved June 1, 1982.