Chap. 680. An Act authorizing the commissioner of probation TO APPOINT THREE SUPERVISORS OF COURT PROBATION SERVICES' AND CERTAIN CLERICAL ASSISTANTS. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Chapter 276 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting after 99B the following section: — Section 99C. The commissioner of probation shall appoint three supervisors of court probation services. The supervisors of court probation services shall be paid by the commonwealth the salary established in Group 11 of the Salary Schedule for Probation Officers as set forth in section ninety-nine B. Said positions shall not be subject to chapter thirty-one. Said supervisors of services shall, in addition to other duties imposed upon them by said commissioner, be responsible for the evaluation of the probation service in each court in the commonwealth, for the recruitment, training, educational development and evaluation of the work performance of probation officers. They shall initiate and develop volunteer programs in consultation with probation offices throughout the commonwealth and shall supervise and evaluate volunteer programs within the probation service. Said commissioner may appoint a chief administrative clerk and two senior clerk typists to assist the supervisors of services in the performance of their duties. Approved July 12,1972. 536 Acts, 1972. —