Chap. 607. 463 practical nurse and a graduate nurse who becomes a registered nurse may be paid an increased salary rate on account of such promotion, subject to approval by the county personnel board, and a person may receive an increased cash salary in lieu of maintenance formerly received, with like approval. Moneys appropriated under this act for the purchase of equipment shall be expended for the purposes specified in the schedules as approved by the joint committee on counties and for no other purpose. No moneys appropriated under this act shall be expended by county officers or employees for monthly telephone service furnished to such officers or employees at places other than regular county offices. Middlesex Cottnty. Item 1. For personal services.....................$2,060,375 36 2. For contractual services ................... 110,000 00 3. For supplies and materials....... 420,000 00 4. For current charges and obligations ......... 140,000 00 5. For equipment ........................... 70,927 30 8. For debt and interest...... .............. 50,000 00 10. For unpaid bills of previous years.......... 45,372 17 11. For reserve fund ......................... 50,000 00 12. For group insurance ..... ___ ........... 62,285 00 For total expenditures ..............$3,008,959 83 Approved August 4> 1969. Chap. 607. An Act relative to the pension payable by the city OF BOSTON TO MICHAEL J. DESISTO. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: , Section 1 of chapter 605 of the acts of 1962 is hereby amended by striking out the second to the fifth sentences, inclusive, and inserting in place thereof the following three sentences:—Such pension shall be equal to the annual rate of regular compensation which would have been payable to him had he continued in service in the grade held by him at the time of his retirement. Upon his death leaving Lillian F. DeSisto, his wife, surviving him, said city shall pay to her, so long as she remains unmarried, an annuity of three thousand dollars, increased by three hundred and twelve dollars for each child of said Michael J. DeSisto during such time as such child is under eighteen years of age, or over said age and physically or mentally incapacitated from earning. If said Lillian F. DeSisto remarries, said city shall pay, in lieu of the aforesaid annuity to her, an annuity of five hundred and twenty dollars to or for the benefit of each such child during such period. -¦'..' - ¦¦•¦'•:' Approved August •£, 1969.