Chap. 0030 An Act relative to the congregational society in the town of seekonk. Be it enacted, etc., as follows: Section three of chapter four of the acts of seventeen hundred and ninety-two, by which chapter certain persons were incorporated by the name of the Congregational Society in the First Precinct in the town of Rehoboth, as amended by chapter twenty-five of the acts of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, which changed the name of said society to the Congregational Society in the town of See-konk, and as amended by chapter two hundred and fifty-nine of the acts of nineteen hundred and three, is hereby further amended by striking out, in the seventeenth line, the words "twelve hundred" and inserting in place thereof the words: - three thousand, - so as to read as follows: - Section 3. And be it further enacted, that John Hunt, Nathaniel Titus, Elijah Kent, Asahel Carpenter and Eliphalet Slack, and such others as may be hereafter annually chosen by said society as trustees, shall be, and they are hereby empowered, by the name of the Trustees of the Congregational Society in the town of Seekonk, to take, hold, receive and manage all the estate and rights of property of every kind, both real and personal, which now do, or here- after may appertain and belong to the Congregational Society, or are legally appropriated to the use and support of a Congregational minister in the territory formerly comprised in the first precinct in Rehoboth, and also such other grants, appropriations and donations, real or personal, as have been or shall hereafter be made for the purposes aforesaid: provided, that the annual income of the whole shall never exceed three thousand dollars; and the trustees shall apply the rents, issues and profits, or so much thereof as the said society shall find necessary, for the support of a pious, learned, orthodox Congregational minister, residing and officiating in the work of the ministry in said territory. Approved February 10, 1930.