Chap. 0210 An Act in relation to the Renewal of Bank Charters and to Bank Commissioners. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows : Sect. 1. The several corporations hereinafter named, which, by their respective charters, have been heretofore incorporated and established at the several places named herein, be and the same arc hereby continued corporations, for the purposes of banking, until the first day of January, which shall be in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy, notwithstanding any limitation in their respective charters of incorporation to the contrary, viz.: The president, directors and company of the Traders Bank, in Boston; the president, directors and company of the Union Bank, in Boston ; the president, directors and company of the Worcester Bank, in Worcester; the president, directors and company of the Merchants Bank, in Salem; the president, directors and company of the Bank of Brighton, in Brighton j the president, directors and company of the Southbridgc Bank, in Southbridge ; the president, directors and company of the Beverly Bank, in Beverly ; the president, directors and company of the Oxford Bank, in Oxford ; the president, directors and company of the Powow lliver Bank, in Amesbury; the president, directors and company of the Honsatonic Bank, in Stockbridge ; the president, directors and company of the Merchants Bank, in Newburyport ; the president, directors and company of the Pawtncket Bank, in Pawtucket; the president, directors and company of the Hampden Bank, in Westfield; the president, directors and company of the Millbury Bank, in Millbury; the president, directors and company of the Adams Bank, in Adams ; the president, directors and company of the Appleton Bank, in Lowell. And the said corporations, respectively, shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges, and shall be subject to all the duties, liabilities, requirements and restrictions, contained in such acts as are now in force, and to such other acts as may hereafter be passed by the General Court, in relation to banks and banking. Sect. 2. The several corporations hereinafter named, which, by their respective charters, have been heretofore incorporated and established at the several places named herein, be and the same are hereby continued corporations, for the purposes of banking, until the first day of January, which shall be in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, notwithstanding any limitation in their respective charters of incorporation to the contrary, viz.: The president, directors and company of the Atlas Bank, in Boston ; the president, directors and company of the Suffolk Bank, in Boston ; the president, directors and company of the Market Bank, in Boston; the president, directors and company of the Mechanics Bank, iti Worcester ; the president, directors and company of the Quinsigamond Bank, in Worcester; the president, directors and company of the Concord Bank, in Concord ; the president, directors and company of the Merrimack Bank, in Haverhill; the president, directors and company of the Randolph Bank, in Randolph; the president, directors and company of the Mechanics Bank, in Newburyport; the president, directors and company of the Charles River Bank, in Cambridge; the president, directors and company of the Dorchester and Milton Bank, in Dorchester; the president, directors and company of the Ocean Bank, in Newburyport; the president, directors and company of the Mahaiwe Bank, in Great Barrington ; the president, directors and company of the Andover Bank, in Andover; the president, directors and company of the Cabot Bank, in Chicopee; the president, directors and company of the Machinists Bank, in Taunton. And the said corporations, respectively, shall be entitled to all the powers and privileges, and shall be subject to all the duties, liabilities, requirements and restrictions, contained in such acts as are now in force, and to such acts as may hereafter be passed by the General Court, in relation to banks and banking. Sect. 3. If there be, on the part of the stockholders, or any of them, any remonstrance against the continuance of any of the said corporations, the said remonstrance shall be made in writing, to the several cashiers of such banks, on or before the first day of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one ; and no one of the said corporations, whereof persons, so objecting, legally represent one fourth part of the capital stock, shall be entitled to the benefit of this act. Sect. 4. The bank commissioners shall exercise the same powers over those banks chartered in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and subsequent thereto, that they do over those whose charters expire in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. Sect. 5. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. [Approved by the Governor, April 16, 1850.]